Nine Heavens

Chapter 2032 Xu Xiaoxian Palace

Qi Ai hides his figure, appears behind Zhou Wu, hides his figure again, and shoots strangely over the evil palace in the heaven.

Only then did he reveal his figure, stepping on the dark and evil clouds, dusty, as if he had just flown back from the distant universe, he fell straight to the bottom of the evil palace in the heaven.

At the same time, the sharp one-eyed shot out a pitch-black and cold light, and the rainbow was wandering around the evil palace in the heavens, trying to find something.


He was concentrating on looking down, and didn't pay much attention to his lower body, when he suddenly felt that his feet stepped on a layer of invisible five-color material things.

Because he fell extremely fast, like a heavy hammer hitting the ground, with a dull bang, his figure was bounced back into the sky again!

"Hey! How dare a lunatic outside the sky, dare to break into the evil palace of the heaven!"

Qi Ai Niao's body was in pain, and his face was stunned. Before he came back to his senses, he saw a giant man several feet tall suddenly appearing above the Heavenly Evil Palace. Huge axe, those with beards and eyes staring at each other ask to be sad!

"Yeah! His grandma's! What kind of bird are you from the evil palace of the heavens, and you can't even recognize me, Young Master Qi Neng Zhou Qi Ai?"

Qi Ai turned upside down for a while, and after she stabilized her figure, she asked angrily.

"My grandma's is not a bird, but a celestial demon! Below is Lu Yu, the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Evil Palace!

I see that you have a sharp-billed monkey cheek, and you are still one-eyed. At first glance, you look like a stinky bird! "

Claiming to be the gatekeeper of the Heavenly Gate of the Heavenly Evil Palace, Lu Yu, kicking a pitch-black dragon-headed bird under his feet! It swayed up for a while, and stood in front of Qi Ai like a mountain, imitating Qi Ai's tone and howling.

"Hmph! Since you are a gatekeeper, why don't you hurry up and open the gate of heaven for you, Young Master Zhou, who is capable of seeing you evil kings of the heavens right away!"

Qi Ai thought that his status was so noble, and he was offering treasures for Xu Xiao, so he didn't take this tall Lu Yu seriously, and snorted coldly.

"Fuck! Which young master of the universe are you! Why do you look so ugly! You are still a young master, you don't even look like a dead pig in the world!"

This Lu Yu, bent over, looked Qi Ai back and forth several times, mumbling incessantly:

"Oh my god, why is there such an ugly person!"

Then he took a mouthful towards Qi Ai. The National People's Congress also spit heavily, and Qi Ai felt like a waterfall, and a burst of water poured towards him.

"Oh! Your saliva is disgusting!"

Qi Ai roared angrily. At the same time, he kept shaking off the spittle of Killing Feather on his body.

"Huh? Get out! If you don't get out again, the goalkeeper will kill you!"

When Kill Yu heard the words, the other party actually said that his saliva was disgusting, he was furious and roared.

"Hmph! It's really shameless to toast and not eat fine wine! How dare a janitor be so arrogant!"

Qi Ai muttered in his mouth, and suddenly called out the death tower, and then he was about to activate the evil death kung fu against Kill Yu.

"Ha ha……"

"Kill Yu!? What happened? There was a lot of noise at the Heavenly Gate, and I couldn't even practice quietly!"

At this moment, Xu Xiao, who was said to be practicing in seclusion, suddenly appeared from the sky above the evil palace in the heavenly realm, and said with a big laugh while floating above.

"Responding to the words of Lord Zhong Shixie, a crazy bird came out of nowhere and insisted on entering the evil palace in the heaven to meet Lord Xie. I'm sending him away!"

When Lu Yu heard the voice of the evil king of the heavens, he quickly stood aside, bowed and saluted, and replied with a buzzing sound.

"Oh! Isn't this the Young Master Qi Ai? He is Hou Yi, the direct descendant of the legendary Three Dark Dynasties Qi Neng Zhou imperial family! All visitors are guests! Hurry up and open the gate of heaven to welcome the distinguished guests into the palace!"

Xu Xiao's eyes flashed towards Qi Ai, her eyes suddenly lit up, she immediately shouted hypocritically, and then ordered Kill Yudao.

"Evil Monarch! He is an evil creature from the Dark Universe!"

Killing Feather and the people from the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms of the Heavenly Evil Palace still don't know Xu Xiao's true face, and still think that Xu Xiao is the real Zhong Sheng back then, so they have always regarded themselves as righteous fairy gods, pretending to be evil gods, so I remind them Xu Xiao.

"Ha ha……"

Xu Xiao didn't say anything, but when he turned around, he gave Lu Yu a hint of a beheading action. When Lu Yu saw it, he immediately understood Cheng Xuxiao's intention to lure the enemy into the palace and then kill him.

So he silently nodded and cooperated, and waved the sky-splitting ax casually in his hand. Immediately, two huge Chaotian gates of 100,000 appeared in the sky above the evil palace in the heaven, and they separated with a bang.

Xu Xiao personally leads the way for Qi Ai, and floats down.

Seeing the situation, Qi Ai had no choice but to stare at Lu Yu alone, cursed a few words, and fell towards the door even though he still had some energy left in his heart.

After a while, the door closed, and everything returned to normal.

Although Lu Yu was not inside the door, he was also hidden in the mist outside the door.

The Great Hall of the Heavenly Evil Palace.

Xu Xiao did not sit on the high palace seat, but sat opposite His Highness Qi Ai, the hall was filled with fairy dances, fairy sounds lingering, and the strange fragrance Xiaoxiao.

The two young masters of darkness came and went, cupping and drinking alternately, while admiring the fairy dance, while sharing delicious food and wine, they looked very happy.

"Evil Monarch! Fortunately, Qi Ai fulfilled her mission this time, and went well..."

"Hey? Today, you and I, the young master of the ancient spirit universe, just want to be happy, and don't talk about those annoying things! Come! Drink! Haha..."

After drinking immortal wine for many days in a row, Xu Xiao never mentioned the time of the time boat, which made Qi Ai, who originally planned to use the time boat to talk about things, lose ground.

I don't know how to think of Xu Xiao to announce the good news once, but Xu Xiao interrupted it. This made Qi Ai almost have an illusion that the other party didn't need a time boat at all.

"Thank you, Xie Jun, for your kind hospitality, but! You don't get rewarded for nothing! This fairy wine makes Qi Ai feel ashamed to drink it!"

Qi Ai's single eyes flickered with conjecture, and said tentatively.

"Ha ha……"

"Brother Qi Ai! You and I are both the surviving young masters of the dark universe. Not only have we survived unscathed, but we also have our own turbulent dark forces. With these alone, we are not happy enough, let's celebrate together !

I, Xuxiao, have always been a demon of nostalgia. Thinking about the age of the ancient spirits in the dark three universes, although we are still in the breeding of devil eggs, we have also witnessed that our ancestors have coexisted and prospered together!

The ancestors of the ancient spirits can still coexist in unity, and now we are all submerged in the universe, so it is even more necessary.

After much deliberation, Ben Xiejun finally realized that if our Dark Three Universes wants to last forever in the Life Universe, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the independent power of our three remaining young masters. The only way out is our alliance!

So this evil lord decided, for the future cause of our restoration of the Dark Three Universes, to take the initiative to hand over everything in the Heavenly Evil Palace, including everything in the Heavenly Upper Palace and the Dark Palace, to Brother Qi Ai.

From now on, Xu Xiao obeys brother Qi Ai's command and dispatch, saddles and horses, and for the future of the Dark Three Universes, she will die without hesitation!

In order to show Xu Xiao's sincerity, Xu Xiao has already prepared the only palace talisman of the evil palace in the heaven, and this is dedicated to Brother Qi Ai! Brother Qi Ai, for the sake of the dark universe and the future, I hope to accept it! Please paint the mourning brother's world palace talisman! "

Qi Ai kept thinking about what the hell Xu Xiao was up to, but she didn't expect him to come out like this suddenly.

Seeing the other party holding the palace talisman in both hands, Qi Ai crawled forward, Qi Ai was completely unprepared, and was extremely embarrassed for a moment, not knowing what to do.

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