Nine Heavens

Chapter 2033 Shenzhou Acquired

"This, this... Evil Monarch! Quickly please, how can this be done!"

After a short period of embarrassment, Qi Ai looked at the gleaming fish-shaped talisman, and was immediately elated, wishing to snatch it in his hand immediately.

However, reason told him that he couldn't take it. The other party was testing whether he was sincerely seeking refuge or had other plans, so he said with a trembling voice.

"No! Xu Xiao has made up her mind, today Qi Ai will not accept the palace symbol, the evil palace of heaven, Xu Xiao swears not to get up!"

Xu Xiao was impassioned, her words were earnest, the more she spoke, the more emotional she became, and she lowered her head and held up the palace amulet, forcing Qi Ai to think about it!

"This, that..."

Qi Ai was at a loss, squeaked, speechless.


Qi Ai was going to help Xu Xiao up, but when he couldn't help the target, the palace talisman held high in Xu Xiao's hand made a green sound and fell into Qi Ai's hands.

"Thank you, Lord Qi Ai, for your fulfillment, and please invite Lord Qi to enter the Holy Throne of the Evil Palace!"

After Qi Ai caught the talisman of the evil palace in the heaven realm, Xu Xiao was overjoyed, got up and supported Qi Ai, and flew up to the palace seat in the palace, then fell down by herself, knelt down on the ground, and shouted:

"My Lord Qi Ai Gong, please accept the bow of General Xu Xiao. Xu Xiao swears that she will devote herself to cultivating magical skills and help Lord Qi Ai Gong to subvert the universe, and the power of Qi Ai will dominate the sky!"

Xu Xiao saw Qi Ai tremblingly seated on her former palace seat, and swore loudly.

"This Heavenly Evil Palace really belongs to me!?"

Qi Ai caressed the Demon King's Holy Seat that he had never sat on left and right, and said to himself in disbelief.

"Hui Qi Ai Gongjun's words, it is more than just the evil palace of the heavens. From now on, the forces of the eight realms of heaven and demons in the upper palace of the heavens, and the forces of the dark demons in the dark palace of the heavens are all yours. In the future, destroy the Langyuan fairy gate and subdue the dead son After that, the entire universe will be yours!"

Xu Xiao's words became more and more polite the more he said them, and they really had the taste of being humbled by a courtier.

Although it is true that Qi Ai is the young master of Qi Neng Zhou in the Three Dark Universes, he has been lurking under His Royal Highness Death, and has never experienced the feeling of superiority.

Therefore, he was suddenly respected, coupled with the vain and bottomless compliments, and immediately drifted away. However, the short-term embarrassment and discomfort soon became self-satisfied.

"Since Xu Xiao is so sincere, if Qi Ai refuses to accept it, it will appear too hypocritical!

good! As you said, in the future, we, the three dark universes, will unite together to deal with the positive spirit forces of the living universe, so that the situation of the living universe will change, and our dark forces will gradually cover the sky! "

Qi Ai imitated the tone of Ouyang Langlong, son of death, and spoke generously.

"Yes! I don't know if Lord Qi Ai is interested at this moment, led by Infinity, go to the Heavenly Dark Palace to take a look at the magic platform, and see the vain army of our Heavenly Dark Palace?"

Xu Xiao heard Qi mourning words in the hall, nodded deeply, and then proposed.


How could Qi Ai refuse such a good thing, he and Zhou Wu were thinking about how to find the dark forces of His Highness, but they didn't expect the other party to be so stupid, donating the fairy palace and the magic army!

Therefore, while Qi Ai was happy, he let out a sigh of joy.

"Hmm! Brother Xu Xiao is really sincere for the future of the Dark Three Universes. That's okay, since this Heavenly Palace Monarch accepts the good intentions of the younger brother to abdicate, naturally he can't live up to your expectations.

My lord is not yet familiar with everything about the Heavenly Evil Palace, and I have Brother Lao to lead the way. "

At this moment, Qi Ai has already entered the role of the evil king of the heavenly palace, and changed her name to Xu Xiao as Xiandi Dao.

"Thank you for your love, Mr. Gong! Please follow Xu Xiao!"

As expected, Xu Xiao was loyal, and did not avoid Qi Ai's gaze at all. He stretched out his middle finger and two fingers, and pointed towards the steps of the palace. After two jet-black rainbows shot to the ground, His Highness immediately revealed a huge black hole.

Inside the black hole, the thick, dark, evil-smoky monster rainbow entangles the spiraling steps down, which is where the dark evil energy gathers at first glance.

"Qi Ai Palace, please!"

After Xu Xiao opened the door of the Dark Palace in the Heaven Realm, she quietly stepped aside, meaning to let Qi Ai go first.

However, after Qi Ai's single-eyed Hong Hong glanced at the pitch-black hole for a while, he said with a smile:


"It's the first time I entered the Dark Palace of Heaven, so brother Xu Xiao should lead the way?"

Xu Xiao heard the words, nodded with a smile, and said:

"Thanks to the love of Gongjun Qi Ai! Xu Xiao can't ask for it, so Xu Xiao will first explore the way for Gongjun Qi Ai, please, Gongjun!"

Xu Xiao didn't refuse, she floated into the black hole and greeted Qi Ai.

Qi Ai thought to himself, behind him, there is a palace talisman that can escape from the dark palace of the heavens at any time, so what can he do if he is afraid! Therefore, he no longer hesitated, and floated behind Xu Xiao.

Several hours later, the two dark demons came out happily.

Qi Ai floated and sat on the high palace seat very naturally, while Xu Xiao stood respectfully at His Highness.


"Brother Xu Xiao, sit down and talk quickly, the power of the evil palace in the heaven realm is so powerful, but the power of the heavenly devil and eight realms in the upper palace of the heaven realm has already amazed me.

But I didn't expect there to be such a frightening virtual army of dark magic in the dark palace of the heavens! This really opened my eyes!

With such a power of evil palaces in the heavens, why worry about the great cause of restoring our dark universe! Quack..."

Qi Ai was obviously very satisfied with the Tianjie Dark Palace and his party, he couldn't stop laughing and sighed.


But just when Qi Ai was laughing, Xu Xiao suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Huh? Brother Xuxiao, why are you sighing?"

Qi Ai asked in surprise.

Xu Xiao's face was full of solemnity, he couldn't help shaking his head, hesitant to speak repeatedly.

"Brother Xu Xiao, you and I have a heart-to-heart relationship, we can talk about everything, now that no one in our family has any privacy at all, is there anything worrying about us that we didn't talk about just now?"

Qi Ai has completely regarded Xu Xiao as a brother now, leaning over and asking with concern.

"Xu Xiao just wants to leave all the benefits to the palace lord, but there is a good fortune in everything, isn't it! Although the celestial dark palace that the palace lord saw just now is vast and boundless, but right now it is just in name only!"

After hearing Qi Ai's sincere inquiry, Xu Xiao finally bowed her head and spoke out after hesitating again and again.

"Why is this? Just now I saw that their various dark gods are full of power, and their strength is all over the universe. How can Brother Xuxiao say that they are in name only!"

Qi Ai asked suspiciously.

"To tell you the truth, Lord Qi Ai, these Void Demonic Army were originally the ancient spirit army that had not been sealed during the ancient spirit jihad!

After I germinated, I brought them here, and they have been in a sealed state! The only way to wake them up is for Xu Xiao to successfully practice the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art, but Xu Xiao is incompetent, alas! "

When Xu Xiao said this, she lowered her head heavily, with an expression of infinite pain and self-reproach.

"Ah! So that's what happened, Brother Xu Xiao, don't be sad! Didn't you say that you can practice with the time boat.

This time, my lord went to Yunzhou Dongtai Yaodi and his party, and they have successfully captured the time boat and returned. Quack... This is for you, you can rest assured to practice! "

After Qi Ai figured out the meaning of Xu Xiao's tormented expression, she said too quickly. At the same time, he called out the time boat in the death tower without hesitation, and pushed it towards His Highness Xu Xiao in a flash.

"Thank you, Lord Qi Ai!"

Xu Xiao saw the shining silver boat of time flying towards her, quickly grasped it in her hands, bowed her head and knelt down to thank her!

"Hey! Brother Xuxiao, why is this so? You donated the entire Heavenly Evil Palace to my lord. My lord has not yet thanked me, so what is a small righteous spirit fairy boat!"

Qi Ai didn't expect the other party to be so excited, she floated down, helped Xu Xiao up, and said emotionally.

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