Nine Heavens

Chapter 2034

"Gong Jun is well! The time boat is in hand now, Xu Xiao doesn't want to delay it, so I will go to practice the magic of time!"

Xu Xiao tightly held the time boat that had shrunk to a size of more than a foot, afraid of losing it, while being supported by Qi Ai, she jumped up and shot out of the evil palace in the heavenly realm.

When he said this, he was already in the sky above the Heavenly Evil Palace.

"Brother Xu Xiao, why should you be so anxious, I still have a lot of things to ask about the evil palaces in the heavens!"

Qi Ai was still maintaining the posture of supporting Xu Xiao, looking up at the sky outside the palace and shouting.

"Haha... The Evil Palace of the Heaven Realm already belongs to the Palace Lord, how to judge the Evil Palace of the Heaven Realm depends entirely on the Palace Lord's preference!

As long as Xu Xiao concentrates on cultivating the Ten Fangzhong Divine Art, she will succeed in practicing the Divine Art in the future, and she will be able to serve the palace lord! "

In the sky above the evil palace in the heaven, Xu Xiao's infinitely satisfied laughter came.

"This... is also good! Respectfully wish brother Xu Xiao achieve his magical skills as soon as possible! My lord will not bother you anymore!"

When Qi Ai heard the words of the other party's infatuation, she no longer forced herself to speak.

"Qi Ai! Remember, Xu Xiao is full of tricks, don't give him the real time boat, otherwise once he succeeds in cultivating the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art, you and I must be the first to die!"

Qi Ai watched Xu Xiao flying away with the time boat in her hands, and then floated back to the throne of the evil palace in the heavenly world, and couldn't help but feel elated.

"Haha... I will be sad for all of this from now on! Haha... let's dance!"

Qi Ai sat on the lord of the evil palace in the heavenly world, and couldn't help but become overjoyed. She raised her finger to avoid the trembling fairies on the left and right, and shouted with a smile.

Thank you Gong'e Fairy, although she could see clearly that the Heavenly Evil Palace suddenly changed hands, she didn't dare to resist, and immediately danced and danced again.

Qi Ai tasted immortal wine, watched beauties, and was intoxicated for a while.

However, at this moment, Zhou Wu's magical thoughts were suddenly heard in his ears.

Hearing this, Qi Ai felt a sudden burst of pain in his heart, remembering that he had done something stupid and forgot to give false time to the boat!

"Hiss! This?"

Qi Ai stood up suddenly, her scalp was numb, her heart flustered, she regretted not listening to Zhou Wu's reminder, and hastily handed the time boat to Xu Xiao, sighing in shock.

But when he saw the heavenly evil palace talisman in his hand, his flustered mood gradually calmed down.

"It doesn't matter! Now that the Heavenly Evil Palace is in the hands of my lord, even if he succeeds in cultivating the Four Emperors' Boat Divine Art, it will be nothing! No matter how powerful he is, he is just a bare-bones force, and I must not do anything to my lord!"

Thank you Zhou Wu for reminding, Qi Ai is so confused, give him the real time boat! He thinks beautifully!

Zhou Wu is at ease! Mr. Ben Gong naturally knows how to measure it! "

Qi Ai also used the magic sound transmission technique, and replied.

"My lord!?"

As soon as Qi Ai finished speaking, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind roaring all over his body, and then an old woman in a pitch-black witch robe with a wrinkled face appeared opposite him.

The witch stared at the icy black eyes, glanced around for a while, and then asked coldly and gloomyly:

"What about him, Xu Xiao!?"

"He, he went to practice magic skills!"

Qi Ai suddenly saw Zhou Wu appearing in front of her, looking into her eyes, not daring to lie, and kept silent.

"Hmph! You're going to practice the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art, aren't you!?"

Zhou Wu shot a sinister and evil light in his eyes, and asked Qi mourning viciously.

"You, how do you know?"

Seeing that Qi Ai couldn't hide anymore, she asked.

"Hmph! You don't even have to think about it. If you don't donate your time boat, how could you sit on the devil's seat in the evil palace of the heavens! Sad! You've been fooled by Xu Xiao!

You thought he would really kindly hand over the Heavenly Evil Palace to you! No! Never will!

Right now, he has indeed given you the Heavenly Evil Palace. With the Heavenly Evil Palace Talisman in your hand, you can mobilize all the heavenly evil forces!

But what's the use of this! Once he passes the test, everything he gave you can be taken back in an instant! And we are either his puppets or his servants! "

Zhou Wu's eyes were fierce, and he stared at Qi Ai's single eye with hatred.

"Zhou Wu! Isn't that too serious! It's true that he has cultivated ten square bells, so why don't we just sit and wait for death!

We now control the forces of the upper palace and the dark palace of the entire heavenly evil palace. Before he leaves the customs, we will do our best to turn these forces into our own!

In this way, after he leaves the customs, no matter how powerful he is, I don't believe that I can't deal with him! Isn't Zhou Wu a little too careful!

Don't be a fool if you don't grasp the favorable overall situation, but you are afraid of abandoning the palace! "

When Qi Ai heard this, Zhou Wu had already guessed what he was doing, so he no longer concealed the fact that he had handed over the time boat, and put forward his own strategy of being slow-witted.

"It's not bad if we can do this, I'm afraid we don't have such a chance at all!

Since Xu Xiao intends to deceive you, she must have set up many obstacles. It is impossible for you to control the power of the Heavenly Upper Palace and the Heavenly Dark Palace.

If the witch of this universe guessed correctly, Xu Xiao must have taken you to visit the forces of the Dark Palace in the Heaven Realm, right? "

Zhou Wu, who has experienced many battles, knows better about Xu Xiao's deception, and said angrily.


"Isn't Zhou Wu training the army of the Heavenly Evil Palace in the Eight Realms of the Heavenly Demon? Could it be that Zhou Wu can't control them with his strength?"

Qi Ai didn't know what Zhou Wu meant, so he asked.

"You are still too naive, you think that training the army of the Eight Demons in the Heaven Realm is tantamount to controlling them!

No! no no! The energy core of their demon elves is always directed towards Xu Xiao's Xu Quan Zhou Xin! This point, no matter how we practice, cannot be changed!

Unless we attack the evil spirit of emptiness in their bodies, they will still get rid of Xuxiao's control.

However, in that way, the army of the Heavenly Demon Eight Realms will quickly restore the human essence of the people created by the ancient spiritual life, Zhou Nuwa Empress. Still our opponent.

From this point of view, no matter what we do, in essence, we cannot really control the power of the upper palace of the evil palace in the heaven world! "

Zhou Wuzan shook his head and sighed.

"Speaking of it, what is Zhou Wu's intention? Could it be that my lord made a mistake for a while, and there is no room for change!"

Qi Ai savored Zhou Wu's words, and had to agree, sighing.

"Not necessarily, Xu Xiao will never be very successful in cultivating the Ten Fangzhong Divine Art. During the process of cultivation, we can secretly disclose the news of Shiguangzhou's presence here to the Langyuan Xianmen.

Let the people who hide in the mysterious overlapping universe dispatch the people of Langyuan Xianmen to seize the time boat. In this way, not only do we have some information about the overlapping universe, but we will also prevent Xu Xiao from practicing the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art in a disguised form! "

Zhou Wu mentioned a strategy of defeating the enemy with the enemy to deal with Xu Xiao.

"This method is indeed good, but now the mystery of Langyuan Xianmen, and the overlapping Zhoujun is even more confusing. Even if we have our intentions, we may not succeed!"

Paint lamented.

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