Nine Heavens

Chapter 2035 think of the dead bell

"Now we can only do what we can. On the one hand, we will always pay attention to Xu Xiao's progress in cultivating the Ten Directions Divine Art, and on the other hand, we will be ready to sweep away the evil palaces in the heavens at any time!"

Evil mist was bubbling all over Zhou Wu's body. On his wrinkled and pale face, there were dark pupils, and he looked outside the evil palace in the heaven and said.

"Does this have something to do with overlapping Zhou Jun?"

Qi mourned.

"Of course there is! Xu Xiao's practice of Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art, his purpose is not just to deal with you and Mr. Death, it's as simple as wandering into the Immortal Gate, he wants to destroy the entire universe and recreate everything in the new universe!

In other words, when he completes the ten-square clock magic skill, it is the day when we and everything in the universe will perish.

However, before everything dies, with his arrogant and arrogant nature, he will definitely use the time of the ten square clocks to find the one that overlaps the entrance of Zhou Jun.

Not only does he want to slander Lang Yuan Zhou Jun Supreme, he will also come to mock Death Lord and you, and he will do it later.

This possibility is very great, and our only chance to defeat him is this possibility!

When he was insane, take back the time boat again, use the time boat to escape from the universe, and avoid his destruction of everything! "

"This kind of hope is too slim! If Xu Xiao's magical skills are successful and he directly destroys Shengzhou, wouldn't everything be miscalculated, and this adventure is really unreliable!

Ben Gongjun thought of a way to restrain him in anxiety! Mr. Ben Gong thinks that it is better to use his thoughts to prevent him from successfully practicing the Shifangzhong Divine Art!

If he fails to achieve supernatural powers, he will not be able to become the master of the living universe. In that case, the three forces of our dark universe will always stand on top of each other, and no one can devour the other! "

"you mean?"

"The real lord of the evil palace in the heavenly world, Zhong Shi, who is confined to the sea of ​​ice! The best way to restrain Xu Xiao is to find his nemesis, the original owner of Shifang Zhong!"

"That's okay!? The real Zhong Xing is the ancient spirit of Shengzhou. Once we rescue him from the frozen sea and return him to freedom, Xu Xiao may be frustrated, but wouldn't he become our bigger brother?" The Enemy of Life!"

"This Zhou Wu is too worried. Zhong Zhan is now defeated by the body of the fairy god. Only the fairy spirit is terrifying! We can use the magic spell to distract the four waves in my death tower. Xiaoxian's fairy essence was also implanted in his soul gate.

Let him be confused with his primordial spirit, let him be manipulated by us, and be our fairy puppet! "

"Well! Don't say it, this idea can be considered, but! Can you ensure that after their fairy spirits are mixed, they will definitely be confused?"

"It's not enough to rely on the strength of my lord alone, but there is also Zhou Wu. With Zhou Wu's black universe obsession technique and my method of obsessing spirits, no matter how strong the will is, the spirit of immortal gods can You will lose yourself!"

"Alright! Since that's the case, there's no need to delay. Let's go to the Sea of ​​Confinement. Do you know where the Sea of ​​Confinement is?"

"Of course I know, Xu Xiao thought that with the time boat, everything would be fine, so she gave me the celestial evil palace talisman without caring.

From the information of the celestial evil palace talisman, we can easily sense the location of the frozen sea.

However, Zhou Wu is here, those heavenly devils and eight-world armies in the upper palace of the heavenly evil palace? "

"It's okay, I've already told the eight evil emperors of the Eight Demon Realms to cultivate in different realms. We don't have to pay attention to them, just do our business."

"Okay, let's rescue the real Zhong Zhan and return to the palace first, and then use the technique of fascination and death to make him mess up!"


Zhou Wu and Qi Ai argued for a while, finally reached an agreement, then nodded to each other, and disappeared into the heavenly evil palace in the next second.

Before disappearing, Zhou Wu unceremoniously swept away Gong'e, who was still singing and dancing in the Heavenly Evil Palace, waving a pitch-black magic wand in an instant, turning them all into smoke.

Enclosed ice sea coast.

Suddenly, two strange shadows fell down, one was pale and the other was pitch black.

They stood upright in the vortex of howling cold wind, with hideous and terrifying expressions all over their faces.

They have one thing in common, that is, their faces are all pale, bloodless.

From a distance, if you don't look at their bodies, they are just two pale pieces of paper, floating in the swirl of cold wind.

On these two pale pieces of paper, their eyes protrude incongruously. One is a single dark eye, which is big, exaggerated, and vivid.

One has a pair of black pupils, the eyes are like black holes, the kind that feels like falling into a cliff at a glance.

Two phantoms, three protruding eyes, shooting out three jet-black rainbows, staring into the depths of the vast sea of ​​ice and turbulent ice waves, waiting for an ancient time that they don't want to see but must see Lingzheng Lingxian God.

"Boom! Aww——"

From the depths of the ice-bound sea where the ice waves roared, suddenly a giant surged out, flying the tops of the icebergs above the ice-enclosed sea into the air, roaring.

"Oh haha! Why did you change the two little dark demons this time, and you also want to capture the evil spirit of the heavenly world, can you do it!?"

Huge monster, the gigantic unicorn rose out of most of the frozen sea, roaring to the shore of the frozen sea, it was small to him, Qi Ai and Zhou Wu said with a sarcasm.

"Oh! This is the life and death of the God of War, which was rumored in the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits! Hahaha... When I saw it today, it really is majestic in battle, with outstanding immortal power! Admire! Admire!"

Zhou Wu felt the infinitely cold hurricane vortex rushing towards his face in an instant in the frozen sea, and his figure couldn't help but swayed for a while. After stabilizing, he secretly sighed in his heart about the strength of the other party, and then smiled evilly.

"That's right, it's you, Grandpa Zhong Death, the number one evil god in the Eternal Sky Realm who gave birth to you. What are you! What's your name?"

From the dark magic sun held in the opponent's palm and the black magic wand hovering around him, Zhong Sheng recognized at a glance that the opponent was Zhou Wu, the magic wisdom and dark god of the dark three universes, but he asked this on purpose.

"How brave is Zhong Xing, how could he remember me, the surviving Zhou Wu of the Dark Three Universes! However, this is not important, what is important is that this Zhou Wu and Qi Neng Zhou's young master Qi Ai is not enough to give you Zhong Xing's freedom today!"

Zhou Wu didn't care about the other party's rudeness, and told the purpose of coming here straight to the point.

"Oh haha……"

"Ben Zhongsheng heard it right! One day there will be monsters from the universe who will come to help me out of trouble!?"

Hearing Zhou Wu's words, Zhong Xing let out bursts of howls, because his body was trembling, and countless lightning and cold chains were pulled around his body, thunder and lightning flashed, bursts of roars and thunder rainbows in the sky.


Seeing Zhong Zhan's majestic and terrifying unicorn giant, who still doesn't know how many bodies are under the sea of ​​ice, he couldn't help but regret his proposal a little bit, and looked at the terrifying Zhong Zhan in amazement, a little at a loss!

"Yeah...of course it wasn't out of good intentions! To tell the truth, this Zhou Wu is the same as Xu Xiao, who wants to destroy everything in Shengzhou when he sees it!

But at this time, at that time, now the witches of this universe need you to be free, and we are here today to give you freedom! "

Zhou Wu couldn't hide his impure purpose, so he didn't want to hide it at all.

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