Nine Heavens

Chapter 2036

"You want to use me to die, I am! You are dreaming!"


How could Zhong Death not have thought of the other party's sinister intentions, so he flew into a rage, opened his huge mouth, moved his giant arms restrained by lightning and cold chains, spewed a huge wave to the sky towards the coast of the frozen ice sea, and cursed at the same time.

Zhou Wu and Qi Ai had no choice but to use the power of demons, one sacrificed the tower of death, and the other rotated the pitch-black magic sun, forming a huge black ball of magic gang around the body, stabilizing the figure.

After waves of cold ice swept across the two pitch-black demon gangs and returned to the sea of ​​ice, Zhou Wu continued:

"Don't Zhong Zhi want to be free, and be imprisoned by Xu Xiao forever like this in the future!?"

"Is this any different from being used by you? I, Zhong Death, am free here, but I have become your puppet again, isn't it!"

Zhong Sheng, the number one evil god in the heavens, said without the slightest interest in the other party's appearance.

"Of course there is a difference! If you, Zhong Xing, are imprisoned here, there is no possibility other than being killed by Xu Xiao sooner or later.

But if you accept one of our bets, you may be completely free, and at worst get out of here! "

Zhou Wu said in a voice full of temptation, and at this time she turned into the appearance of Ouyang Lang Longniang, the son of death.

"Gambling!? How to bet?"

Hearing this, Zhong Sheng stopped the movement of baring his teeth and waving his claws immediately, staring at the tiny Zhou Wu and Qi Ai on the shore of the frozen sea thousands of miles away, and asked.

"You accept us to perform the obsession spell on your energy, and then we destroy the death cold lightning chain for you, so that you can be free!

However, we will give you 10,000 years to stop activating the Dafa of Fascination, and we will give you time to prevent Xu Xiao from cultivating the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art!

After you have done this for us, we will use the spirit and death technique to manipulate you!

During this process, you and I are all betting, if we lose, you will not only defeat Xu Xiao, but also resist the control of our spirit and undead Dafa demon power!

If you lose, you will be completely reduced to our fairy puppet, and we will use you to deal with all the forces in the universe that we want to deal with in the future! "

Zhou Wu explained in this way with a shrill voice and a pretentious gesture.

"Hiss! Listening to what you said, is it possible for me, Zhong Sheng, to regain my freedom?"

Zhong Sheng, the number one evil god in the heavens, was a little tempted. While talking to himself, he fell into short thoughts.

Seeing that Zhong Xing was tempted, Zhou Wu and Qi Ai looked at each other, showing strange smiles, and fell silent for a while.

"I don't know if Zhong Xing dares to take a risk!?"

After a while, Zhou Wu suddenly looked very at ease, holding the dark magic sun in his slender palm, looking at Pang Ran Zhongshi charmingly, and asked softly.

The reason she did this was that she believed that Zhong Zhan was the spirit of the righteous spirit after all, and the body of the son of death she had seized was also the body of the living universe. Showing it to the other party in such a posture would make it easy for the other party to recognize her.

Of course, this is the idea of ​​her dark magic wisdom, in fact it is useless.

The following words of Zhong Sheng are proof:

"Hmph! You witch is really shameless! You think that taking away a living body is the essence of life! Damn! I think your face that makes me sick is more suitable for you!

No matter! You are right! If I don't accept your bet, I, Zhong Shi Eternal, will not be able to escape from this confined sea of ​​ice!

I accept your bet! Stop talking nonsense, if you have any poisonous tricks, use them together! But I hope that what you said about asking me to interfere with Xu Xiao's cultivation of Shifang Zhong Divine Art is true! "

The reason why Zhong Sheng took the risk to agree to the other party in the end was that what really touched him was not his freedom, but hearing that Xu Xiao was actually cultivating his own immortal treasure, Shi Fang Zhong.

What does this mean? It means that he has found the time boat, and his ten square clocks and ten fairy attendants will find the time boat one after another, and they will all go to heaven.

No! He must not let the eight ten Fangzheng Lingzhong servants who are now unknown to the immortals be controlled by him in a daze! You must prevent this from happening.

Otherwise, once Zhengling Shifang Zhongshi goes astray, life will really be over...

Zhong Xing thought a lot, a lot, before making a decision.

"Zhong Sheng is Zhong Sheng. Although he has been tortured for countless epochs, he still retains the style of the ancient spirit jihad era! Happy! Although you and I are not the same spirit, the witches of this universe still want to say admiration for you!

If Zhong Xing no longer has any objections, can we start manipulating your fairy spirit? "

Zhou Wu had a strange look on his face, and said compliments that he didn't know the truth of, and finally got to the point.

"Why bother talking nonsense, let's start!"

Zhong Xing stopped shouting loudly, and then a pair of giant arms that explored the world suddenly opened left and right, bringing up a sky-shattering ice wave, smashing down, causing the entire bounded ice sea to churn endlessly.

Crash, boom, boom...

When Zhou Wu and Qi Ai heard the words, they saw that the opportunity was not lost, so naturally they did not hesitate. The two sides winked at each other, and the torrential black energy rainbow shot at Zhong Zhan who was in the sea of ​​ice for thousands of miles.

Looking closely at those pitch-black evil rainbows, they turned out not to be simple smoke of lacquer energy, but countless evil and ferocious monster bats, all of which opened their ferocious lips one after another, and with the light and shadow of death, they shot at the bell!

"Ha ha……"

This is what you call psychic death, come on! The number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Shi, doesn't care! Ha ha……"

Amidst Zhong Xing's wild laughter, he let countless ferocious poisonous bats invade his body and screamed.


"Zhong Xingxiu blames the demons of this universe for being careful! If we don't first inject the lacquer energy poisonous bat into your spirit essence to control you, how can we guarantee that you will not run away after Zhong Xing is free!?"

While urging the dark magic sun and magic wand, Zhou Wu fully controlled the lacquer poisonous bat Heihong, and said with a treacherous smile.

"Hmph! Since I want to bet on freedom with you, I don't care how dangerous you are. I just hope you move quickly! Destroy the trillions of lightning chains on me and give me back my freedom!"

Zhong Xing held his head high and sneered.

"Okay! Let's be patient for now, it will be over soon! Young Master Qi Ai, activate the dark lacquer energy and break the icy chains of the dark universe!"

Hearing the words, Zhou Wu suddenly changed back into a hideous and hunched body, and replied.


Zhou Wu and Qi Ai sang together, tacitly shot the darkness how could it poison the rainbow, and after confirming that they had firmly controlled the spirit of death, they sacrificed the flying magic weapon together.


After a howling sound that pierced the cold wind, Qi Ai's death tower and Zhou Wu's pitch-black magic sun had already covered the sky above Zhong Zhan, and then spun and expanded, shooting out strange lights of strange colors.

"Dang! Dang!"

In an instant, bursts of strange evil rays from the tower of death and the dark demon sun shot down from the sky, hitting the lightning and cold chains all over Zhong Zhan's body.



After a burst of roaring, Zhong Death was already roaring and standing on the shore of the frozen sea of ​​ice!

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