Nine Heavens

Chapter 2037 Mad attack obstruction

"Oh ha ha... oh ha ha..."

"I, the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Zhan, is finally free! I, Zhong Zhan, am free! Haha..."

Zhong Zhan stood on the shore of the frozen sea, screamed for a long time with his arms outstretched, and then galloped in all directions, screaming for freedom, crazy for freedom...

"Hmph! Stimulate the evil spell of controlling the essence, don't let him run away!"

"Yes! Immediately control his spirit!"

When Zhou Wu and Qi Ai saw Zhong Shen's madness, they couldn't help but turn pale with shock. While shouting, they made tactic one after another, and began to move their lips together, making a strange humming sound that could not be heard.


Zhong Zhan was running briskly, when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his soul, his whole body was slashed like a million blades, making him in agony! Can't help but scream.


"It's you two dark idiots who are ruining the good fun of this god, it's really hateful!"


Zhong Zhan let out a cold snort, and suddenly turned around. On the head of the huge unicorn, a green rainbow swirled wildly, and from the red eyes like spheres, there were terrifying cold lights shooting out!

Then with a roar, he stretched out his huge arms and palms, and slammed down on the tiny Zhou Wu and Qi Ai!

Qi Ai and Zhou Wu, who were still reciting the incantation, were naturally prepared. After seeing the darkness above, they immediately turned into two clouds of smoke and escaped.

The giant palm that caused Zhong Sheng hit a mountain range on the shore of a sea of ​​ice.

The mountain range immediately flew into the air, turning into a cloud of stone dust and fog.

"Hmph! Now that you have followed the ways of the witches of this universe, you still want to resist! Then how can the witches of this universe be called the God of Demonic Wisdom in the Three Universes of Darkness!

It's ridiculous that you, Zhong Sheng, were once the number one evil god in the heavens, yet you dare to believe the words of the witches of this universe!

You have already lost this bet, we are not so kind, and we will give you the time to wake up and do anything!

The witches of this universe have always only believed in puppets, and did not believe in any sober souls!

I'm sorry, the witches of this universe and Qi Ai have already used the evil poison of qi energy to completely devour your fairy essence!

It doesn't take us a moment to cast a spell, and you, Zhong Sheng, will obediently kneel at our feet! "

Zhong Zhan's roar and wild clapping did not scare Zhou Wu and Qi Ai! After they escaped, their bodies suddenly swelled thousands of miles, becoming about the size of Zhong Zhan.

The hunched Zhou Wu, with a mountainous face and two black pupils like caves, glowing with black rainbows, sneered.

"Ha ha……"

"Stupid Zhou Wu, among all the stupid monsters in your dark three universes, you are considered a bit wise! In our lifetime, you Zhou Wu are not as smart as a spirit beast.

I don't know what you think, how could this Demon God be at your mercy!

Let me tell you, what you fanatics and demons sealed me is only the essence shell of this dead spirit.

Ben Zhong's real core has already been secretly hidden! You didn't succeed at all! Do you understand, you are stupid, or Ben Zhong is wise!

What kind of messy gambling game, I have always only liked winning, and I have never been interested in betting that I don't know whether to win or lose!

If you want to survive, get out! Now that I, Zhong Xing, am in a hurry to find Shifang Zhong, I have no time to kill you, otherwise you will soon become dark and dark corpses! "

Zhong Sheng suddenly thought of Xu Xiao's practice of Shifang Zhong, turned around and left these words, and wanted to run away.




Zhou Wu and Qi Ai couldn't help laughing evilly like crows and ghosts when they heard Zhong Sheng's words!

How could they believe Zhong Sheng's words? While laughing evilly, they started to attack while continuing to recite the evil spirit-controlling mantra silently.

Zhou Wu still sacrificed and flew the pitch-black magic wand and the pitch-black magic sun, two dark magic weapons, whistling in the sky, bursting out endless pitch-black poisonous rainbows, blasting towards the death of Zhong.

And Qi Ai held the black tower of death with one hand, and continuously injected mysterious magic power into it with the other hand, so that the tower of death also shot out attacking images, whizzing and rolling towards Zhong Shi.

"Oh ha ha..."

"I thought that the idiots who survived from the dark three universes should have some tricks, it seems that Ben Zhong was wrong!

You idiots are not only wise and stupid, but also your divine skills are so filthy!

Also claiming to be the post-Old Spirit Jihad, it's a disgrace to your ancestors!

No! Ben Zhong has forgotten, your ancestors were incomplete even in the actual demon body, how could they have any face! You simply lost the dignity of your ancestors! "

Zhong Sheng sneered and scolded Qi Ai and Zhou Wu for a while.

"Bah! Zhong died! Hurry up and shut your stinking mouth! Our ancestors have no face, could it be that your ancestors of Shengzhou have it!?

Your births are ever-changing and grotesque, which is better than our invisible demon body of the dark three universes! "

When Qi Ai heard this, he immediately became angry from embarrassment, and couldn't help attacking, raising his head and bursting into a howling sound.



Enraged, Zhong Zhan swung his arms wildly, sweeping up and down, moving continuously, pushing toward Qi Ai and Zhou Wu.

Just attack, don't care about defense!

"You, you are dying, and you don't even evade our attack!"

Zhou Wu suddenly discovered that Zhong Zhan was adopting the attack method of attacking and killing each other.

During the attack, Zhou Wu roared.

"Ha ha……"

"Why should I cherish my immortal life! Speaking of which, I, Zhong Sheng, don't care about life and death a long time ago, and if I can survive for a moment, I will earn it!

It is already a miracle to survive in the frozen sea of ​​ice!

Today, I suddenly became free again, which is a miracle among miracles!

Since you want to kill Ben Benzhong's fairy spirit! OK! Then let's perish together, anyway, I don't care if I die or live! "


Zhong Sheng was talking, and he didn't even look at how Qi Ai and Zhou Wu were attacking, galloping with their towering bodies, he raised his arms and smashed wildly at each other!


"Ugh quack quack..."

Although Qi Ai and Zhou Wu are insidious and cunning in Zhong Sheng's attack method, they cannot imitate anyway, because they all regard their own dark and ruined lives as more important than anything else, and it is impossible to choose to die with Zhong Sheng .

So when they saw Zhong Zhan's attack, they were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

However, there was no other way, he kept retreating and dodging, and then frantically recited the evil spirit-control spell!

But no matter how much he yelled, no matter how much Zhong Zhan yelled, it couldn't stop him from swooping and attacking.

Zhong Zhan's actions actually forced Qi Ai and Zhou Wu to almost cry for their father and mother, kept retreating and running away, and finally ran away roaring!

"Ha ha……"

"Fool! You think that your ancestor Zhong Xingshengzhou is so easy to provoke, and you still want to control me Zhong Xing as a puppet! You really dare to dream any dream!

Let's let you go today, it's important to take back the ten square clocks!

Lament! Zhou Wu! You two dark idiots, wait for me with peace of mind. After Ben Zhongde takes back Shifang Zhong, he will come to fetch your idiots immediately!

Ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst Zhong Zhan's wild laughter, he roared away...

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