Nine Heavens

Chapter 2039 The Throne of Death

"That's not easy to do, just seal it in the heavens and seal the place you think is safe and ideal. When we come out again, just take it!"

Qi Ai's question made Zhou Wu very disgusted.

"Well, Zhou Wu will take a step ahead, and my lord will return to the dark devil's egg afterward!"

Qi Ai heard the words, pondered for a while, and said. Then quickly turned over, stepped on the pitch-black evil cloud, and shot in the direction of the evil palace in the heaven!

"Hey! You idiot, wouldn't you hide the tower of death in the evil palace of the heavens?"

Zhou Wu's contemptuous black eyes looked at Qi Ai's retreating figure, sighed, and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The next moment, a huge pitch-black magic egg appeared in the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a huge oval-shaped black hole in the sky, but it only existed for a while, then disappeared in the infinite mist...

As Zhou Wu said, Qi Aimang is really reluctant to part with the Heavenly Evil Palace that he got suddenly. At this moment, he is sitting on the treasure seat of Zhong Death in the Heavenly Evil Palace, looking down at His Highness who is as vast as the sea, deeply Deeply enjoying the majesty of being a palace king, he didn't want to leave.

After sitting and watching for a long time, he had to think of finding a place to seal his only magic weapon - the death tower.

In his mind, he had already selected the place to seal the Tower of Death, and this place was the Throne of Death.

He got up slowly, turned around, carefully inspected the throne of death, and then turned the tower of death into a beam, and shot it away from the throne of death with a wave of his palm.

"Hmph! Since the evil palace of the heavens already belongs to me! Then no fairy can take it away from me! Tower of Death! Tower of Death! You wait here for me first, I will be back soon , The Heavenly Evil Palace will always be my deepest sorrow! Quack, quack..."

The crow-like sneer of mourning resounded in the vast and empty palace of the Heavenly Evil Palace.

Not long after, Qi Ai's icy laughter stopped abruptly, and then her pale body with black magic smoke suddenly disappeared.

A few days later, the throne of death was originally a blue color made of divine jade from the heavens, but suddenly it burst into a rich and brilliant color of thousands of illusions...


"Brother Zhen, didn't you say that the Heavenly Evil Palace is the world of Xu Xiao, the young master of Xuliang Zhou? Why is the entire Heavenly Evil Palace empty now? What's going on?"

Sword Zhan Zhoujun from Langyuan Xianmen, Cheng Shifeng and Wu Xiannan, the spirit demon Zhoujun, visited Yunzhoudongdongtai demon land, and came to the heavenly evil palace as promised to secretly investigate Yaya, Liu Yun, Liu Qian and Liu Xiao Luo's whereabouts.

They tracked Yaya's Mi Tianluo Shenyin all the way, and they came here after tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, the three spirit beasts galloped to be deceived in the evil palace of the heaven, and found that the evil palace of the heaven was opened, and there was no god guarding the palace.

The three Langyuan Gaoxians thought that after arriving at the Heavenly Evil Palace, they would definitely see the majestic and majestic army of the Eight Realms of Heavenly Demons.

However, after they flew into the sky above the evil palaces in the heavens, they found that all the palaces and palaces they passed were in a state of depression.

They couldn't help being very surprised, what they saw was beyond expectations, so Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, with Youlan's long hair fluttering and Youlan's eyes fluttering, asked in surprise.

"What happened here?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, his five-colored eyes, and his pupils shrouded the entire heavenly evil palace, releasing his spiritual consciousness, talking to himself and exploring at the same time.

At the same time, he habitually activated the Star Sword and Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk to start divination.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked so focused that he didn't even hear the question of Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

While the Wuxian male looked elegant, he smiled slightly at Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, and did not rush to answer, he put the emerald green bamboo flute to his mouth and blew a melodious flute sound.

"Hmph! Seeing you staring at the sword in a daze, and keeping the flute in your mouth, really makes me anxious!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, was not good at divination, and couldn't understand the treacherous atmosphere of the evil palace in the heavenly world for a while, so he stepped on the white-faced tiger king and flew towards the main hall.

Not long after, she shouted in the main hall:

"Brother Zhen! Immortal man! Come quickly, there is Yaya's snail sound in the throne room of the great hall!"


At this moment, Song Zhen and Wu Xiannan, who were in the sky above the Heavenly Evil Palace, also stopped their divination movements, looked at each other with a smile, and floated towards the main hall.

But after a few breaths, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Wuxiannan both appeared in front of the Zhongde Throne.

"Brother Zhen! Fairy man, look, what's going on, this throne should be the throne of the number one evil god in the heaven, Zhong Shi, why is there a variety of colors and illusory images in it, and there is Yaya's What about the sound of the snail sound?"

The spirit demon Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, with a white orchid fairy dress fluttering around him, his long blue hair fluttering slightly, the blue number, and the barking sparkle, looking at her husband Wu Xiannan and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, together asked with a look of joy and suspicion on his face.

"Hehe, brother Zhen, how do you explain it?"

It is reasonable to say that Wu Xiannan belongs to the previous disciple of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen in the generation of Xuanlingmen of Longyun Mountain, the first human in the chaotic universe.

In terms of emotion and reason, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen should call Wuxiannan his brother. But everything is special, but Wu Xiannan likes Cheng Shifeng, and he does not hesitate to withdraw from the respect of the Seven Immortals. At that time, he followed the current spirit monster Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng.

Naturally, the elder brother became the younger brother.

"Haha... I'll let you tell Fengmei this time. I'll study the throne of death carefully, so that I won't smash it to pieces and accidentally hurt my daughter!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked around at Wuxiannan and Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, and smiled with a bit of a bad look.

Then I really ignored the two of them, and went to study the Throne of the Dead Bell, which was still flashing with thousands of colors and illusions.

"Brother Zhen, what do you mean?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, couldn't help but blushed suddenly when he heard the words, and asked in a low voice.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed it off, and went about his own business.

"Hehe, Feng'er, he has a daughter, who cares about your younger sister?"

Wu Xiannan smiled freely, and also teased Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun.

"Cut! Brother Zhen doesn't know how to do it. Tell me quickly, what is going on with the Zhongde Throne?"

When the spirit demon Lord Zhou Cheng Shifeng heard that his husband was also teasing him, how could he be polite, he suddenly floated in front of the Wuxian man, and wanted to slap him with his palms, but he took advantage of the opportunity and was embraced by the Wuxian man.

"You... Where is Brother Zhen?"

"Ha ha……"

"So what if Brother Zhen is here, the fairy man just wants to whisper something to his wife."

Said Wu Xiannan lowered his head and sniffed the blue hair of Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, the sniffing spirit demon, and said:

"Feng'er's Eternal Eternal Spiritual Qi has been cultivated more and more mysteriously, and has already reached the realm of thirty-five thousand Eternals!"

"Don't be talkative, don't you have something to say, so hurry up?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, blushed and spoke angrily, but in fact he was secretly happy in his heart. He raised his eyes to look at the handsome husband Wuxiannan, and said with a whirling smile.

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