Nine Heavens

Chapter 2040 Bamboo Flute Listening to Divination

"There are not only Yaya and Yun'er in the throne of death, but also Qian'er and Xiao Luo! What's the news?"

Wu Xiannan looked down at Cheng Shifeng, the beloved Spirit Demon Zhou Jun, and asked with a smile.

"Oh! Is this true? Didn't we save them all back to the overlapping universe at once? Hehe..."

This is indeed good news, and Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, heard it in his ears and was delighted in his heart.


Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, was delighted, and his eyes were intoxicated, making him even more charming.

Wu Xiannan saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed the blue crescent moon on Cheng Shifeng's forehead.

"Hmph! You are so bad!"

With this kiss, the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng immediately recovered his mind, his face became redder instantly, he turned his head and glanced at the Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen who was still studying the throne of Zhongde, and said shyly.

"In this way, let brother Zhen see it, and we will be blamed if we don't make fun of it!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, reminded her husband in a low voice.

"Haha... what are you talking about, I didn't hear anything!"

At this time, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen suddenly looked back at the two with a smirk on his face, and said with a smile.


Hearing the words, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, immediately bowed his head in shame and jumped out of her husband's embrace, very embarrassed.

"Brother Zhen, how is the research going?"

Wu Xiannan looked at Song Zhen, son of Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhanxuan, and asked.

"They are indeed inside, and they are all in the Tower of Death. It's really strange, how did Qi Ai's Tower of Death appear in the Throne of Death?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, staring at the resplendent and flashing Zhongde Throne, shook his head slightly and said.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the heavens are quite lively these days! Then Qi Ai must have experienced something unusual to hide the Death Tower in the Bell Death Throne."

Wu Xiannan walked up to the throne of death, beat three times with the emerald bamboo flute, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about that much. It's important that Lord Zhou saves his daughter and nephews first. Has the fairy man found a way to break the throne of death?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's five-colored eyes were full of doubts, and he looked at the leisurely Wuxian and asked.

"Hehe, since brother Zhen hasn't found a way to break the seal, so is Xiannan! But if we can't open it, it doesn't mean that others can't open it either.

Why don't we do another divination to see where the person who opened the throne of death should be? "

Wu Xiannan raised his head, put the emerald bamboo flute to his mouth and smiled.

"Hmm! What the fairy said makes sense, then I will use the star sword to divination, and you can listen to the divination on the bamboo flute!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded in agreement.

So, one of the two stroked the sword with immortal power, the other played the flute, the other concentrating, and the other casually, putting on a very funny scene.

"Fairy boy? You still haven't told me why the throne of death is shining?"

Seeing the appearance of the two, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, asked Song Zhen, the dedicated sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhanxuan, to answer himself, so he asked her husband.

"Hehe, the divine light emanating from the Zhongde Throne should be the light of "Devil World Smoke Book" and "Destroying World Complete Book". The rich colors come from "Devil World Smoke Book", and the bright flashes come from "Destroy World Complete Book""

Wu Xiannan glanced at the throne of Zhong Death seemingly casually, and smiled.

"Are the "Devil World Smoke Book" and "The Complete Book of Destruction" in Brother Qianlang's place? Why are they here?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, stared at the huge Zhongde Throne with wide eyes, and was amazed.

"Feng'er didn't know something, Zhou Zun once said that he gave Qian'er and Xiao Luo two magical scrolls.

At this moment, Qian'er and Luo'er are in the Death Tower in the Throne of Death, so it is not surprising that such a phenomenon appears on the Throne of Death. "

Wu Xiannan played the emerald green bamboo flute casually twice, and said with a smile.

"Oh! That's right. But why did the two scrolls suddenly glow? I remember that when I first entered here, the throne of death didn't glow!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, carefully recalled the situation when he first fell into the main hall of the evil palace in the heaven, and said with certainty.

"Oh! Really! Maybe it's because Yun'er and the others in the Bell Death Throne have also sensed your righteous spirit and immortal energy, so they activated the two scrolls of divine and extraordinary universe scrolls and asked us for help."

The mist fairy smiled.

"Hiss, what you said seems to make sense! I really feel that Yaya's snail sound has only been strengthened since I came in.

So got my attention and called you guys down! If it weren't for the issue of the luminescence of the throne of death, even if the sound of the snail conch attracts us, it would not be easy for us to find them in the huge heavenly evil palace. "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized.

"Hehe, brother Zhen! Shouldn't we find a suitable place to adjust our breathing? It seems that it will take tens of thousands of years for that person to come here."

Wu Xiannan saw that Cheng Yuanfang, the king of sword Zhan Zhou, stopped divination, and asked with a smile.

"Okay! Why don't you just choose to sit above the throne of death! I really want to take a closer look at the person who came, and it turned out to be our helper."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded slightly, and then he had collected the blood unicorn, and floated up cross-legged.

"Hehe, whoever sits on the throne will sit on the throne, and the throne will die!"

Wu Xiannan confiscated the spirit cow, but only added a little fairy mist all over his body, so he sat on the spirit cow gracefully and sang with a smile.

Seeing her husband like this, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, didn't accept the white-faced tiger king, and simply stood on top of it, with long blue hair fluttering, and the human and tiger disappeared together.

"Fairy man, what are you talking about? You are saying that the only person who can unravel the immortal curse of the Zhongshan Throne is Zhongshan himself."

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was floating up into the sky, while asking the Wuxian Nan who was flying above his head.

"That's right, at least what we know so far is that only Zhong Shi himself can master the method of the throne of the evil palace in the heavens!"

Wu Xiannan still smiled unhurriedly.

"However, according to Brother Qianlang, the real Zhong Zhuan mentioned in those chaotic scrolls has already been martyred in the Ancient Spirit Battlefield, so where is Zhong Zhuang coming from?"

Cheng Shifeng asked with a frown.

"Hehe, Feng'er. Zhong Wang is such an upright and immortal god, how can he say that he will die just now? I strongly sensed from the sound of the flute just now that the person who came is most likely Zhong Wang with a strong heavenly spirit."

Although Wu Xiannan was sure in his heart that the person who came must be Wu Xiannan, he left three points in his mouth and did not say anything dead.

"Haha... You guys should be quiet, otherwise Zhong Xing will be scared away by you when he comes!"

At a high place, Song Zhen, the son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan, was already silent, but he reminded him with a smile when he heard Wuxiannan and Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng talking all the time.

"Hehe, Feng'er! Listen, brother Zhen is in a hurry, let's all silence too!"

Wu Xiannan still had a calm expression, looked at Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, and said with a smile.


Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, responded lightly, and after stepping on the white-faced tiger king, he floated into the sky, and a mist covered his body in an instant, hiding his figure.

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