Nine Heavens

Chapter 2041 The Origin of the Green Flute


Just as Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Ling Yao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng and Langyuan Gaoxian Wuxiannan disappeared, waiting for them to divination to the person who came to the throne of death, they suddenly heard the evil spirit from the heavens. From the northwest of the palace came the sound of battles.


"Let's go and see, there is movement in the northwest of the evil palace in the heaven, let's go and find out!"

Hearing the sound, the three Langyuan Immortal Venerables hid their figures and questioned each other for a while, and Song Zhen, the king of Jianzhanzhou and Zhanxuanzi, proposed.

"Okay, let's go!"

Wu Xiannan readily agreed, and Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, also nodded slightly.

So under the cover of powerful invisibility, the three stepped on their fairy pets, roaring and shooting in.

In the space of the celestial universe, which is hundreds of millions of light miles northwest of the celestial evil palace, there are two huge vortices floating in the hundreds of thousands.

There are two big whirlpools, one is obviously the existence of good spirits hanging in the sky, and the other is the existence of evil spirits.

The vortex of the righteous spirit, in general, is a vast sky formation composed of eight bright white stars called the formation of four directions and eight figures.

The reason why it looks like a huge white vortex is precisely because of the fairy rainbow that gushes out from the eight white stars.

Looking carefully at the eight bright white stars, in the center of them are eight magical chickens.

At this moment, the eight divine chickens are huge in shape, like eight giant chicken-shaped mountains.

And above the huge vortex stands a huge unicorn man whose whole body is covered with emerald green scales bursting with rainbows and flashes.

This unicorn man has the head of a unicorn, with eight divine chickens under his feet.

In front of his chest, both hands control a pair of azure blue time oars, one in each hand, which is in the state of a long-term attack and a sudden stop.

The evil spirit vortex is obviously a huge dark three universe magic egg. It is round in shape and pitch black. It seems to be composed of inexplicable substances such as chaotic clouds.

At this moment, the center of the pitch-black magic egg is shooting out an infinitely dazzling evil rainbow of inexplicable colors.

In the center of the evil rainbow, there is a gigantic monster, resembling a giant ape, resembling a mandrill, extremely ferocious, pitch-black all over, and seems to exist in nothingness!

This gigantic monster, holding a pair of mountain-like magic hammers in both hands, is panting heavily. After a long battle, it is taking the opportunity to adjust its breath...

"Oh! The heavens are so terrifying, there is such a big monster in the body!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou himself controls the army of heavenly birds, earthly beasts and beasts in the land, sea and airspace. It can be said that there are almost no monsters that he has never seen before, but seeing the two heavenly beasts facing each other hundreds of millions of miles away, Everyone was in the state of a huge whirlpool, and they all exclaimed!

"Hehe, one is Zhong Xing, and the other is Xu Xiao, the young master of the Void Universe, one of the three dark universes. It's not surprising that they are so terrifying!"

Sword Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Spirit Monster Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng and Langyuan Gaoxian Wuxiannan, who stopped to watch from a distance, were talking about the two vast and huge vortexes ahead.

Hearing the exclamation of his beloved wife Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, Wu Xiannan held the emerald bamboo flute in one hand and smiled without any surprise.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen at the side saw Wu Xiannan so calm, he thought to himself, even if the fairy boy entered the heaven for the first time, no matter how calm and free-spirited he is, he is still somewhat strange.

But after traveling this way, why did he see everything as if he entered his own Langyuan Immortal Palace?

At this moment, he saw the giant god Tianzhan that the two of them had divination, but he still gave people the feeling that it was commonplace. The performance of Wu Xiannan made Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen full of doubts.

"Xian Nan, have you ever seen them before, or have you read the legend about them in the fairy book?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked at Wuxiannan with strange five-color eyes, and asked tentatively.

"Where, where, the fairy man is just a high-ranking immortal, so he has so much knowledge. I can sense everything about them from the sound of the flute."

Wu Xiannan didn't care about the questioning of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, because there were many people who questioned him, not just Jianzhanzhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, so he smiled and answered truthfully.

"Oh! The fairy man's bamboo flute is so magical, but it is just a piece of evergreen bamboo in the world. How can it have such a magical ability to sense the gods of the universe. Haha... I wonder if the fairy man can let me take a look?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen wanted to explore Wuxiannan's magical green bamboo flute for a long time, but he was always reluctant to open his mouth. Now he was too curious, so he asked cheekily.

"Hehe, it's just a fairy man's plaything. Brother Zhen wants to see what's wrong."

Wu Xiannan smiled chicly, waved his hand and threw it to Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the king of Zhanzhou.

"Thank you Xiannan, let me study it. What is the mystery of this green flute? How can Xiannan hear so many miracles from the sound of the flute?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen didn't shy away from it, picked up Wuxiannan's emerald green bamboo flute, and covered it with his giant palm condensed with spiritual consciousness.

However, after some research, he was very disappointed. The result of the research proved that the emerald green bamboo flute was indeed bamboo, and there was nothing special about it.

"Hey! This is also strange. This flute is not even a magic weapon. How come it has the supernatural power of playing the flute and asking divination in the hands of a fairy?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, shook his head and smiled, and threw the green bamboo flute to Wuxiannan again.

"Hehe, not to mention brother Zhen's curiosity, even I am very curious about this flute. It can be said that I have been thinking about its incredibleness all the time, but I have never figured out its mystery!"

Wu Xiannan looked at Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen with the look he expected, and smiled.


Wu Xiannan's words made Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen even more surprised when he heard it, and sighed:

"Why, even the fairy man himself doesn't understand it? Then where did the emerald green bamboo flute come from, and how did the fairy man know that it has the ability to understand the fairy?"

"Hehe, talking about the origin of this emerald green bamboo flute may make you feel strange.

When the fairy boy was young, he was born in a bamboo forest in Zhushan, the first human world in the chaotic universe.

Both my parents are ordinary mountain pickers. I heard from my parents that when I was born, there were auspicious clouds floating outside the house, and colorful phoenixes and auspicious birds would not go around the house.

Then, amidst the chirping of countless auspicious birds, a section of emerald fresh bamboo, surrounded by spiritual mist and unsupported, floated in front of my eyes from outside the house by itself.

At that time, my parents saw that I liked it, so they caught this piece of fresh bamboo wrapped in fairy mist, and made this emerald green bamboo flute for me, and named me Fairy Man.

From then on, my parents played the flute for me and coaxed me to grow up until I left them and went to Xuanlingmen to seek immortals and ask.

Because I miss my parents, I never leave this flute. As for how I know its supernatural powers, I don't even know myself.

In short, when I feel that I need help, as soon as I play the bamboo flute, I have the answer in my mind. "

Wu Xiannan mentioned his former parents, held the emerald green bamboo flute in front of his eyes, stroked it gently, his eyes were moist.

Only at this moment, his face was a little sad, less free and easy.

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, deeply understood the feeling of missing his loved ones, and he held her husband's hand tightly with a pair of slender hands, silently comforting him.

For a while, the three of them were silent, and then their eyes moved to the two celestial trolls who were still confronting each other thousands of miles away!

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