Nine Heavens

Chapter 2043 Green Dragon and White Phoenix

"This... um! This is indeed true. Does the senior know the reason for this?"

When Wu Xiannan heard Zhong Sheng ask again, he was a little surprised and asked.

"Heavenly Lord, don't want to call Zhong Zhan a senior, it's a shame, how can Zhong Zhan not know the magic of Tianjun's flute.

In fact, every time Tianjun blows the flute of heaven, everything Tianjun senses is only informed by Tianjun's own celestial dragon and phoenix memory department.

It's just because Tianjun sealed his memory after sealing the ancient spirit jihad, I don't know. "

On the emerald green unicorn head of Zhong Zhi, the blue eyes are as empty as the sky, shimmering, and seem to be infinitely deep and vast.

Zhong Zhan looked up at the sky above the heavens, as if he was remembering something.

"What is the Heavenly Essence, Dragon and Phoenix Memory Essence Department?"

Wu Xiannan asked puzzledly.

"It's the two memory spirit cores in Tianjun's soul gate! Tianjun is not an ordinary god, and there are two left and right immortal gods' essence cores in Tianjun's soul gate.

On the left is the essence nucleus of Qinglong, called Qinglongbu; on the right is the essence nucleus of Baifeng, called Tongshenfengbu.

The reason for this name is that Tianjun's left and right cores of the soul gate have already evolved into the magical beasts Qinglong and Baifeng.

It is the left and right brains mentioned by Mortal Humanity, except that Tianjun's left brain is a miraculous green dragon, and the right brain is a pure white phoenix.

Qinglong and Baifeng know everything about life and death in the two universes. Even if Tianjun sealed the immortal way of memory, but because they have evolved into independent immortal gods, as long as Tianjun asks, they will tell Tianjun whatever they want to ask .

This is why Tianjun would feel that he wants to know the answer to the question as long as he plays the Tianlai flute.

Not only that, the reason why Tianjun was born in the human world is also because the green dragon and white phoenix transformed into a human body to achieve Tianjun's human body, which is the current appearance of Tianjun.

If what Zhong Sheng said is correct, after Tian Tianjun grew up in Mortal Realm, your parents must have disappeared. "

Zhong Sheng's words, the more he said, the more shocked Wu Xiannan was, and the sword Zhanzhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and the spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng felt extremely bizarre.

Just ask all the people who are destined for the immortal gate, even the five supreme Zhou Jun, Zhou Jun's first seat is supreme, no matter how evil the willow leads the waves, they have never cultivated to the realm of soul essence producing different cores and essence cores turning into immortals!

"That's right, I would like to ask Senior Zhongsheng to explain that when the fairy boy achieved a little success in the Xuanling Sect, he did return to the birthplace of Zhushan to search for his parents.

But no matter how I searched, I couldn't find it. I asked the villagers I used to know, and they all said that since I left Zhushan, my parents also mysteriously disappeared. Does Senior Zhong Death know where they are going? "

When Wu Xiannan mentioned his parents in Mortal Realm, a look of happiness, nostalgia and helpless loss immediately appeared on his face.

"Actually, Tianjun's parents are your Qinglong and Baifeng's pair of memory cores!

After the holy war of the ancient spirit, in order to fulfill the wish of the heavenly king to be reborn in the mortal realm and to go to heaven for the countless gods who died in the holy war of the ancient spirit, the green dragon and the white phoenix were transformed into humans, and the remaining heavenly king was reincarnated.

When you grow up, they will lead you into the fairy gate of the world and the Xuanling gate, and they will return to their original bodies and enter your soul gate, and will always be with you! "

Zhong Sheng revealed the answer to the mystery in Wuxiannan's heart that his senior brother could not solve.

However, Wu Xiannan thought over and over again, and felt that Zhong Sheng's words seemed to make sense, but he couldn't understand it after all. In other words, Zhong Sheng's explanation was too absurd, so that Wu Xiannan could not believe it, and then convinced himself,

"How to prove the truth of the words of Senior Zhong Zhan, it's not that the younger generation doesn't believe Senior Zhong Zhan, this is really incomprehensible."

"It's not difficult. Just now Zhong Xing took the liberty to ask Tianjun to use his Tianlai flute. Can you do it now?"

Zhong Sheng's eyes turned to the emerald green bamboo flute in Wuxiannan's hand again.

"Hehe, why not?"

As Wu Xiannan spoke, he raised his palm and pushed the green bamboo flute towards Zhong Shen.

"Well, thank you Tianjun for giving me the flute. When Tianjun went down to the human realm, he once said that he would return to the heavenly realm in the future. When he meets any of the ten gods of war in Tiangong and Tianchao, he can use the flute to wake up Tianjun. The memory of the upper heaven and the Dharma Body of the Heavenly Monarch.

Now, I am the God of War of the Dead Time, and I am fortunate to be the first to meet the Heavenly Army, so let the Heavenly Army restore the power of the Heavenly Palace and the Celestial Dynasty! "

A moment later, Zhong Zhan caught the white bamboo flute floating in front of him.

While speaking, the breath of the gods of pure white time, which was brilliant and vast in the ten squares under Zhong Zhan's feet, exploded suddenly, and then poured into Zhong Zhan's body continuously from bottom to top.

Zhong Death's emerald green body became crystal clear at this moment. Through his body, one could clearly see the white god of time moving rapidly up his legs, pouring straight into his arms, then to his palms, and finally It poured into the emerald green bamboo flute in Zhong Zhan's contemplative hand.

I saw the emerald bamboo flute suddenly tremble, and the ordinary emerald bamboo flute became emerald in a blink of an eye, as clear and clear as ice and jade, sending out circles of mysterious waves to the surroundings.

Because of the emerald green bamboo flute, Zhong Zhan's body was quickly enveloped by the emerald sound waves of the emerald bamboo flute. From a distance, the body of Zhong Zhan, who was already rich in emerald green, had rings of emerald rainbows appearing all over his body, making him appear even taller It's weird.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

As the spirit of time and spirit in the emerald bamboo flute gathers more and more, Zhong Xing suddenly flies the emerald bamboo flute, and shoots at the Wuxiannan frequently into the divine wave of the combination of time and the sound of nature from the emerald bamboo flute.

Wu Xiannan felt a burst of divine light in front of his eyes, and then his mind became infinitely clear. The phenomenon of indistinct and infinite mysteries drifting in it disappeared, and then all the memories since the appearance of the second universe of life and death were restored.

This is a change in Wuxian's male soul gate, and at the same time, a huge change has taken place outside his body.

Wu Xiannan, originally a chic look with a white robe on his body. But at this moment, the white spirit silk fairy robe suddenly turned into the heavenly king's splendid court dress made of silver miraculous silver silkworms.

Wu Xiannan's face has not changed, but his eyes suddenly become like a sea of ​​waves, and become infinitely deep, making it impossible to see through.

"Haha... Zuo Spirit Qinglong pays respects to Tianjun, and congratulates Tianjun for recovering the memory of the universe!"

"You Spirit Baifeng also congratulates Tianjun for recovering his celestial body, and finally returned to the celestial realm!"

Wu Xiannan was stunned by the sudden changes inside and outside his body. When he looked at himself left and right, he heard the green dragon and white phoenix in the soul gate laughing and congratulating himself.

"Ha ha……"

"The god of war, Zhong Shi, has now used ten clocks to open up the memory channel that was once sealed for Tianjun. There is no need to say anything about the past. Tianjun must have fully recovered at this moment. I don't know if Tianjun still doubts himself. identity?"

Seeing the changes in Wuxiannan's body, Zhong Sheng withdrew the divine sense that urged the ten square clocks, and suddenly pushed the Tianlai flute to Tianjun Wuxiannan, and said with a smile.

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