Nine Heavens

Chapter 2044 Yuan Sheng Tianwei

"Will! Will..."

"Cha, cha..."

When Zhong Sheng laughed heartily, suddenly auspicious clouds fluttered in the sky, and all kinds of fairies, auspicious birds and birds flew around.

At the same time, the body of the Wuxian male fairy diffuses fragrance, and the warm wave spreads, making the space with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles fall into infinite warmth.

"Thank you, God of Time and War God, for recalling your memories. You can only wake up from a long dream, and there is nothing in return. Let me get rid of the evil poison of the dark lacquer energy in your body!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan looked deeply at Zhong Zhan, who was flashing from the green rainbow, and found that the gods in his body had no veins, and both the Qilin heart and the essence core in the soul gate had been deeply infected with dark evil poison.

The other party was about to die, but he did not hesitate to restore his memory at the cost of death. This moved Tianjun Wuxiannan very much, and put the Tianlai flute on his mouth and said.

"This, don't! Tianjun has just recovered the memory of the god, so it's not worth it to detoxify the dead and disabled!"

Seeing that Tianjun wanted to detoxify himself, Zhong Sheng was grateful and anxious, and hurriedly spoke to stop him.

However, the melodious sound of Tianjun Wuxiannan's flute has already sounded, and a moment after the death of the bell, he was enveloped by the frequent sound waves of Tianjun Tianlai flute...

On the side, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, watched the changes in his husband in just an hour or so, his blue eyes were full of surprise and worry.

The reason for the surprise is that my husband is far greater than I imagined, he is really the supreme being of the universe, the emperor of the heavenly palace.

But Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, is also worried, he is just a little fairy in the world, will the current husband still care about him? Will he become the enemy of Brother Qianlang in the future? He appeared, what will happen to the heavens in the future...

All of a sudden, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, felt that his beloved husband was a little strange, and he was still chic, but he added a majestic aura that he had never had before, which made Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun, feel a little depressed.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhendang is convinced that the matter in front of him is true or not, the first thing he has to do is to activate the Star Sword, and start to overlap Zhoujun Supreme for the third brother he cares about the most, and then do some evil divination his future.

During the divination, his face was dignified at first, then gradually relaxed, and finally he took away the Star Sword, admiring with great interest that Tianjun Wuxiannan was healing Zhong Sheng.

"Brother Zhen, the fairy man..."

The spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng has many questions in his heart and wants to ask Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, but he doesn't know how to ask, he is a little squeamish, and his thoughts are transmitted to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.

"Ha ha……"

"Sister Feng, don't worry about it! Your husband, the heavenly monarch, has no ambitions at all now. The whole Happy Sect, he will not become the enemy of our Langyuan Xianmen."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen already knew it in his heart through divination, and he smiled and thought to transmit the voice to the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"That's good."

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, felt a little relieved when he heard the words, and stopped talking, and silently looked at her husband from the side.

"Hehe, Feng'er. Why, I don't know the fairy man anymore. The fairy man is indeed a heavenly monarch, but that is all from the age of the ancient spirits.

The current Tianjun will always be Feng'er's husband and immortal, now and in the future, he no longer wants to be a Tianjun, will Feng'er think that the fairy man is worthless? "

Tianjun Wuxiannan looked at the dark poisonous rainbow in Zhong Zhan's body, which had been completely shattered by the sound waves of his own flute, and then went out of the body to dissipate, so he was relieved.

After Hun Nian Yin Chuan Zhong Sheng sat down and adjusted his breath, he turned his head to his beloved wife Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng, looked at her deeply and said.

"Xiannan, are you really willing to give up the throne of Tianjun for Feng'er?"

Hearing such words, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, was very moved.

"That's right, heavenly warfare is better than peace and joy, the sound of the flute is drunk and free. This round finally wins the hearts of the lovers, how can I bear to leave the fragrance again!

Feng'er, do you know that the fairy boy has already fallen in love with you since he was still in the ancient spirit era? Do you still remember the white-clothed celestial boy who once served you some oatmeal on the banks of the Xiling River? That's me.

I used to swear to you that one day, if I marry a wife, you will do it silently. At that time, you agreed with a smile.

It's just a trick of good fortune. Later, when I grew up, it happened to be a cosmic change. I inherited the throne of Tianjun, led the gods of war from the ten directions, and set off endless life-and-death cosmic battles with the dark three universes.

Until the dark three universes perish, the time and space of the universe are reversed, only the God of War of the Ten Directions is the God of War with Immortal Sword, the God of War of Time, Zhong Death, and the God of Tianyi, Peixian are still alive.

The other seven gods of war and countless primitive fairy gods must all die in battle!

At that time, although Shengzhou had won the final holy battle of the ancient spirits, Ben Tianjun did not have any joy of success! All day long, I am immersed in the nostalgia for the years when countless primitive gods and gods laughed together.

Pain, loneliness, nostalgia, anger... All kinds of feelings are intertwined in my heart. One day, I will decide to reincarnate in the human realm created by Nuwa Empress. When will I be full of sorrow and return to heaven.

Before I sealed my memory, I remembered that it was still the wind of fairy orchids on the bank of Xiling River, so I went there to say goodbye to you, thinking that you had already gone to the lower realm before me.

Ben Tianjun naturally cracked the body of the god without hesitation, and resolutely descended to the world with the heart of looking for you.

Fortunately, we have a fairy breath in our hearts, and we finally got together, and even luckier that we became the people of the fairy gate of the waves in the end! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan told such a reason in front of his beloved wife.

"Ha! No wonder, when I first arrived at Xuanlingmen, you were so kind to me. It turns out that you have no good intentions!

I still remember that on the bank of Tianling River, you would touch me and always touch other people's petals, that was Feng'er's face. "

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, listened to the memories of her husband Tianjun Wuxiannan, and his heart was very sweet. It seemed that the figure of the white-clothed boy who had appeared in front of his spirit flower body in the past appeared in front of his eyes.

At the same time, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, also wanted to understand one thing, that you were the reason why he liked men in white robes since he was a child. It turned out that the root of everything was that I was subconsciously remembering the figure of the young husband.

In memory of Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, he said with a sweet smile.

"Hehe, I don't know if Feng'er will be angry if he finds out about the fairy man's past and can't be the queen of heaven?"

Wu Xiannan smiled and asked Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun.

"Of course not. If you want to be the Heavenly Monarch again, how dare Feng bully you! That's great, you can listen to me!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, pouted and said in a savage manner.

"Ha ha……"

"Immortal man is really open-minded! But a generation of Tianjun is the blessing of Shengzhou after all. No matter how the fairy man chooses in the future, Brother Zhen should be honored as Tianjun Xiannan in the future!"

Seeing Wu Xiannan and Ling Yao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng making fun of each other, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed.

"Hehe, you can call Brother Zhen whatever you want, but Xiannan will definitely not be a heavenly monarch anymore, I'm afraid of losing Feng'er!"

Wu Xiannan smiled, put the Tianlai flute to his mouth again, and played her favorite fairy song "Orchid Flower Order" for the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

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