Nine Heavens

Chapter 2045 White Hair Flying Wildly



The sound of the flute here is melodious, and a pair of immortals and gods are dependent on each other.

In the Heavenly Evil Palace, the Time God of War Zhong Death and Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi, the old and new gods are working together to destroy the throne of Zhong Death.

Both of them are powerful immortals, but with one palm each, the two green and gold palms pass by, and the throne of death has already turned into dust.

Then I saw the dark tower of death floating in the misty dust of the throne of death.

"Ha ha……"

"Senior Zhong Death, you just smashed your throne like this. Don't you think it's a pity for the senior?"

Sword occupies Zhou Jun occupies Xuanzi Song Zhen laughs and asks time and war god Zhong Shi.

"It is indeed possible, but the throne that has been infiltrated by the evil spirit of death in this evil death tower, how can I want to take it again! It would be better to have my heart shattered like this!

Zhanxuanzi, no matter what, you are also the god of swords and wars, the disciple of my senior brother, I hope you can persuade Tianjun again, you can't just give up Jitian Palace like this!

If he doesn't become the king of heaven, who will I, the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, be on duty for? "

Time God of War Zhong Death looked at the tower of death spinning in the dust with a look of disgust, and looked sideways at Song Zhendao, who was not far away from Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi.

"Well, this junior will definitely do it, but whether Tianjun listens to me or not depends entirely on God's will!"

Speaking from the bottom of his heart, in fact, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen also hopes for Tianjun Wuxiannan's choice.

Because what he respects the most in his heart is the Supreme King of the Overlapping Zhou Dynasty, and he hopes that his third brother will become the number one overlord of the universe one day.

So this word of promise is naturally full of future prospects.

"As long as you comfort Zhong Sheng on my behalf, otherwise this Time God of War is really not reconciled!

You also know that there are still remnants of the ancient spirits in the dark three universes who have entered the living universe. If the Tianjun does not rise to the throne, and lead a battle of heaven, these forces of the dark three universes have the potential to annex the living universe! "

The God of War of Time disdains the power of the evil aura of the tower of death in the swirling dust, and only uses the power of the Eastern Taiyi God Chicken to control the tower of death.

"Actually, there is a person whose sense of immortality is no less than that of Tianjun, and even Tianjun admires him a lot.

If one day Tianjun really doesn't enter the Jitian Palace, when the time war god senior has no alliance in Tianzhan, he can consider uniting with this person! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen walked around Waner, wanting to introduce his third elder brother, Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie, to the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing.

"You mean the first person in the chaotic universe created by Empress Nuwa rose from the human world, and the celestial wave is destined to be the lord of the fairy gate, Tianlinghe Wave Flower Immortal?"

Hearing this, the War God of Time stared and thought for a moment, then asked.

"Exactly, I never imagined that senior Time God of War has been imprisoned in the frozen sea, but he can still understand the affairs of the myriad worlds. This junior really admires him!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked at the God of War in surprise.

"That's not the case, how could Xu Xiao let me know about the affairs of the myriad worlds, this is just some sporadic information I learned from what he often said to himself on the shore of the frozen sea.

But from his tone, it can be heard that this Langhua Immortal is indeed a generation of great kindness, and it was enlightened by Empress Nuwa herself! "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Sheng, nodded slightly, and gave a very high evaluation of the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie.


beep - beep -

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Time God of War Zhongzhi couldn't talk for a second, when the tower of death in front of them, thousands of meters away, suddenly made a melodious sound of a conch.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the sound, and his heart burst into ecstasy. There was the sound of a snail in the death tower, which naturally proved that his beloved daughter Yaya and Liu Yun were still alive, so he couldn't help shouting excitedly.

At the same time, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen shot towards the death tower, wanting to enter it to help his beloved daughter Yaya.

"Stop shouting. Listening to their aura, it's clear that the righteous gods have the upper hand. It won't be long before they break out of the tower!"

Seeing the movement of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the war god of time, Zhong Xing, just waved his sleeves, and released a pure white divine light in an instant, pulling him back.

"How did senior Time God of War know that it was my daughter Yaya's cry for help!?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen asked inexplicably.

"Ha ha……"

"You don't understand this, they must have already attacked a few floors of the death tower, and they were attacked by infinite death demon corpses and death cloud bird demons, so they asked for help like this.

But, didn't you see that just before the throne of God of War collapsed, all kinds of illusions were shining inside it, those are the book of darkness of the three universes of darkness "The Book of Smoke in the Demon Realm" and the nine-party universe of the life universe "The Complete Book of Destroying Realms" In mutual reflection, release the divine power of the universe.

Under such divine power, any dark evil energy in the tower of death will be wiped out. So you don't have to make a move, and it's impossible to make a move.

Your daughter and three other children of good spirits will be shot out soon! Now you just have to be patient and wait!

Don't worry, listen to their snail sounds, their strength should be able to persist until the moment when the Dark Universe and the Shengzhou Divine Book Immortal can co-exist. "

Time God of War Zhong Xing said without any haste.

"That's the way it is said, listening to them crying for help in such a desperate situation, but the younger generation doesn't help, how can you feel at ease?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen shook his head, wanting to move again.

"Stop! Interfere with the bursting of the divine energy of the two universes, and your daughter and those three children will really not be able to come back! Maybe your life will be swallowed by the recovered power of the two universes!"

Time God of War once again reminded Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi.


This time Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen didn't dare to move anymore, his black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, staring blankly at the tower of death that was flashing with myriad colors at this time.

"Hehe, congratulations to Brother Zhen for finally being able to save Yaya and the others!"

At this time, behind the sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, Wu Xiannan and Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng came, and said with a smile.

"Fairy man, don't be so confident, just listen to Yaya calling for help!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was so nervous that he trembled a little.

"Hehe, there is Zhou Jun, the head of the sect, so don't you worry about Brother Zhen?"

Wu Xiannan actually started to play the melodious flute of nature!

One is the melodious and relaxed flute sound, like spring wind turning into rain, ding dong mountain spring.

One is the anxious, heavy and long sound of the conch, like cold wind and fire, landslide and tsunami.

It was extremely uncoordinated, but just playing together like this, Wu Xiannan looked at ease, looking at the beautiful face of Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhou Jun who was also relaxed.

"What! The fairy man said that the third brother is in the death tower!?"

As soon as Wu Xiannan's words came out, Song Zhen, the son of Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuan, asked in surprise.

"Hehe, after a quarter of an hour, brother Zhen will naturally know if he is here or not."

Wu Xiannan paused playing and smiled.




The long quarter of an hour finally passed.

Sure enough, the tower of death exploded, turning into flying sand and rocks in the sky. But in the center of the pitch-black flying sand and rocks, there are thousands of colors and infinite splendor.

After bursts of brilliant divine light rolled over, a man with white hair flying wildly, wearing silver clothes, and hundreds of millions of fairy rings flashing around him suddenly jumped out of it.

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