Nine Heavens

Chapter 2046 Heavenly Protector

"Ha ha……"

"Third brother! It's really third brother! Haha..."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was so happy that he stomped his feet and laughed endlessly when he saw that the white-haired man flying wildly out of the gorgeous light was the third brother he respected.

As the overlapping Zhoujun Supreme and evil continue to fly closer, the sword occupies Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the spirit monster Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng, Tianjun Wuxiannan and the time war god Zhong Death found that they stepped on the silver crystal and silver splendor. The overlap of the shuttles, Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, there are four young people with fairy postures and elegant postures behind him.

These four young men, two men and two women, were behind Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie, a pair on the left and right.

The pair on the left, at first glance, looks like a young couple, each standing on top of a strong magic bull. The woman is holding a snail tightly in her hand, while the man is holding the Tianmang Excalibur.

The pair on the right, judging from their appearance, should be a pair of brother and sister, with a scroll of divine books under their feet.

All four of them were surrounded and protected by hundreds of millions of immortal rings overlapping Zhou Jun's body.

"Fourth brother! Fengmei! Immortal boy! have found it here too!"

Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie and the four Langyuan young immortals behind him, quickly flew close to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and others, floating in the crowd.

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie saw the three Langyuan statues who came out to rescue earlier, and responded in surprise.

"Hehe, that's what we should be here for. Unexpectedly, Master Zhou also came here, and even rescued the four children before us! Let us feel ashamed!"

Wu Xiannan joked.

"Oh! Because I sensed Yayami Tianluoyin's cry for help in the overlapping universe, I suddenly performed the magic power of instant traversing, and got into Qi Ai's death tower.

Then help them defeat the siege of the terrifying death corpses and death cloud birds at the top of the death tower. Finally, the three primitive immortal gods of Confucianism, Taoism and law imprisoned at the top of the tower of death were finally rescued!

Then we began to use the divine power of the dark three universes book "Devil World Smoke Book" and the Shengzhou Nine-Fang Universe God Book "Miejie Quanshu" to continuously attack the boundary seal of the death tower, trying to lead the four children to break out.

At the beginning, we couldn't find the weak direction of the Death Tower, but then we heard the music of the flute outside the Death Tower, and we quickly found the breakthrough of the Death Tower, and then we came out like this!

Thank you, Xiannan, Lord Ben Zhou can hear that the sound of the divine flute leading to the direction is made by your emerald bamboo flute, right? "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then asked Wu Xiannan with a wicked smile.

"Hehe, the head of the sect is powerful. That's right. At that time, I saw Brother Zhen studying the Zhongde Throne. I also watched it for a long time and found its weak position.

So knock three times in a row, hoping to draw your attention to where I knocked in the Throne of the Dead Bell. so that you can break through.

At that time, I just hoped that you could find that location by luck, and didn't put too much hope on it. Unexpectedly, you actually found out, which is really great! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan's eyes were full of admiration for himself.

"Brother Qianlang, Xiannan is an amazing person, he is the king of heaven!"

As soon as Wuxian's male voice fell, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhou Jun, interrupted.

"Oh! What's the matter?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, carefully inspecting Wu Xiannan up and down, and found that his immortal energy has become surprisingly stronger than before, his eyes are also blue in color, deep and infinite, although the fairy ring outside his body is intentionally restrained, it is still The whole body is in a state of stretching and surging.

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then sighs and asks Cheng Shifeng, the sister spirit demon Zhou Jun.

"Let's let me, the god of war, Zhong Xing, tell the story..."

Standing beside Jianzhan Zhoujun, the tall unicorn Zhong Shi couldn't hold back for a long time, and before Cheng Shifeng, the spirit monster Zhoujun, opened his mouth to answer, he roughly said that Wuxiannan is the Tianjun.

"Ha ha……"

"Sure enough, as expected by the juniors, in fact, the juniors have already discovered many aspects of Tianjun's uniqueness, especially the miraculous nature of the two flutes of Tian Lai.

However, Ben Zhoujun is very puzzled, since Tianjun has recovered the memory of the green dragon and white phoenix, why doesn't he return to the Jitian Palace, so that he can be the master of the universe for the righteous soul! "

"This junior has seen the God of War, the God of Time and the God of Death!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, and when he heard the explanation of the time war god Zhong Sheng, he was both unexpected and expected, sighed and asked Wu Xiannan, and greeted the time war god Zhong death.

"No matter how high the Heavenly Palace is, it's warmer than the human world. After the fairy man went through the ancient spirit jihad, he witnessed the death of countless primitive gods and gods, and he no longer wants to experience it again!

Now the fairy man just wants to stay with Feng'er all day long within the Langyuan fairy gate. Of course, for the sake of Langyuan Xianmen's future Fengyun universe, Xiannan will never watch Feng'er fight alone!

Whether it is Zhou Jun or Feng'er, the fairy man is at his disposal at any time. It's just that I don't want to be the commander of the heavenly army anymore! "

The Wuxian male looked calm, holding the flute of nature, and repeatedly expressed his future position in his words.

"Ha ha……"

"Fairy man, you don't need to care about your previous situation in Langyuan Xianmen. You are a generation of heavenly monarchs, galloping through the universe, and working side by side with Fengmei, this is not inconsistent!

Whether it is all the Taoist friends of Langyuan Xianmen, or the head of this Zhoujun, they are not people who strive for power for themselves. No matter what position the fairy man is in, we are all the righteous side of the good destiny road, and we still look forward to immortality. Men don't have to worry about anything. "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie heard from Wu Xiannan's words that he was outside the destiny, so he also made his position clear and said with a smile.

"Thank you Master Zhou for your understanding. Immortal men are not wise to protect themselves. All choices are made from the heart. From now on, only mandarin ducks are envied and not immortals! Only the wind is to look forward to, and only the master Tianling will fight! Don't be full of Zeus, I only love Tian Lai Di.

In addition, after the poison of the ancient spirit jihad, the war gods of the ten directions now only have the time war gods, the demon war gods, and the Tianyi war god Peixian in Zhou.

The whereabouts of Dumo Xianjian God of War and Peixian Tianyi God of War are unknown now, but Time God of War is here, so let him be the head guardian of the heavenly realm in the future! It's also good to help the master to fight in the war of the dark three universes in the future! "

Wu Xiannan smiled and spoke, but his attitude was firm. At the end of the sentence, he looked at Zhong Shi, the god of war of time, and said.



Zhong Sheng, the war god of time, couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when he heard the words of the once powerful Tian. However, he also understood the pain Tianjun had experienced, sighed, and saluted Tianjun Wuxiannan and Duo Zhoujun Wushang successively, and agreed.

But speaking from the bottom of my heart, at this moment, the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, has not really returned to his heart and overlapped Zhou Jun Supreme and then under the evil leadership. In particular, there are great doubts about the superimposed and evil ability of Lord Zhou.

The reason why he agreed was mainly out of respect for Tianjun Wuxiannan.

"Heavenly Monarch! This can't be done, even if the fairy man doesn't want to be in the chaos of the Heavenly War, he is still the Heavenly Monarch!

Time God of War Zhong Sheng is a senior of the Supreme God of War, a fellow disciple of Du Mojian, the master of the younger generation, how can he condescend to become the guardian of the Tianhe Realm for the younger generation! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie hurriedly bowed and returned the salute.

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