Nine Heavens

Chapter 2048 Occasionally laugh

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme asked the question again, thinking that the spirit of the three gods of primitive Confucianism, Taoism and law was totally unreasonable, and continued their childlike topic.

"Ha ha……"

The four immortals below Langyuan looked at them looking old, but they were speaking in childish language. They all looked around and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! Xiaodao, take care of your younger boys, they are laughing at us!

This violates the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence of all immortals in all regions of the universe, mutual respect, non-insulting each other, common confrontation with enemies, and maintenance of immortal rituals. "

Wearing a pitch-black robe, the original Dharma Venerable Xiaofa with a black face and black beard yelled unhappily.

"Hey... I think they are pretty good, if they are stupid, they are all young children, after all, they are still young."

Xiao Daoer, who was wearing a white fairy robe, said.

"I don't know what the next step of the three original immortals is, will they follow me back to the overlapping universe, or..."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie asked again with a smile.

"That's right! You said that we were tidied up in the Tower of Death, and we were about to die. Now that we suddenly come out, everything in life has changed. Where are we going!"

"Xiaobai below said, you can go with him, can you?"

"It's okay to go, I don't know if there are any delicious and interesting things in the overlapping universe, we are almost dying in the death tower, we should make up for it!"

"Then let me ask, hello! The Xiaobai who is talking below, do you have any fun and delicious food in overlapping universes?"

The four long-bearded primitive immortals above muttered for a while, and finally the white trail shouted evilly at the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme.

"Haha, the overlapping universe is formed by the overlapping of 99,999 parallel universes. It is infinitely changing and magical. Heaven, earth, treasures, gods, vegetables and delicacies, all of these are omnipresent. Let the three primordial Immortals pick it."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang said with a long smile.

"Oh! That's great, so what else to say, we'll just go with you! But it's okay, we are primitive fairy gods with status, we must, we must get us a fairy palace, it's called the Three Dao Palace Alright! Are we asking too much?"

The three original immortals were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they all exclaimed. After Xiao Baidao sighed, he even thought about things after the overlapping universe for the Supreme Lord of the overlapping universe.

"Well! It's too much, but seeing the three original immortals are so cute, how about arranging you to live in Langyuan Qitian Daqi Palace.

There are not only thousands of star flags fluttering to watch, but also countless gods, birds and beasts to accompany you to have fun. The most important thing is, if you want anything delicious and fun, there will be a wave of fairy envoys to pick it up for you at any time. , you just care about being happy!

However, it can be seen that the three original immortals are also gods who keep their word and act according to principles. When you are free and easy, you should protect the banner of Langyuan Qitian by the way. I wonder if the three Confucianism, Taoism and Law have any opinions? "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's five-colored eyes flashed, and then he asked with a smile when overlapping the words of the universe king.

"Yeah! That's right! Xiaofa, Xiaodao, it's not good to just take advantage. Do you think we should agree to them?"

"Yes! But for the sake of fairness and maintaining the power of the immortal law, we agree to them, but we can't be unprincipled. We can go to the Langyuan Qitian Banner Palace, but we can change the Banner Palace to the Three Dao Palace!"

Xiaofa finally said.

"Haha...Three Dao Palace, this is very good, I just listened to the proposal of the three original immortals, and the King of Zhou agreed, so that we can return to the overlapping universe!"

Overlapping Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed and agreed.

"Hehe! It's just a pity that the death spirit of the death tower is still allowed to escape. Although its body is gone, the death spirit of the death tower is also very annoying!"

Seeing that the three original immortals, Confucianism, Taoism and the three above had no objections, the fairy Wu played a beautiful fairy song again, and floated to this world first with his beloved wife Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

"Oh! Brother Yun, look at how romantic Aunt Feng and the others are, I'm so envious!"

In the back, Yaya and Liu Yun stood side by side, each stepping on the magic cow, watching the two elders and immortal couples at ease, Yaya said enviously.

"Hehe, it's better to be envious, so let's go too!"

Liu Yun inherited the fortitude and sternness of his father, Zhou Jun, who is supreme and evil. He looks unrestrained, but he is less easy-going. Yaya has experienced ups and downs since she was a child, so she is relatively less mischievous.

Although they are junior fairy couples, sometimes they look more mature than Wuxiannan and Lingyao Zhoujun Cheng Shifeng.

That's why Yaya has envious words.

Liu Yun knew how much he loved his wife, and after bidding farewell to the elders, Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, he looked sideways at Yaya and smiled, took Yaya's magic cow with a smile, took Yaya's arms, and floated away in public .

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing his daughter being taken away by Liu Yun with a blushing face, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen couldn't help laughing, and then said with a smile:

"Third Brother, I'm not talking about you. How did you teach two young children to be like this? Look at Xiannan and Feng'er, they are just like Ye Xiang and Shuang'er in those days!"

"Hey! Don't just talk about me, Yaya is your daughter and Yun'er is your son-in-law, teach them if you have the skills."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then smiled heartily.

"Of course, you saw it just now, my son-in-law is also romantic, haha..."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen naturally didn't care about the fun of overlapping universes, and watched Yaya Liuyun go away.

"Hehe... Uncle Zhen is so funny, why are your eyes five colors, so amazing?"

At this time, Liu Xiaoluo, who was behind Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie, looked at the tall and mighty, witty Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and said with a smile.

"Hehe, Luo Er is really amazing when you say it, come on! How about walking with Uncle Song and talking?"

"Okay! Liu Xiaoluo made a face to his father who finally met in trouble, and stepped on the colorful "Devil World Smoke Book" to come to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the old and the young were also joking. Let's go."

Later, Zhou Junsupreme could not help but remind his beloved daughter Xiao Luo:

"Luo'er, don't listen to everything that your Uncle Zhen says, be careful to lead you into trouble!"

"Haha... You guys can analyze the spirit of the death tower in the back, my niece and I will go back first.

Niece, don't listen to your father, he is jealous of our talking and laughing, let me tell you, your father always keeps a straight face, which is not good for your health..."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme, no matter how evil he was, he heard his fourth younger brother Yunshan Wuling and his beloved daughter Luoer talking nonsense from a distance, shook his head and laughed, and ignored them.

Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Qian who was focused on the northwest direction outside the evil palace in the heaven.

"Qian'er, our father and son can finally be together. After a few eons of death and suffering, do you and Luo Er hate father and mother?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, looking at the handsome and upright beloved son Liu Qian, he asked apologetically.

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