Nine Heavens

Chapter 2049

"When you are bewitched by Lord Death, I hate it! I hate it so much!

Because the dead son described father as a heinous devil, and father also imprisoned mother in Langyuan Xianmen! "

Liu Qian turned to his father and told Zhou Jun that he was supreme and evil, and said frankly.

Overlapping Zhou Jun listened, silent and dejected.

"However, the real daddy is a supremely righteous fairy god who upholds the principle of good fortune! He is a role model that Qian'er sincerely admires!

I hate that Mr. Death changed into Mr. Jietongyun, and deceived Luo Er and me for such a long time.

He showed us countless times his deliberately illusory magic sound shadow stones. In those magic sound shadow stones, there are all pictures of his father in disrepair, and there are many scenes of his father mutilating his mother!

Mr. Death is really insidious and hateful. Not only did he repeatedly deceive Daddy, but he also attacked my poor little sister, Xiao Luo! "

Liu Qian's black hair fluttered, her eyes were full of bitterness, and she really didn't want to think about her sister's past. It was a childhood that was suppressed by mistakes and hatred, and there was no happy past in her youth.

"Actually, no matter what, Dad and your mother are sorry for your sister and you. If we had found out the true identity of Mr. Death earlier, you would have had a happy and comfortable past like other sisters and brothers!

Back then, your mother and I handed over your brothers and sisters to him as soon as they were born. This was our most painful mistake. This is also the reason why your mother often looked at your other sisters and shed tears! "

No matter how evil Zhou Jun is, he couldn't find it, and it was impossible to find words to save Liu Qian's pain, so he could only blame himself!

"Father, don't say that, all this is not the fault of father and mother, the fault lies in the dark three universes, it is too evil!

Dad went from being human to suffering step by step against the sky, how could he have the ability to see through all this at the beginning! Although Qian'er is in pain, she is not ignorant of reason! "

Seeing Zhou Jun Supreme's evil white hair fluttering and his face pale, Liu Qian comforted his father.

Hearing this, Zhou Jun felt grateful in his heart, looking deeply at the sensible Liu Qiandao:

"Go back with Daddy, let Daddy and Mother take good care of you, and let us make up for what we owe you."

"No! Father told mother that Qian'er must track down the whereabouts of the death tower spirit. When will the death tower be completely destroyed and kill the son of death with his own hands. Qian'er will go back to honor his parents!

If I don't kill him with my own hands, I'm sorry for my suffering sister, Xiao Luo, and my wronged father and mother! "

"But, your mother?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie had been worried that this child would make such a choice, but at this moment when he heard his words, he was still shocked, shook his head slightly, and asked.

"Father! Why doesn't the child miss mother? He has always wanted to appear in front of mother since he was a child.

But Hai'er knows better that if Master Death is not killed, the reunion between Hai'er and his parents may only be for a moment. Babies don't want to get together like this. Babies want to be with their parents forever, so they must do this!

Daddy, please go back, you lead Langyuan Xianmen to go up against the sky, and my boy will be your vanguard to challenge the three great evil spirits of the dark universe!

When we defeat the Dark Three Demons, it is the time when the child and father and mother will be together forever, father and mother take care!

The baby is gone! This is for mother, this is the magic obscenity audio and video stone recorded by the boy and his sister since childhood, mother must be happy to see it! Tell mother that the baby always blesses her and daddy too! "

When Liu Qian said something, her eyes were filled with tears, and she couldn't bear to stay any longer, she shot herself outside the evil palace in the heaven realm, waving her sleeves behind her back and throwing a silver-white divine light away.

"Okay! As expected, I am the supreme and evil son of Zhou Jun. Since Qian'er is so decisive, Dad can only support him!

Don't worry, Qian'er, Daddy Moyinyingshi will give it to your mother as soon as possible.

The future is changing, evil spirits are everywhere, Qian'er, this is Daddy's golden pagoda for robbery, Daddy gave it to you, it can help you travel a lot!

My son must remember! Whenever you need help, facing the spire of the golden pagoda and sealing the spire, recite the "Si'er Curse" silently three times, Daddy will immediately appear where you are, and help you! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil again, raised his left hand to catch the pure white light, and at the same time flew out of the glittering golden pagoda of conquest with his right hand.


Knowing that the golden pagoda has changed its owner, the eighth-floor supernatural beast roared wildly. Following the golden pagoda, it roared and flew towards Liu Qian outside the evil palace in the heaven.

"Thank you Daddy!"

Liu Qian was flying wildly in the sky, casually catching the incoming golden pagoda, looking back at the white-haired man flying wildly to the top of the evil palace in the heaven, and the silver-clothed hunting man for a long time.

Then, finally left in tears.

The son left, and the father was lingering.

Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie stood on the top of the evil palace in the heaven, and decided to leave until he saw that Liu Qian had turned into a residual point at the edge of the heaven.

"Everyone is ruthlessly returning to Xianyu, don't you want to have tears in your eyes?

Overlap Zhou Jun! You are indeed different from any fairy gods since the ancient spirit universe!

Now they are all immortals who have stepped into the cloud world, and all human disasters have passed, but they can never give up on human relations. The kindness of the Xianmen family is really incredible! "

Just as Zhou Jun was superimposed on Aiko Liu Chian who was looking away, a huge green figure surrounded by a green rainbow suddenly floated down from the sky.

After the green figure settled down, he spoke wildly.

"It turned out to be Senior Zhong Death, the God of War of Time. This junior is taking the liberty to climb to the top of Senior's Heavenly Evil Palace!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme took a closer look, and it turned out to be the God of War of Time, Zhong Shi, who had gone and returned, so he hurriedly saluted and greeted him.

"Haha... It's okay! It's just a small palace of the God of War, don't worry about it, that kid is really a stubborn one, but I like it very much.

You can rest assured that I will take care of him if I am here, and I intend to accept him as a disciple. I wonder if Mr. Zhou agrees? "

After Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, laughed, he asked Zhou Jun whether he was the supreme or evil.

"With the protection of the Time God of War, one of the ten gods of war in the ancient spirit life, if you are lucky enough to be a disciple of the senior, Qian'er is really a source of blessing!

The younger generation couldn't wish for it, how could they disagree, the younger generation thanked the Time God of War! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme heard that Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, actually fell in love with his son Liu Qian, and couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart. Hurry up and thank you!

"Haha! That's great, then we've made a deal, but don't go back on your word! From now on, this Heavenly Evil God Palace will finally not be lonely.

That child, I, Zhong Sheng, saw that he was a young man with extraordinary wisdom. It would be a pity not to make him a fairy god of the heavens! "

Hearing that Zhou Jun Supreme agreed, the huge-headed God of War, Zhong Sheng, danced with joy and was very satisfied.

As he spoke, he stomped his feet and flew away again.

"Hehe, why did senior leave in such a hurry just now and come back in such a hurry?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme then asked with a wicked smile.

"Oh! What's more, it's all because I'm used to being imprisoned. I flew to the frozen sea, and when I got there, I suddenly realized that this is my heavenly evil palace!"

The God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, laughed at himself with embarrassment.

"Ha ha……"

"So it turns out that God of War was so anxious to return to the Heavenly Evil Palace, but he forgot that he was in his own Heavenly Evil Palace at that time!"

Overlapping Zhou Junshang no matter how evil he heard the rumors, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, this matter, you must never mention it to Qian'er in the future, or I will lose face as a master!"

The God of War of Time lowered his voice and said very carefully.

Then the two chatted some gossip again, overlapped Zhou Jun Supreme and left in an evil spirit, and the God of War of Time, Zhong Death, took off again and jumped out of the Heavenly Palace to find Liu Qiang.

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