Nine Heavens

Chapter 2053 Northwest Tianmen

Celestial Palace.

Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, is floating cross-legged in the vast sea of ​​blood demons, undergoing intense training in the integration of the main god and distraction of the blood demon body.

This vast sea of ​​blood is not owned by the heavens, but comes from the former No. 1 human nether hell in the chaotic universe. Now it is in the blood moon mask worn by the dead son.

In other words, at this moment, Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, is practicing in his blood moon mask.

And his blood moon mask flashed brilliantly over the Heavenly Palace, gloomy and bright red, with infinite monsters surging inside, making him feel depressed and flustered.

At this moment, apart from the high-hanging blood moon, the heavenly palace is already empty of immortals. All the righteous gods and gods that exist have been swallowed by him, or turned into slaves of the blood demon and thrown into the blood of the blood demon, which is his blood. In the face of the blood moon.

There are no righteous spirits and gods in the Heavenly Palace, but it is not that there are no monsters.

On the contrary, in the entire Tianjie Tiangong, countless evil spirits, monsters, and dead ghosts are shuttling and wandering, infinitely dirty and gloomy.

The name is Tiangong, but it is actually a dark hell in the fairy world.

Outside the northwest gate of the Tiangong, a pitch-black dragon flew whistling with its teeth and claws open, and a bewitching middle-aged lady floated on it.

The pitch-black magic dragon was extremely huge, and its huge head carried countless vortex hurricanes, swallowed rainbow radio, and crossed the northwest gate of Tiangong in the blink of an eye.

"Where is the monster, dare to come to the Heavenly Palace to act wildly, all the hate and resentment kings seal the door!"

"Yes! King of Thousand Limbs!"

When the dark magic dragon flew towards me, thirty-six fairy kings of all kinds of strange colors burst out from the northwest gate of the Heavenly Palace!

The leader was a goblin king with black head, white body and red thousand limbs. He opened his big round mouth full of white teeth and shouted.

The other goblin kings lined up in left and right rows in an instant, and suddenly closed the northwest gate of the Heavenly Palace.

Here I want to explain that all evil spirits are respected by the northwest gate. There are eight gates in four directions in the Heavenly Palace, and the northwest gate is the most valued.

Therefore, in today's Tianjie Tiangong, it is not the east gate that is supreme, but the northwest gate.

The reason for this is very simple, because any evil spirit is the body of a demon, and absorbs the cold evil spirit. They are afraid of the overly strong righteous spirit in the southeast, and like the cold area in the northwest.

This son of death came from the ancient soul of the dark universe, and he was no exception. He naturally positioned the northwest gate of the Tiangong Temple as the supreme holy gate.

Therefore, the gatekeeper is also very important, and the thirty-six kings of all walks of life in the fairy world are selected as the gatekeeper.

The goblin kings of the thirty-six realms were taken to heaven by Ouyang Langlong, the humane body of the son of death, and entrusted with important positions. Naturally, they did their best and never ambiguously worked.

For a long time, he hadn't encountered any major events in the Tianmen, so Bichou had no chance to show his face to the dead son Ouyang Lang, the dragon blood demon Tianjun.

Suddenly seeing a beautiful woman from the black dragon break into the door, not only was she not afraid, on the contrary, everyone was ecstatic, they closed the door and went to the sky, and they wanted to fight the beautiful woman from the black dragon.

And this flying beautiful woman is none other than Zhou Wu, who killed Qi Ai in the Palace of the Evil God in the Heaven Realm, and came to seek refuge with the Blood Demon Lord of the Heaven Realm Heaven Palace.

Zhou Wu didn't come to kick the door. Although the aura of the shot was terrifying, when it reached the sky above the northwest gate of the Heavenly Palace, it immediately stopped the black dragon transformed into a pitch-black wand.

And himself, floating on it, first quietly looked down at the vast heavenly palace, and then his ghostly green eyes shrouded the northwest gate.

However, she didn't pay attention to the thirty-six fairy kings during the whole process, and looked down as if they didn't see them.


Zhou Wu's aura made the thirty-six goblin kings who flew up to the opposite sky very depressed.

The Qianli King, who is the leader, is the gatekeeper. He shouted loudly and yelled to close the door, but the other party didn't even look at him.

This made the Qianli King, who had a strong sense of superiority, not hurt his self-esteem. He turned around and looked around at the fairy kings, feeling very embarrassed!

"Hey! What kind of monster are you? Hurry up and report your name! I'm waiting for the thirty-six fairy kings to kill the nameless ghost!"

In order to save his slandered face, the Thousand-Limb King, the goblin Poison Blade spear in Qian's hand, wavered and swayed like a tide, and clamored again.

"Oh! It turned out to be thirty-six worms! Since you are the gatekeepers, why don't you hurry up and report to the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord that someone gave him a gift!"

This time, Zhou Wu looked down at the thirty-six goblin kings who were much lower than her, and said in a disdainful order.

"Certainly... a gift! What are you? We don't have anything in the Heavenly Palace. Who cares about your gift!"

Hearing the words, King Qianju felt that the other party was disrespectful to him, and immediately sneered, and his words became bitter and mean.

"Bugs! You are really stupid. If you have something in the heavenly palace, how can this universe send it?"

Zhou Wu also laughed coquettishly, then stopped suddenly, stared at the thirty-six goblin kings, and scolded.

"Ah! So it's Zhou Wu's grandma! Spare Zhou Wu's grandma! We worms don't know Taishan, and offended Zhou Wu's grandma!

I beg Grandma Zhou Wu not to tell the blood demon Tianjun about my slow treatment of Grandma Zhou Wu! Otherwise we will be miserable! "


When the thirty-six goblin kings heard that the other party turned out to be the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch repeatedly telling them that they must greet the distinguished guests entering the gate of heaven with big gifts, they were so frightened that they threw away their weapons and rushed to pay respects.

"Well! Get up, as the saying goes in the human way, those who don't know don't blame, the witches of this universe will act as if nothing happened just now, you open the gate of heaven quickly! The demons of this universe will not blame you!"

Zhou Wu has a beautiful face, but his eyes are cruel, and he said with a smile.

"Yes Yes!"

Thirty-six goblin kings did not dare to be negligent, and hurriedly opened the northwest Tianmen like a swarm.

However, when they opened the northwest gate, something happened suddenly. Suddenly it closed again.

"Huh!? Why are you doing this? Don't you mean to prevent the witches of this universe from entering the heavenly palace?"

"I also ask Zhou Wu to calm down! The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has an order. If Zhou Wu comes here in the future, Zhou Wu must not enter the northwest gate immediately.

Whether or not Zhou Wu is allowed to enter the Heavenly Evil Palace depends on the meaning of the blood demon Tianjun. "

"Oh! He knew I was bound to come?"

Zhou Wu pondered for a moment, then sighed.

"Yes, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch not only guessed that you would come, but also said that Xu Xiao would join the Tianjie Tiangong sooner or later before he retreated! Let us wait patiently!"

The four limbs saw that although the other party demanded toughness, they did not go any further, so they said more.

"Forget it! Since the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has said something beforehand, the witch of this universe doesn't want to make it difficult for you thirty-six bugs, so I'll wait on the God Witch Dragon until he comes out!"

Zhou Wu said after contemplating for a moment.

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