Nine Heavens

Chapter 2054 The Cosmic Witch Surrenders

"Is the universe witch outside the palace?"

Zhou Wu heard the words of the thirty-six goblin kings clearly, and after talking about the dead son Ouyang Lang's dragon blood demon Tianjun's order not to let him enter during his retreat, he stopped talking.

Standing upright on the god witch dragon, thinking about something.

But after a while, a gloomy male voice came from the Tianjie Tiangong.

"It seems that the witch of this universe has come to the right place, and the Blood Demon Lord has already left the customs!"

Zhou Wu tasted the flavor of the other party's words, and said in a charming voice.

"That's right! This lord has summoned and returned all the thirteen Primordial Spirits and the Nine Great Souls of Resentment, and completed the return of all the demonic souls!

I don't know why you Zhou Wu came to the heavenly palace of my blood demon Tianjun? "

Gorefiend Tianjun is separated from the northwest gate, and this time a woman's evil voice came out.

"Follow the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch!"

Zhou Wu said straight to the point.

"Ha ha……"

"Isn't Zhou Wu the best friend of the Qi Ai Dynasty? Why? Came here as an undercover agent!?"

In the Tianjie Tiangong, the evil and picky man's voice of the blood demon Tianjun came out again.

"Sincerely seek refuge! The witch of this universe advises the blood demon Tianjun, and dominates the world of life, and this universe needs a hero to show his position!"

Zhou Wu knew that no false words could deceive the other party, so all the questions asked by the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch were blunt!

"Hmm! It seems that Zhou Wu has really taken refuge in this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch. I just heard that you said what gift you want to give me?

Ben Tianjun should first hear whether your gift satisfies me, and then decide whether to accept you! "

Inside the northwest gate of Tianjie Tiangong, sometimes male voices sometimes female voices said.

"The witch of this universe brought three gifts to the blood demon Tianjun, one is the head of Qi Ai! The other is the soul of the death tower of the patriarch of the dark universe of Qi Ai!

The third is that the current evil palace in the heavens has been polluted by the poisonous lacquer energy released by the witches of this universe, and even if the Time God of War regains his freedom, he will have nowhere to live!

I don't know if these three gifts can make the blood demon Tianjun believe in the sincerity and satisfaction of the witch in this universe? "

Zhou Wu's mouth was fragrant and pretentious. Although the blood demon Tianjun couldn't see it at all, she still made a charming appearance and said.

"Oh! Qi Ai is dead! This is news that makes this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch happy! But when it comes to satisfaction, this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch really doesn't feel that way!

Now the forces of righteous spirits are gradually flourishing, and we are surrounded by them, so we can be carefree.

This Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch still lacks a head and a basin. With these two things, this Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch can achieve the unity of the demonic powers of the dark three universes, and become the omnipotent evil spirit in the universe!

Only in this way, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch can regard the immortals and gods of Manzhousheng as mortal ants! "

In the Tianjie Tiangong, the blood demon Tianjun exclaimed, and then said the following words strangely.

"Okay! The witch of this universe agrees to the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, and immediately goes to find the young master of the Void Universe, takes his head, and takes his Void Bowl!

However, the witch of this universe is sincere and ambitious, and I hope that the Blood Demon Lord will not be dishonest! "

Zhou Wu naturally understood it, and agreed after a little hesitation!

"Haha... giggle..."

"Zhou Wu, don't worry, you are still very useful to me, Blood Demon Lord, so go! Come and see me with Xuxiao's head and Xuquan bowl!

When the Aoyou Sword, the Death Tower and the Void Bowl hover around the body of the blood demon Tianjun, it is also the time for us to have a good time. "

Inside the northwest gate of the Tianjie Tiangong, the blood demon Tianjun never showed his face, but his yin and yang laughter lingered over the Tianjie Tiangong for a long time.

Zhou Wu came here full of sincerity, and he didn't even let in the gate of the Heavenly Palace, so he was naturally upset.

However, Zhou Wu thought that the request of the blood demon Tianjun was not too much, and killing Xu Xiao would be good for him, so with a move of his magic thought, he reversed the dragon, roared, and disappeared into Zhou Ji.

Overlapping universes, one universe.

After several months, Zhou Jun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang saw his beloved wife Dong Luo gradually look happy again, he saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

On this day, after visiting his beloved wife Dong Luo, he left Luoying Xiangong with a smile on his face, stepping on overlapping fairy swords, with white hair fluttering around and silver clothes hunting.

"Daddy! Wait a minute, you forgot to take the falling flower wine that mother made for you!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then evil Liu leads the waves. Just after flying out of the Luoyinghua Palace, a girl with a thousand-colored and imaginary scroll comes flying behind, calling out in a sweet voice Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then evil Liu leads wave.

This young girl is full of happiness, with flowers floating all over her body, holding a pure white wine bottle in her single palm, she looks like a spoiled little princess.

"Ha ha……"

"Daddy's good daughter, look at Daddy, he's so busy talking and joking with his daughter, he even forgot about the good wine! Your mother isn't angry, is she?"

Overlapping Zhou Junshang and Xie Liu Qianlang took it, Liu Xiaoluo suddenly pushed the Luoyinghua wine bottle in his hand, and asked his daughter with a smile.

"Hee hee! Mom won't be angry, she wishes Daddy forgot to bring everything, so Daddy will come to Luoyinghua Palace several times, look at Mother!"

Liu Xiaoluo smiled sweetly.

"Oh! Could it be that your mother didn't remind me on purpose just now?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme and then evil Liu Qianlang, said very seriously.

" won't be anymore, it's me, Xiao Luo wants to send daddy off!"

Xiao Luo smiled mischievously.

"Hehe, Xiao Luo is really kind to Daddy. Why don't you go with Daddy to your Uncle Zhen? Your Uncle Yuanfang, Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, Uncle Tianjun and Xiannan are all here, and they all like you very much."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang took the opportunity to propose.

"No daddy! Mother won't let me leave her side for a moment. Even Tianling and Xiaoying sisters invite me to play, and they can only drive Luoyinghua Palace. Why don't you take mother to talk to other mothers?" go."

Liu Xiaoluo rejected her father with a sweet smile, then turned around and flew back towards Luoyinghua Palace.

"Qian'er, don't worry this time, your beloved sister, now has a mother, a father, and all the Langyuan family doting on her, very happy, very happy!

Days like this, Daddy hopes to belong to you soon! Let us work together, this day will come! "

Looking at the happy back of his daughter Xiao Luo, Zhou Jun is supreme, then Xie Liu Qianlang thinks of Liu Qian, and there is a wave of ups and downs in his heart, and he whispers to himself.

"Haha... the master Zhou Jun left so soon!"

After overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang stayed for a short time, just as he took off the overlapping fairy sword, he saw a white horse and golden chariot ahead, and four high-spirited fairy horses neighing and running.

Afterwards, a man and a woman stood on the golden chariot. The man was the Huanfeng Shenlong driving the chariot with his whip, and it was he who shouted the words just now.

The woman is Princess Yinling, covering her eyes and looking at the Luoyinghua Palace, she seems very anxious.

"Yeah! Qianlang is going to the Star Palace, and Yuanfang, Sister Juan and the others are discussing about going to the Cloud Palace! Who are you?"

When they rubbed shoulders, Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang said with a smile.

"Hey! Aren't you a child and a dragon girl! I was still on duty and insisted on a white horse and gold car to come to the Luoyinghua Palace to play with Xiao Luo. I had no choice but to send their wives here!"

Huanfeng Shenlong looked behind him helplessly after hearing the words.

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang discovered that it was no wonder Huanfeng Shenlong and Princess Yinling were standing. It turned out that their precious daughter Xiaolongnv was sitting on the seat of the golden car behind them.

"Hee hee...Hello, Uncle Sect Leader, why are you leaving, why don't you stay and play with me, Xia Luo, and Tianling sisters?"

This time the dragon girl looks sweet and cute, she looks smart, she looks like the supreme head of Langyuan Xianmen overlapping Zhou Junwushang and Xie Liu Qianlang passed by, she immediately got up and said hello with a crisp smile.

"You child, stop pestering your uncle in charge. Your uncle in charge is no better than you. He always has time to play!"

After Princess Yinling smiled at her daughter, she saluted and greeted the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang.

"Huh? Not today, Uncle Liu will have time in a few days, how about taking your little sisters to your Shenlong Palace to see you?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang smiled after responding to Huanfeng Shenlong and his wife.

"Oh! That's great! Then we'll be waiting for you!

Xiao Longnu was very happy when she heard that, she touched a golden horn on her head with her hand, and jumped with joy.

"Haha... Don't worry, niece Long, Uncle Liu will definitely go there. When the time comes, I won't be stingy about your food..."

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang replied because he was anxious and did not stay too long, and gradually drifted away during the flight.

"Hee hee! Long Er can't, don't forget, Uncle Sect Leader, you must bring Sister Lian Er too!"

The innocence of a child means that there are only happy things in her heart. Accompanied by her parents, Xiao Longnu is happily flying towards the Luoyinghua Palace, still thinking about the happy things in the future.

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