Nine Heavens

Chapter 2056 Star Phantom Sound Xuan

"What does Sister Juan mean?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and evil, after listening to his brother Cheng Yuanfang, he nodded slightly, and then asked Qixiang Zhou Jun Liu Juan who was sitting in the room.

"I think it's better to make a compromise. Except for our six supreme beings, the mystical army numbering ninety-nine and eighty-one, let's first go to the dragon, fairy, phoenix, demon, and golden arrow four, and the dragon ball and phoenix pill forces will stay in the overlapping area for the time being." Zhou Jun.

After all, we initially set up Yungong, only a small part of the power, in case of disadvantages, we can withdraw to the overlapping universe at any time.

What's more, the superimposed universe has superimposed spiritual auras that are incomparable in both the cloud and sky worlds. This is the best environment for the cultivation of Xianmen disciples!

Therefore, when we are not fully sure of standing firm in the universe, it is best to take every step firmly. "

Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan's perspective is mainly considered in terms of the safety factors of Langyuan Xianmen.

"Hehe, what you all said is very reasonable. Xiannan told everyone a piece of good news. On the way here just now, Xiannan learned from the sound of the flute of Tian Lai that only two of the three major dark forces in the heavens are left.

That Qi Ai has been killed by Zhou Wu! At this moment, she went to chase and kill Xu Xiao, the young master of Xu Liang Zhou again! "

Wu Xiannan smiled casually.

"Oh! I said you looked happy when you came here, so that's why!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, sighed after hearing what her husband said.

"Well! This news is really great for me. If they can offset each other, wouldn't we be much more relaxed, and it would be best if there is only one dark force left in the end.

In this way, we don't have to disperse our forces and worry about confronting the enemy everywhere! However, Xiannan, why are they like this? "

Hearing the words, Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang was overjoyed, nodded and asked.

"Hehe, for more details, the sect master will know when he asks Brother Zhen, and the fairy man can only get a rough idea."

Wu Xiannan has always been very low-key in his work, and he doesn't want to stand out, or show his edge too much, he said with a smile.

"Haha... Xiannan, you! Well, let me explain in detail. The third brother doesn't know something. Last night, after drinking with Xiannan, I was happy and compared my divination skills.

I don't want my star sword and fairy man's Tian Lai flute to appear auspicious signs at the same time, that is, only two of the three major dark forces are left.

Then we carefully deduced, the mysterious sound of the star illusion, and finally figured out the evil palace of the heaven, the scene of Zhou Wu slaughtering the paint, and the scene of Zhou Wu driving the magic witch dragon to defect to the dead son of the Tiangong in the heaven, which is now called the blood demon Tianjun.

Xiannan, let's perform the mystical technique of star phantom sound again, so that the third brother and everyone can watch it carefully. "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed heartily, his black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, and said something that excited all the high-ranking Langyuan present.

"Okay! Brother Zhen, please!"

When Wu Xiannan heard this, the Tian Lai flute had already reached his mouth.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was not slow, and pointed his middle finger and two fingers to a position several feet high above the crowd.

In an instant, the star sword, which was already a phantom shadow, roared, and turned into countless mist-like starlights, which gathered to form a microscopic starlight mirror with a diameter of more than ten feet.

"Okay, fairy man, it's up to you!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen completed the cloth mirror, and the image of Qi Ai and Zhou Wu, the evil palace in the heavens, appeared on the starlight mirror immediately, but it was invisible and silent.

"Hehe, all immortals, pay attention!"

Afterwards, Wuxiannan blew the melodious and soft sound of the Tianlai flute, and then Qi Ai and Zhou Wu's voices were also clearly audible.

"Unexpectedly, they are also seducing and fighting each other, and neither of them has small ambitions!

However, the more they are like this, the more beneficial they are to us. This point, Qianlang was right! It seems that we are not in a hurry to fight against them, the strategy of self-cultivation is right! "

Looking at the actions of Qi Ai and Zhou Wu on the Xing Huan Xuan Microscope, Liu Juan figured out the reason why her younger brother overlapped Zhou Jun's supremacy and Xie Liu Qianlang has not given up orders to fight against the dark forces, and sighed.

"When Qianlang did this, he was actually gambling. Qianlang did find out that they were three-legged. As the forces of righteous spirits gradually raised their heads, our Langyuan Xianmen kept prying the power of the ancient spirits and gods. action.

However, the trend of their actions, at present, I only expect that they will continue to grow, or move towards the alliance. As for the development trend of them killing each other, I really didn't think about it.

Guessing from their words, the key reason for such a situation is related to the appearance of the Time God of War, Zhong Death, and the evil nature of Zhou Wu, who seeks quick success and quick benefits.

On the other hand, it is also conceivable that the evil power of the current dead son Ouyang Langlong must have become more stable and powerful!

He seemed to be waiting too, until the moment when Zhou Wu would definitely join him sooner or later.

The situation is in front of him, with the power of his Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, and a terrifying Zhou Wu with demonic wisdom, he really is a formidable enemy! Maybe he alone is more difficult to deal with than the three scattered dark forces! "

Overlapping Zhoujun Supreme and then Xie Liu Qianlang combined with Zhouwu behind holding Qi Ai's head, holding the spirit of the death tower, and driving the pitch-black god Wulong clamoring in front of the northwest gate of the Heavenly Palace, guessed.

"At the very least, the goals of the enemy and ourselves are gradually becoming clear. We face each other, and we no longer have to worry about too many uncertain factors. Brazen fighting with each other is more comfortable than a secret attack!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, took over the overlapping words of Zhoujun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang.

"This is indeed a good trend. It must be because the fourth brother and Yuan Fang knew this that they advocated that the miraculous army of ninety-nine and eighty-one should all go to Yungong!"

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then the evil willow leads the waves, looking around the sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen and Sirius Zhou Jun Cheng Yuanfang.


Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded together.

"Actually, Qianlang also meant this in his heart. He had a lot of worries before. He hoped that a year later, after Qianlang successfully practiced the great cosmic teleportation magic art, he would completely turn the superimposed universe into a spiritual void of soul thoughts, place it in the soul gate, and take it away with him." cloud palace.

That is to say, where the master is, there is the overlapping universe, and everything in our Langyuan Xianmen can enter and exit the overlapping universe at any time!

What's more, this sect leader will further use the great cosmic teleportation magical power to open up overlapping universes for your soul sects.

Once we succeed, we will be the universe. All the immortal tribes of Langyuan Xianmen can freely shuttle in the spiritual universe of our immortal gods. It is infinitely mysterious and unpredictable. No matter how powerful the dark forces are, they will not be able to control our existence.

This was my previous thought, and now the head of the sect has also decided that not only the magical army of ninety-nine and eighty-one, but our entire Langyuan Xianmen will all go to Yungong, destroy the former Yunzhou Yungong, and then establish Langyuan Yungong , Standing up the banner of Langyuan Qitian! "

Overlapping Zhou Jun is supreme and then evil Liu Qianlang, his eyes shot out of the palace of stars, and he said very firmly.

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