Nine Heavens

Chapter 2057 Four-Dimensional Immortal Universe

"Ha ha……"

"Third brother! It's true. In just one year, third brother will be able to successfully cultivate the magic art of cosmic teleportation? How did third brother do it?"

Hearing that the third brother was making a decision on the progress of his third brother's cultivation of the terrifying magic skill, Song Zhen, son of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan, couldn't help but stand up, laughing loudly.


Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang nodded calmly, and then said:

"However, Qianlang's sudden improvement in martial arts is entirely due to the recent guidance of a young boy who claims to be Yuanxian in Hunmengxinhuan."


All the immortals present at the scene were amazed when they heard the words.

"Hehe, the fairy man congratulates the head!"

Wu Xiannan heard the words, with a rare expression of surprise on his face, he got up and congratulated the overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme Zaixie.

But everyone else was stunned.

"Fairy man, what are you congratulating me for!?"

Overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang also looked puzzled, and asked Wu Xiannan with a smile.

"Of course congratulations on the birth of Immortal Immortal Nian in the soul gate of the sect leader! The immortal male was once fortunate enough to read a book of divine electricity and immortality that flew by outside the universe.

Although it was only a glimpse, but I also comprehended some content, and there are a few lines of fairy theory on it.

The general meaning is that the universe is boundless, and the Tao leads to the journey of immortality, the universe is infinite within the universe, and life is infinite outside the universe.

Life and death are all universes, but they are all dreams in the final analysis. Dreams are also clear and turbid, and there are clear inks for sorrow and joy. Clear dreams are born with cosmic events, and muddy dreams are haunted by monsters!

There is a dream fairy at the end of the dream, and the dream fairy is in the dream..."

Wu Xiannan talked a lot. Hearing Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhentang Jian Zhanzhou Jun was a little cloudy, frowning, puzzled, finally waited for Wuxiannan to finish speaking, and twisted his black and white two eyebrows ,ask:

"Xiannan, what are you talking about endlessly! What are you talking about?"

"Hehe, what I just said was the original text of the book of divine electricity. The general meaning is that, like ours, the life universe synthesized by the nine-direction universe, and the former death universe, in the infinitely vast universe, everywhere Both are.

And beyond the vast universe, there are still countless universes that are endless and endless. And the root of all this is that our thoughts are always in our minds.

Thoughts are boundless, thoughts have no boundaries, and the universe is infinite. However, thought has levels, which makes the universe divided into big and small, empty and substantive, parallel and overlapping, and so on.

That is to say, as far as the entire universe is concerned, there are phenomena that are both limited and infinite.

Everything is the universe, the viewer is different! There is no need to distinguish between internal and external differences!

In fact, not to mention far away, only the existence around us is the existence of infinite and finite contradictions.

For example, the flute of the sounds of nature in the hands of the fairy, from the outside, it has both shape and size, which means it is limited!

However, the profound space inside it is infinitely vast, boundless, yet infinite.

This is true of all kinds, including our own fairy body.

According to the words of the Divine Electric Immortal Book, in the universes of different levels, no matter whether they are living or dying, they all have thoughts, and thoughts are the divine energy contained in various universes.

These divine energies are combined with the corresponding cosmic essence, and will slowly merge to form the spiritual life of the universe.

The emergence of spiritual life is not very advanced at once. First, there are one-dimensional spiritual life, two-dimensional spiritual life, three-dimensional spiritual life, four-dimensional spiritual life, five-dimensional spiritual life...

Like our current spiritual life form, it is the existence of three-dimensional spiritual life. The one-dimensional spiritual life is the most basic cellular element that constitutes our three-dimensional spiritual life, and the two-dimensional spiritual life is the organs and tissues in our body.

Thinking and spiritual life is that we often want to kill demons, ghosts, evil spirits, fierce demons and other existences between substance and nothingness.

The five-dimensional spiritual life is the existence of our physical body fully evolved to the realm of thought. Or call our five-dimensional spiritual life the fairy state of the initial state of thought!

The spiritual life of more than six people is even more mysterious, and the fairy man can't explain it clearly! "


"Husband, according to you, since we are three-dimensional spiritual beings, are we immortals?"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, had already positioned himself as a spirit fairy in the cloud world. Hearing what her husband Wu Xiannan said, he couldn't help but feel completely devoid of superiority, and asked with a sigh.

"It can be regarded as a fairy of human thought! But it is not a real immortal! Regarding the definition of immortal, different dimensional universes have their own definitions.

In a universe of one latitude, the most advanced form of spiritual life that possesses supreme co-dimensional energy or some super-dimensional energy can be called the fairy of that latitude universe!

That is to say, in that latitude universe, they have evolved to the highest form, and the only trend in the next step is to enter the space-time of a higher-latitude universe.

We now exist in a three-dimensional universe. In this universe, the thought evolution of the human race is first the mortal way, and then the so-called human fairy way, earth fairy way, spirit fairy way, cloud fairy way, cosmic fairy way, overlapping universe fairy way, universe fairy way, nine heavens Zhou Xiandao.

Even if we reach the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens Cosmic Immortal Dao here, it is only the peak ideological strength of our three-dimensional universe, and we have not really entered the real fairyland in the infinite universe.

From this perspective, we are not real immortals, let alone gods. We are not, and neither are the gods and gods in the ancient spirit universe, but they are all spiritual forms that are stronger in the three-dimensional universe!

However, the three-dimensional universe is the boundary between the essence of spiritual life and the illusory existence of spiritual forms above the four-dimensional universe.

According to the normal evolution trend of spiritual thoughts, any spiritual life in the three-dimensional universe can enter the four-dimensional universe with illusory thoughts, that is, the state of mind.

However, the spiritual state of entering the four-dimensional universe in this way is just a normal evolution, and will never become a real fairy god!

Only a very small number of three-dimensional cosmic beings guard their real spiritual bodies at all costs, rebel against the laws of the universe, and forcibly enter the four-dimensional universe in a physical state. Only such three-dimensional spiritual beings have started the real journey of cultivating immortals!

The reason why the fairy male congratulates the head of the soul gate for the birth of the immortal thoughts of the universe is because only the three-dimensional spiritual life that has broken through the supreme limit of the three-dimensional universe can germinate the four-dimensional immortal thoughts.

The master said that the Yuanxian in the Soul Sect was not someone else, but because his own three-dimensional spiritual life began to evolve into a four-dimensional immortal.

In the future, with the practice of the master, it will continue to become clearer and stronger! "

Wu Xiannan tried his best to speak simply, hoping that the Langyuan immortals present could understand.

"Is the fairy man saying that starting from the four-dimensional universe, the universe of later latitudes can truly be called the fairy universe?"

Cheng Yuanfang, Sirius Zhoujun, had been listening quietly. In the eyes of Chaos God, the stormy sea was raging, with long jet black hair, fluttering without wind, and asked with a determined and calm expression.


Wu Xiannan replied simply.

Then, there was silence in the Star Palace.

Everyone was pondering Wuxiannan's words carefully, and at the same time, they were unknowingly making up their minds, planning even crazier training plans in the future.

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