Nine Heavens

Chapter 2058 Spiritual Officer

"I always think that the heavens are exhausted, and who knows that there is an infinite universe beyond the universe! The long road of cultivation we have traveled, is this on the way, or has it just begun?"

After a long time of silence, he sighed evilly after overlapping Zhou Jun Supreme.

"Sect Master Zhou only pursues the unification of the universe in front of him, and the harmony of the universe, as long as he destroys the evil forces of the dark three universes, he can stop!

It is better to live in all kinds of happiness and harmony in the three-dimensional universe, and to live forever and grow healthy, which is by no means a greater harmonious existence in the real fairy world. "

Mischievous waves flickered in the blue eyes of Wu Xiannan, examining the resolute face of Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, looking forward to what he had to say next.

"Since we are on the road and there are more beautiful things ahead, why should we stop!

Haoerlang is always moving forward, warm and peaceful is happiness! All-powerful, breaking through the world is even more majestic!

Fortunately, the fairy man had this reading of the magical book, which enlightened the head of the sect, and the soul door lit up, knowing how vast and vast the future is!

However, the head of the sect is worried that he will be born in Zhou Da'an in the future, and he intends to lead the whole family to break through Zhou. "

At this moment, Zhou Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang recalled everyone in Langyuan, especially his parents, brothers and sisters, his beloved wife and virtuous son, and sighed with worry in his heart.

"It depends on man's will, as long as the head's heart is tenacious, everything is possible, it depends on how much the head's heart is!

Looking back at the master's cultivation path, which step was not against the sky, which step was possible, but the master miraculously did it! "

Wu Xiannan sincerely admires and cheers for Zhou Jun's supreme and evil Liu Qianlang's answer.

"I don't know if I dare to ask, the soul of the immortal man's soul door has evolved into the green dragon and white phoenix Ernian, so Yuanxian must have appeared a long time ago?"

Regarding Wu Xiannan's frequent shocking remarks recently, Zhou Jun is Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang deeply felt Wu Xiannan's inscrutability, so he asked.

"Yes, what the sect master said is true, and it is precisely because of this that the fairy man was able to catch a glimpse of the scene that flashed across the volume of the magic book.

Otherwise, even if the book of divine electricity and immortality is right in front of the fairy man, it would be impossible to see it without the birth of the immortal from the soul door.

There is a reason for this, or it may be called the biggest weakness of Weiming in the single universe, that is, the spiritual life in its own latitude, before breaking through the four-dimensional immortal universe, it is impossible to see the existence of high-dimensional spiritual life. "

Wu Xiannan admitted frankly.

"No wonder my husband knows so many unimaginable things after blowing the flute of nature. I'm afraid my husband could have heard and seen it, and pretended to be mysterious!"

Seeing her husband who has always been gentle and refined, it turns out that his divine sense is so brilliant, Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Lord Zhou, was naturally happy, and joked.

"Well, what the lady said is not entirely true, but some of it is true. In fact, occasionally there are high-dimensional divine thoughts or essences that travel through our low-dimensional universe.

It's not that they don't exist, but that as three-dimensional spiritual beings, they cannot be seen by three-dimensional eyes. And I, and the head of the sect who is now sprouting the idea of ​​immortality and immortality, can see it.

After I saw some dimensional phenomena, I couldn't explain them to everyone, so I had to borrow the sound of Tian Lai's flute to let everyone know. Hehe, the fairy male realizes the meaning of sincerity and deception.

I couldn't say it clearly before, because I couldn't explain it. In the future, the head of the family will testify, so it's fine not to say that I am talking nonsense. "

Wu Xiannan looked at his beloved wife Ling Yao Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng and said with a smile.

"Oh my god! Then everything in our three-dimensional universe is seen by the objects that shuttle in the high-dimensional universe!"

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, asked his husband with a blushing face after contacting all kinds of shy scenes of himself.

"Ha ha……"

When Wu Xiannan was asked by his beloved wife, he couldn't help laughing loudly, and he said after a long time:

"Don't worry, this lady, even if the spiritual life of the universes of different latitudes appears to travel, it is mostly their spiritual thoughts, and very few of them actually travel through the universe!

It doesn't matter to anyone, such as our dreams, dreams are actually one of the phenomena of spiritual thoughts breaking through the universe!

In dreams, we will experience many absurd phenomena, all kinds of pleasure or pain and embarrassment, but when we wake up after the dream, everything will not be affected!

The more critical point is that the spiritual dimension of each dimension is very limited.

If the low-dimensional eyes do not have the idea of ​​immortality, it is impossible to truly see everything in the high-dimensional universe. It can only be the occasional time travel of the mind, and some dreams that are vaguely felt.

Although high-dimensional eyes can see low-dimensional spiritual life, but due to the evolution of spiritual life, high-dimensional spiritual life will move to higher dimensions, and rarely travel to the low-dimensional universe! "

"That's okay, by the way, what does the husband mean by Weiyan, can you tell me, Feng'er didn't understand."

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon king, was very interested in the topics that his husband talked about, and kept asking.


Wu Xiannan looked around and found that he and his wife had been talking for a long time, with a somewhat embarrassed expression.


"It's rare to see your husband and wife being so affectionate, why should the fairy man be shy!"

The sword occupies Zhou Jun, and Xuanzi occupies Xuanzi. Song Zhen amuses the Wuxian male way.

"Forget it, hehe... the fairy man is just talking nonsense. The so-called latitude eyes are the visual senses inherent in the spiritual beings of the universe in all dimensions, which are suitable for sensing the existence of the universe in the latitude, which is what we call eyes.

Because the spirit organ is the essence, it is composed of the essence and energy of the universe at a fixed latitude, and it is impossible to surpass the energy level of the universe at this latitude.

Therefore, whether it is the eye of one latitude, the eye of two latitude, the eye of three latitude, the eye of four dimension, the eye of five latitude...all can only see the existence of the universe of this latitude.

Neither the high-dimensional universe nor the spiritual life of the low-dimensional universe can break through on this point.

The same is true for other spiritual organs, such as ears, tongue, hands and feet.

But it doesn't mean that the spiritual beings in the universes of all dimensions have no way to experience the existence of spiritual beings in other dimensions! There is only one way, and that is spiritual intelligence, non-substantial thinking.

Spiritual beings in any latitude universe have two kinds of spiritual organs, one is physical spiritual organs, eyes, ears, noses, etc.; the other is spiritual spiritual organs, invisible spiritual eyes, ears, noses, etc.

However, spiritual officers are not innately open. In universes of different latitudes, only those who are outstanding in the corresponding latitude universe, have extraordinary aptitude, thoughts against the sky, and excellent spiritual life, through constant adventures and active hunting, can have a spiritual life. Opportunity to open the spiritual officer, which is often called the eye of the sky in humanism.

Then this kind of latitude spiritual life started the so-called immortal journey, and we all belong to such people.

But the opening of the spiritual sense is not a final step. You can only keep breaking through the universe with your spiritual life, and keep opening new levels of spiritual officials.

Like the sect master, Lord Sirius Zhou, Sister Juan, and Feng'er who met by chance in such a fairyland, they directly possessed a psychic fairy who can understand the entire universe and a real spiritual officer in one, which is unique!

The spiritual life of all other dimensions can only be constantly cultivated and improved, and the spiritual senses can be opened step by step to experience the unknown high-dimensional universe..."

Wu Xiannan finally finished what he wanted to say, and then smiled and looked around at everyone present.

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