Nine Heavens

Chapter 2060 time fish

Above the Heavenly Evil Palace.

Two fairy figures whizzed and flew around.

One is majestic and tall, like a large piece of land, with a unicorn head and emerald green body, but red eyes.

This tall fairy figure had ten huge pure white and gorgeous divine birds on its feet, and a silver fish charm in its hand.

The silver fish talisman was alive and kicking, obviously it was a living fairy fish.

The other is a young and heroic young man in a pure white fairy robe, hula swaying, black hair fluttering.

Under the young man's feet was a huge scroll of pure white shimmering with rainbow light.

"Master! Why is this? Previously, the evil palace in the heavens still only had a small amount of darkness and evil poison. How come it's only been a few months, and the entire palace has been shrouded in the darkness and evil poison of lacquer energy?"

A young man, covering his forehead and looking down, sees the sky above the evil palace in the heaven, a vast scene of pitch-black evil smoke and strange mist, as vast as the ocean, and asks the emerald-colored Qilin who is more than ten thousand times taller than himself.

"Needless to say, it must be a good thing done by the hateful Zhou Wu! Thanks to you, you went to the Tianjie Tiangong to break through the northwest gate, otherwise I wouldn't waste time there to save you, and seeing Zhou Wu doing evil, wouldn't make me mad! "

"Hey! Master, please don't mention the scandal of Qian'er, who knows that the thirty-six gatekeeper goblin kings are so powerful, Qian'er spent a lot of effort, and only killed half of them...

I'll just listen to Master's words, and practice Master's ten-square clock magic skill well, and then I'll settle the score with Mr. Death! "

"You still know it, it's good to know it, and you said that you would never worship me, the god of war of time, Zhong Xing, as your teacher no matter what!

Silly boy, you are so good at taking advantage of it. If you have a chance, ask Tianjun, when will I, the god of war, Zhong Shi, fall in love with my apprentice who is worth teaching! Just you!

Come with me and destroy the Heavenly Evil Palace! Then let's go to Jitian Palace to stay for a while, anyway, it has been sealed and there is no one there. "

"But, will the emptiness and lacquer energy darkness and evil poison in the evil palace below let them spread in the heavens?"

"Of course not. Isn't that right in Zhou Wu's arms? The purpose of her doing this is to slowly pollute the entire heavenly world with dark evil poison, and dry up the breath of all living beings!"

"Then what should I do, Qian'er will only activate the destructive power of the righteous spirits of the "Complete Book of Destroyer Worlds", such a vast and dense dark evil spirit, Qian'er can't devour them all!"

"You boy, why did Master let you devour the energy of these dark evil spirits? You just need to help Master destroy the evil palace as soon as possible, and leave the rest to Master!"

"Oh! That's right, Qian'er is not used to having a master just now. She always regards the master as her younger sister, Xiao Luo, and thinks that the master is not as good as the disciple!"

"Oh ha ha..."

"Poof! Poof..."

When Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, couldn't help laughing wildly when he heard the words, at the same time, the lively silver fish in his hand was spitting bubbles reluctantly towards the heavenly evil palace below.

Those bubbles were all pitch-black in color, and they continued to divide as they fell, one turned into two, and two turned into four. Soon after, the entire sky of the evil palace in the heaven was full.

Time War God Zhong Xing tried his best to control the silver fish in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Oh! My fool, what kind of eyes do you have, do I look alike to your sister?"

"I'll go! Master, don't be ashamed! See how human you look, how dare you compare yourself with Brother Qian'er's sister!"

The silver fish talisman in the hands of the God of War of Time, Zhong Zhan, swayed non-stop, spitting bubbles, and mocking Zhong Zhan, the God of War of Time.

"This? Shut your fish mouth, be careful I will crush you!"

Zhong Xing, the god of war of time, suddenly turned green with embarrassment on his emerald green unicorn face, glanced at Liu Qian who was smiling smirkingly beside him, and said in embarrassment.

"Hmph! Just talk about it! Do you dare, I am the only time fish summoned by the ten square bells! Isn't it, you lied to me before that there are many sisters of mine in the time boat.

I really believed it, but recently I saw the time boat, and there is no longer my sister in it. I am the only time fish in the universe!

I am the only one, who am I afraid of!

Old man, God of War, please be polite when you beg me to do something in the future, otherwise, if this lady is not happy, your ten square clocks will be fools! "

The time fish in the hands of the god of war Zhong Shi, with silver scales, shimmering, opened its golden mouth, stared at its golden eyes, and said savagely.

"Okay! You are the only time fish, I will respect you as much as possible in the future, please help me quickly, activate the ten square clock, and swallow as many evil time flowers as possible?"

The God of Time War, Zhong Death, heard the words of the time fish in his hand, so he quickly made his movements gentle and discussed.

"Hmph! Let's not be the same as you. Seeing that brother Qian'er is very handsome, Xiao Yu'er, I am happy today, so I will help you once!

Get your unicorn paw, I'll do it myself! "


The time fish in the hands of the God of War of Time, Zhong Zhan, was beautifully upright, flipped onto the head of the God of War of Time, Zhong Zhan, and began to rotate continuously, forming a fish flower, which spewed out countless black bubbles extremely quickly.

And the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, also watched with embarrassment.


Liu Qian watched from a distance, couldn't help but burst into smirks, and then started to move, but his movements were simple and rough, as long as he kept chopping out the brilliant rainbow of "The Complete Book of Destruction".

Then, when the brilliant rainbow he split touched the vast heavenly evil palace, the countless heavenly buildings like the ocean of the heavenly evil palace were instantly flattened like dark clouds, and fell down continuously, roaring and shaking skyline.

Not long after, the once vast evil palace in the heavens was left with a sea of ​​evil spirits and poisonous spirits intertwined with turbulent darkness and qi nengxie, and countless fish bubbles flying above it.

Both are pitch-black in color, and it is impossible to tell them apart unless you look carefully.

"Master? Why did you let little sister Yu'er release so many black bubbles? The darkness and evil poison are already terrifying enough, but with these jet-black bubbles, it's so weird!"

Liu Qian didn't know the master's intention of doing this. After completing the task of destroying the evil palace in the heavens, he crossed his arms and asked the master with a very chic look.

"Ha ha……"

"You don't need to ask about that. Anyway, if you do this for a teacher, there must be benefits to doing so. Since Zhou Wu wants to destroy the Heavenly Evil Palace of this god of war, help her!"

Time God of War Zhong Death said with a mysterious smile.

"Cut! Brother Qian'er, don't listen to his nonsense, let Xiao Yu'er tell you!"

At this time, the time fish on the head of the time war god Zhong Xing completed the task, and suddenly flew above Liu Qian and the "Complete Book of Destruction", and transformed into a beautiful fairy wrapped in a silver dress and shimmering all over her body.

I saw her fair complexion, skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, high bun, a pair of dimples on her beautiful face, sparkling eyes, looking forward to life, with a natural smile, looking at Liu Qiandao affectionately.

"Oh! Sister Xiao Yu'er can also become a fairy?"

Looking at the beautiful little fish beside her, Liu Qian fell in love with it, and asked with a pleasant smile.


Xiao Yu'er changed her savage attitude towards Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, and humiliated Liu Qian's question.

"Cut, isn't it just a glamorous body, I, Zhong Shi, can change too, it's just too troublesome!"

Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, saw Xiao Yu'er looking up at Liu Qian with his head up, and muttered.

"Hmph! What are you talking about! Brother Qian'er's physical body is born like this, it can't be fake! It's not a change!

Brother Qian'er, ask Sister Xiaoyuer to tell you the purpose of those black bubbles..."

Xiao Yu'er turned her head and stared, and when she turned her head again, her face was full of peach blossoms, full of affection.

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