Nine Heavens

Chapter 2061 The Alliance

Celestial Palace.

At the northwest gate, the devil's drum was ringing, besides the thirty-six goblins on the left and right sides, there were actually two dark groups playing the dark devil's horn.

In the sky, there are tens of thousands of people flying high and low, wearing black nude skirts, dancing and singing witches with demon zithers in their hands, and there are also demon clouds floating around, and dark lights shaking...

The northwest gate of Tianjie Tiangong, above and below, is a scene of monsters rejoicing.

"The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch is out of the palace——"

"All the officials come out to welcome! The Heavenly Heavenly Palace welcomes the Eternal Wu Shengzun into the palace——"

Suddenly, the blood demon Tianjun, who was wearing a dark red blood demon robe, a nine-dragon crown, and a blood moon mask, strode out with a large group of ferocious monsters behind him.

Thirty-six goblin kings, the first thousand-legged dead king, exchanged the demon gun in Qianyu's hand for a celebratory magic stick, swung it vigorously, and loudly aimed at the sky above the northwest gate of the Heavenly Palace, the cosmic witch above a huge black dragon call out.

"Ha ha……"

"My lord's cosmic witch Aiqing, this blood demon Tianjun has already prepared a feast for the palace, so Aiqing will return to court! Aiqing really shocked the universe! If you can say it, you can do it, but it's only a few months in Tiangong. Go back to the slaughter Xuxiao!

It is really gratifying and congratulatory that the blood demon Tianjun personally went out of the palace, led the way for Aiqing, and returned to the palace to sit in the palace, to show that he and Aiqing Zhou Wu conspired to dominate the dark universe! "

The blood demon Tianjun jumped out of the palace gate, and after walking for a while, he quickly rose to the front of Zhou Wu's huge black dragon god dragon, and said in a strange way.


"This Zhou Wu is really flattered! The blood demon Tianjun came out of the palace to welcome me Zhou Wu! I don't know if it is true or false.

The witch of the universe will never forget that the last time the witch of the universe sincerely came to seek refuge in the heavenly palace, he didn't even see the face of the blood demon Tianjun!

Even the thirty-six bugs below didn't give Ben Zhou Wu a good face, alas, thinking about Ben Zhou Wu, this heart is full of embarrassment!

Blood Demon Lord, you made a mistake! This time the witch of the universe did not come to seek refuge with you, what do you think the witch of the universe is spinning around?

It's Qi Ai, Xuxiao's demon head, death tower and Xuliang bowl!

The reason why the witch of the universe came again was because he couldn't swallow the anger of being insulted last time. He wanted to let the blood demon Tianjun see if the witch of the universe was worthy of respect!

Alright, I've finished what Wu Zhou wanted to say, so farewell! "

Zhou Wu was floating on the huge head of the roaring and roaring God Witch Dragon.

On his chest, he held the pitch-black magic sun with one hand, with a cold expression on his face.

The dark magic sun and the bubbling magic rainbow are like countless poisonous snakes entangled.

As expected, there were lacquer mourning, a vain head, the soul of the tower of death, and the pitch-black emptiness bowl hanging around him.

The Zhou Wuhua fell, the black pupil narrowed his eyes, and turned the head of the Shenwulong to leave.


"Bastard! Go to hell, you dare to be rude to Zhou Wu!"


Seeing that Zhou Wu was really going to leave, the Blood Demon Lord suddenly turned around and blasted a blood rainbow, killing thirty-six fairy kings in an instant, and cursed.

The poor thirty-six goblin kings were still clamoring to welcome Zhou Wu, but suddenly they all died with a scream!

"Aiqing! Don't be angry! This Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has vented his anger on you, so let's lead a dragon to accompany the head office for you!

It was hard to believe in Zhou Wu's sincerity when the blood demon Tianjun was like that last time, so it was like that!

In fact, the last time Zhou Wu agreed to the blood demon Tianjun's proposal to kill Xu Xiao, he immediately knew Zhou Wu's sincerity, regretting that he should have neglected Zhou Wu!

There are thousands of mistakes, all of which are the fault of the blood demon Tianjun, please Zhou Wu look at the future of our dark universe, Haihan is the one! "

How could the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch let the Zhou Wu go away? When he turned around and blasted the thirty-six goblin kings to death with his palm, he had already floated in front of the Divine Witch Dragon, grabbing the dragon's reins and refusing to let go.

"Why bother the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch! Now that the heavenly palace occupies most of the universe, the forces of righteous spirits are scattered, and the death force of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch is spreading everywhere. It seems that they are about to unify the universe, and there is only one of them, Zhou Wuwu. Not much, less me, Zhou Wu, is a lot! Why keep me! It hurts the harmony of your celestial palace demons!"

Zhou Wu saw that the blood demon Tianjun was like this, but in fact he had always surrendered in his heart, how could he not go down the stairs, his tone softened a lot.

"Aiqing's words are wrong! The Tianjie Tiangong has neither majestic strength nor magical wisdom, but when Aiqing comes, both of them are immediately abundant.

Next, as long as we work together, you will be what Aiqing said! The importance of loving you! It can be said that there is no future in the dark universe without Aiqing! "

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch is false, true, and tried his best to not let the Zhou Wu go.

Zhou Wu pretended to be reserved for a long time, and finally followed the blood demon Tianjun to lead the god Wulong into the northwest gate of Tiangong.

Then, suddenly, there was an ups and downs in the heavenly palace, and the drums of demons blared...

The heaven is extremely heavenly palace, Liu Qian used the world-penetrating eye-seeing technique taught by the master of the war god of time, Zhong Shi, to watch the scene of Zhou Wu entering the heavenly palace and sighed:

"Now it's even more difficult to kill the hateful Mr. Death!"

"Hey! Brother Qian'er! Revenge doesn't happen overnight, you have to be patient, take good care of your body, and practice hard. Only then will you have a chance!

Don't look at those ugly demons, look quickly, what delicious food Xiao Yuer made for brother Qian'er today! "

Beside Liu Qian, Xiao Yu'er came to the fairy table where Liu Qian was sitting with a tray of fairy soup and delicacies, and said sweetly.

Before Liu Qian could turn around, he could smell the fragrance. But he was really in a bad mood, turned around, looked at the sweaty little fish, and said:

"Xiao Yu'er, thank you, but let's give it to Master, Brother Qian'er has no appetite!"

Liu Qian said apologetically.

"How can I do that? These are the petals of hundreds of kinds of exotic flowers picked by Xiao Yu'er himself in the sea of ​​blue clouds and flowers; honey……

It took several hours to prepare the fairy soup, brother Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er will be sad if you don't eat the fairy soup that I made for you with so much care! "

Xiao Yu'er is eloquent, sweet talk, spit out lotus flower, holding fairy soup, eyes full of tenderness, came to Liu Qian and sat down.

When she sat down, she put a spoonful of fairy soup in her slender hand and put it to Liu Qian's mouth.

"Eat it!"

Xiao Yu'er's eyes are sparkling and full of expectation.

Seeing Liu Qian, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he had to eat.


"Brother Qian'er, is Xiaoyuer's cooking delicious? How is it compared to the Jiuweixiangguo porridge last time?"

Seeing Liu Qian eating the soup from the spoon, Xiao Yuer giggled happily, continued to feed Liu Qian the soup, and asked with a champagne to wipe his lips from time to time.

"It's all very good! Sister Xiaoyu'er's craftsmanship is really amazing, everything is so delicious!"

Liu Qian was very grateful for Xiao Yuer's kindness to her, and the fairy dishes made by Xiao Yuer were indeed delicious, so she said sincerely.

"Hee hee! Brother Qian'er! Don't lie to me! Brother Qian'er just practice hard, and Xiao Yu'er cooks delicious food for Brother Qian'er every day!"

Xiao Yuer said happily.

"Ha ha……"

"It smells so good! Xiao Yu'er, what delicious food did you make for Qian'er today, do you have some?"

At this moment, the Time God of War, Zhong Xing, fell from the sky of Jitian Palace and floated into the palace where Liu Qian and Xiao Yu'er were.

The God of War of Time, Zhong Death, kept twitching his nose, laughed and asked Xiao Yu'er.

"Of course I have! But this is Baihuaer Xiangtang, it's not suitable for you, your good food is there!"

Hearing Zhong Shen, the god of war of time, shout, Xiao Yu'er pointed to a big basket in the distance and said.

The God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, was very hungry, so he stretched out his hand, and the basket was at his feet.

"Ah! My God! Why is it an unpalatable sky turtle again!"

Zhong Sheng, the God of War of Time, opened the basket and saw that it was full of tortoises in disorder, he couldn't help crying with a bitter face.

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