Nine Heavens

Chapter 2067

"Time God of War, don't worry, it's best not to see them at this time, they are following their master in the cultivation realm.

If we disturb you suddenly, not only will they hurt their gracious master, but they will also feel ashamed of their master because they suddenly wake up when they see you suddenly! "

Wu Xiannan's blue eyes were blue, and he looked around at the vast sea of ​​clouds in the Langyuanyun Palace, and said quite meaningfully.

"Master? What do you mean by that? Could it be that senior brother Dumojianzu and junior sister Peixian became the slaves of a certain immortal in Langyuan?"

When Zhong Sheng, the God of War of Time, heard the words, his expression changed immediately, and he said unhappily.

"Of course not! Senior Time God of War, don't misunderstand, in Langyuan Xianmen, all Taoist friends, immortals, heavenly spirits, earth beasts are all equal, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior.

We are just fulfilling the duties of different sects of immortality, and all immortals and spirits are equal. "

Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang saw the displeasure of the God of War, Zhong Xing, and quickly explained.


The Time God of War, Zhong Xing, looked at him blankly, looking at Tianjun Wuxiannan and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen in a daze.

"Forget it! Since Senior Time God of War is here, you might as well take a closer look here, and feel at ease. But I also ask Senior Time God of War to apologize. At this moment, I hope to be patient, so don't bother me yet!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen thought for a while, then compromised.

"Well, can the Time God of War do it?"

Tianjun Wuxiannan listened to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen said so, and nodded with a smile, expressing his approval.

"Okay! How can Zhong Shi, the god of war of time, be an unreasonable person? At this moment, it is enough to know that senior brother Du Mojianzu and junior sister Peixian are safe.

No matter how long you wait in the future, as long as there is a day when you get together again, you can wait patiently, thank you all! "

When Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, heard that he was finally going to see his brothers and sisters who had been persecuted by the dark demons like himself, he was very excited, suppressed his excitement, and nodded heavily.

"Hehe, brother Zhen wants to urge the sword, and the fairy is playing the flute."

Tianjun Wuxian raised his hand casually, put the Tian Lai flute to his mouth, and blew the Tian Lai flute again.

The melodious sound of the flute, Cong Cong, Lingling Dingdong... The circle of sound waves suddenly shot towards the height of the four people's heads.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen held the Star Sword, and countless gorgeous starlights flew out, like butterflies, flying towards the center of the sound waves of the flute.

In just a few breaths, the Xinghuan Sound Mysterious Microscopic Mirror was completed.

Then the stars of all colors shimmered and shimmered, and quickly receded from the center of the mirror to the periphery of the mirror with a diameter of more than ten feet.

In the center of the mirror, a beautiful circular blue sky hole gradually appears, with long white clouds inside.

Among the blue sky and white clouds, three huge mountain clouds floated leisurely around, on which stood three figures in dangling fairy robes.

One is Liu Juan, the King of the Fragrance Zhou, with flowing green hair and a jade seal with Danxia bursting out of the Nine Dragons fireworks in her single palm.

One is the black-haired mad wolf, the black and strong three-eyed mad wolf with dark red feet, and the sky wolf Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang with the black magic robe dangling.

There is also a spirit demon Zhou Jun Cheng Shifeng with blue long hair fluttering, wearing a white background orchid fairy group, and blue eyes flashing.

The three Langyuan Immortal Venerables are on top of the huge mountain cloud, forming a triangular envelopment, holding the immortal formula in their hands, and are protecting the dharma for the two people who are practicing the magic power of the celestial witch in the center of their envelopment.

The two practitioners of the Heavenly Witch's magical skills are naturally the two fairy wives of Lord Yun, Shui'er and the Fire Poison Witch.

At this moment, Shui'er's body is full of blue waves and flames, and the flame poison witch's body is full of bright red fire.

The two of them sat cross-legged facing each other, with their palms interlaced. On the heads between them, the pitch-black "Scroll of Heavenly Witches" automatically and strangely shot out countless spiraling spells and astrological symbols, continuously pouring into the water. Among the four palms intercourse with the flame poison witch.

The two of them sat cross-legged on a mysterious flame blanket. The blanket that Shui'er sat on was intertwined with colorful fires, while the blanket under the flame poison witch was a single-color crimson flame.

On their left and right, there are two close body protectors, one is a blue spirit beast that looks like Fan Dumeng, and the other is pure white with only dark eyes and small bones.

The blue spirit beast was engrossed, and it kept making the sound of fluttering; the little bone, that is, the watery white jade bone elf bird, opened its mouth frequently, making a sound like a harp.

They were obviously worried that accidents would happen to their master's cultivation at any time, so they performed the Soul Gathering and Purifying Mind very intimately.

"Are you saying that the divine beast and the elf bird are senior brother Du Mojianzu and junior sister Peixian!?"

Time War God Zhong Xing stared at the blue spirit beast and the white jade bone elf bird in the Xinghuan sound mysterious microscopic mirror for a long time, and asked in disbelief.

"It's them! Senior Time God of War."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen nodded slightly, although he was very reluctant to say this, but he had no choice but to look helpless, twisting his black and white eyebrows and said.

"What did they go through, and why did it happen?"

Thinking of how celestial and majestic the elder brother Du Mo and the younger sister Peixian of the God of War in the ancient spirit have turned into two obedient spirit beasts, the God of War of Time and Zhong looked at each other, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart. trembling.

"Brother! Sister!"

The time god of war, the clock dies.

"Actually, the War God of Time should be happy for them. Compared with you, they have always met their benefactors by chance. Except for the pain of the ancient spirit, they have not experienced any pain!

Isn't it the happiest thing to know nothing in the process of the dark three universes raging and polluting the living universe since the holy war of the ancient spirits? "

Wu Xiannan stopped playing the Tian Lai flute, and said with infinitely deep blue eyes.

"Yeah! No matter what they do, it's better than me being imprisoned in the frozen sea.

Seeing how they cared for the two Tianwu Shenhuo fairies, you don't need to think about the care and kindness they usually receive.

Take it, now I am relieved. However, can you tell how they originated here? "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, let out a long breath and begged.

"It's better for the master Yunjun to tell the story. I guess only Yunjun knows the origin of it!"

The male Wuxian cast his eyes on Yunjun, no matter how evil, he spoke calmly.

"Speaking of the Blue Spirit Beast, we also need to mention the Qingshi Villa, the villa where the head of the ancient chaotic universe lived.

Son of Death, who was my master Jietong Zhenren at that time, gave me the six treasures after he taught me the skills, namely the Soul-calling Sword, Immortal Soul, Colorful Ball, Wordless Heavenly Book, Yao Wujin Jian and Blue Spirit Beast.

The Summoning Soul Sword is now my superimposed fairy sword, the immortal soul has become my eternal heart, and the colorful balls have turned into the colorful blood in my body.

"Wordless Heavenly Book" is mysterious and unpredictable. Until now, the head of this book still has the ability to see through it.

Yaotian Jinjian, the head of the sect once gave it to Master Ciyuan, a close friend of Buddhism and Taoism, and later passed it on to his disciple Huang Qi.

Huang Qi is the second elder brother who is the sworn brother of Mortal Humanity, the head of Mortal Realm. He was originally a person manipulated and bewitched by Mr. Death.

But just when I entered seventy-seven forty-nine levels of hell, he suddenly saw through the darkness and evil, collapsed and turned into a golden wheel of Buddha light to help me.

At the same time, I returned the Yaotian Golden Mirror and the Yaotian Silver Mirror that was combined with it, and now the Yaotian Golden Mirror is within the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm of my head.

As for the blue spirit beast, until just now, I always thought it was a cute fairy pet. Several years after Jietong gave it to me, because I saw that it was related to my beloved wife Shuier Tianwu Houyi, So I gave it to my beloved wife, Shui'er.

Since then, he has been with his beloved wife, Shui'er, and has been together.

That white black-eyed elf bird was transformed from a white jade bone, an artifact of his beloved wife.

The white jade bone was received by the beloved wife's late mentor Tianwu Shengzun. As for how she obtained the white jade bone, it is really difficult to verify.

But now I think about it, the six treasures given to me by Master Jietong back then are all the most evil monsters that have been demonized by the evil poison of darkness and death.

The original intention of giving it to me should be to control my spiritual and humane development step by step.

It's just that things backfired, until now, we haven't turned into the death puppets or living universe death demons that he needs in his plan!

We are like this, our mentor Du Mojianzu and his uncle Peixian are also being washed by the vast righteousness of the universe, and the aura of death and evil is gradually lost, and we are blessed by misfortune.

But there is one thing, the head of the sect really can't figure it out, why did Mr. Death turn Master Du Mojian into the shape of a blue spirit beast, and Master Peixian into a piece of white jade bone? "

Yun Jun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang combined his own analysis and told Zhong Shen, the god of war of time, at the same time, he also understood a lot of confusion in the past.

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