Nine Heavens

Chapter 2068 Ominous Omen

"Judging from its superficial intentions, Young Master Death probably wants to use six magic treasures impregnated with the evil spirit of death, as well as white jade bones, and even the Bone Finger Cave to control Third Brother.

But in the end, as the third brother said, the six treasures, the white jade bones, and the bone finger cave that may be secretly designed by Mr. Death, all failed to fulfill his wish, and miraculously, they were eventually revived.

But the deeper intentions of Mr. Death, I am afraid that only Mr. Death knows, and it is difficult for me, Mr. Zhanxuan, to penetrate. I don't know if Xiannan has a deeper insight? "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen savored it carefully and said.

"Well, I think that when the god of war of the sword, Dumojian Zu, and the god of war, Peixian Tianjie, are fully awake, they should also know.

Let us be patient, sooner or later all will be clear! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan stared at his beloved Tianlai flute, examined it for a while, and said.

"These are not important anymore, the most important thing is that I know they are still alive.

Before, I had always heard that senior brother Dumojianzu and junior sister Peixian had been taken away, so I thought they were already dead.

But later, from the fact that Xu Xiao has been unable to completely defeat this fairy god and capture the fairy essence, I am sure that they must still be alive, maybe they are just imprisoned somewhere like me.

Because in terms of strength, Senior Brother Du Demon Sword Ancestor far surpasses me, Zhong Shi, and I haven't survived enough to survive so far. Given the fact that Master Death was weaker than Xu Xiao back then, it is impossible for him to take over Senior Brother Du Demon Sword Ancestor. .

As for junior sister Peixian, as long as senior brother Du Demon Sword Ancestor is alive, senior brother Du Demon Sword Ancestor will never let her fall!

This time Langyuan Yungong and his party, Zhong Sheng was very pleased. Next, while teaching the two disciples to practice the ten-square clock magic skill, they waited for the day when they returned.

It's really good, Zhong Zhi is full of hope when he thinks about it, thank you for your help! Come! I, Zhong Xing, would like to offer a respect to you all with the help of Lang Yuan and fine wine!

Haha... I will drink it first as a respect! "

Time War God Zhong Sheng finally got the exact news about his senior brother Du Mojianzu and his junior sister Peixian.

Happy! emotion! Unlimited expectations.

Splashing wine on the altar, laughing and drinking wildly, the ancient spirit God of War is crazy about wine, and his heart is full of memories!

"Hehe, the time clock of the Lonely God of War, even if you don't think about it, you will sigh for mortal feelings! The fairy finds out that our ancient and living fairy god has really changed.

Become no longer desolate, become unwilling to fight, and become more loving to the world.

Empress Nuwa was right. She saw that the ancient spirit universe was empty, indifferent and lonely. She refined the nine tripods to cast the soul, used the sun and moon furnace to refine and raise the human dao primordial spirit, and became flesh with the yin and yang body. Since then, the name of Shengzhou has truly lived up to its name.

Above are the original immortals, the first group of people, and below are the second group of people in the Mortal Realm, as well as heavenly birds, earthly beasts, spiritual flowers and different grasses...

In today's life, the ancient spirits and immortals are in decline, and the dark forces of the ancient spirits are spreading. Unexpectedly, its hope should be based on the humanity created by the Nuwa Empress.

And the most powerful force that makes people persistent in human nature, go up against the sky like the wave of the fairy gate, cross the human world, enter the spiritual world, fight demons, ghosts and immortals, and gradually rule the immortal way. It's humanity! "

Wu Xiannan was summing up himself, and he was also lamenting that in the age of the ancient spirits, the God of War, Zhong Shen, who would not even blink his eyes at death, now thinks of love, and sighs sincerely.

"Haha... a while ago, I, Zhong Sheng, didn't understand how the Tangtang Tianjun became so tired of Tianzhan now, ignoring the former power of heaven, and only for the love of the gods.

But after I, Zhong Sheng, had two disciples, Qian'er and Xiao Yu'er, I, Zhong Sheng, suddenly discovered that no matter how warm the gods are, why should Guanghan laugh less! I also think that I have changed! "

Zhong Zhi's prestige is still undiminished, but the once indifferent eyes are now full of joy.

"Hehe, senior Time God of War, who is Xiao Yu'er? He and Qian'er are both at the senior's knees now, let the senior worry about it!"

Speaking of Liu Qian, Yun Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie was very concerned about it, but he couldn't ask directly, so he had to say this, and he wanted to hear a few words about his beloved son Liu Qian.

"No, no, no! Mr. Yun is wrong. There are many benefits to having an apprentice. No matter how much you worry about me, I am happy. You don't know. will be funny...

Xiao Yu'er is not an external spirit, but my time clock. It’s really a pleasure to have them by my side now…”

The God of Time and War, Zhong Death, moved the wine jar with one hand, and waved repeatedly with the other hand, praising his two apprentices endlessly.

"Ha ha……"

When everyone heard the words, they all laughed and drank the wine, bursting into joy.

"By the way! Everyone, I don't know if you know the ridiculous changes in the forces of the Dark Three Universes in today's world.

That Zhou Wu killed Qi Ai and Xu Xiao successively, and then took refuge in the blood demon Tianjun, that is, the son of death.

Now that the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace has been sealed, the entire heaven is already covered with ghosts and demons and dark death cosmic forces.

When Zhong Xing came, I saw the three gorefiends in the Heavenly Palace sneaking around. Obviously they came to the Cloud Palace to investigate or something. Their situation has stabilized, and they are going to attack you again!

But because of my yelling, they fled back to the heaven. I think they will definitely go too far this time around, so please ask Langyuan Xianmen to make preparations early. "

Out of the instinct of Tianzhan experience, when mentioning the situation in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, immediately turned solemn, and kindly reminded Yunzhou and the immortals.

"Thank you, Senior Time God of War, for your reminder! The juniors have seen those three blood demons when they were still in the first world of chaos, and they are extremely evil.

But now, their power has obviously become more weird and unpredictable.

Just before the arrival of the seniors, Xiannan and the fourth brother also found them.

However, we found that their goal this time did not seem to come to challenge, but rather to come to find something.

The fairy man and the fourth brother repeated divination and sensing, because they were all cast in the demon soul gate, which made it impossible for the fairy man and the fourth brother to find out their real purpose.

They obviously came well prepared. From the words of the seniors, we can know that the concealment technique in the soul gate of the three Gorefiends must be the masterpiece of Zhou Wu!

Third brother! Xiannan, this time you finally have a wise opponent. The situation we face in the future will become more difficult because of her existence! "

Speaking of the three Gorefiends, everyone's expressions became highly serious. Yun Jun's supreme expression was full of guesswork when Xie Liu Qianlang heard the words of the God of Time and War, Zhong Xing.

"That's right! That cosmic witch is vicious and vicious, and he uses all the techniques of evil spirits and ghosts! What's even more frightening is that a magic wand crosses the world, and a round of magic yang hole has all kinds of opportunities. Being around is indeed too bad for us.

And with him intervening in the future, brother Zhen's star sword divination and my Tianlai flute divination will not be easy anymore! "

The situation in Heavenly Blood Demon Heavenly Palace suddenly made Gao Zun Langyuan a lot nervous.

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