Nine Heavens

Chapter 2069 White Pupils Black Pupils

"Hiss? Just now Jun Yun said that the three Gorefiends came to Langyuanyun Palace to look for something, which reminded me of some words of Guanwei and the others.

Dare I ask if there are any immortals named Baitong and Heitong in Langyuan's sect? "

Zhong Xing, the war god of time, pondered what Jun Yun said just now, combined with what Tianjun Wu Xiannan said just now, and asked.


Yun Jun Wushang thought about Xie Liu Qianlang for a while, and said:

"Yes! But these two names have long been a thing in the ancient universe, and now the white pupil is called Ming'er, and the black pupil is called Qing'er. They are a pair of sisters, and they are under the sister's Qixiang Palace.

I don't know why the senior Time God of War knew about them, and why did they mention them? "

As for the many things about white pupils and black pupils, Mr. Yun really didn't know how evil he was, so he asked Zhong Shi, the war god of time.

"It seems that Mr. Yun doesn't know the past of the two sisters you mentioned in detail.

After the death of the three dark forces in the ancient spirit jihad, the dead son entered the universe for revenge.

First, I manipulated my senior brother Dumojian Zu, and then I didn't know what to seize the body of He Xian, and then participated in the chaos war provoked by Xu Xiao, who pretended to be me at that time, in the appearance of my senior brother Dumojianzu Xianjian God of War.

Whether it is Xu Xiao or Mr. Death's goal is to eliminate the original immortal gods of the universe, but their careful plan and layout were destroyed by the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa.

Because the first batch of people created by Empress Nuwa were bewitched by Xu Xiao, who pretended to be me, and Xu Xiao used them to fight against the primordial gods of the universe.

However, although their strength is terrifying, their divine wisdom is not superb after all, and the original gods soon saw through the manipulators behind them.

Afterwards, an even crazier chaos broke out, which lasted for countless years.

At that time, the two factions of good and evil, born of the forces of the righteous spirit of the universe, in the cloud and sky realm, were mainly primitive gods. The forces of the evil faction are the forces of Xu Xiao, Qi Ai, and Mr. Death of the Dark Three Universes.

Under the Yuntian Realm, the forces of life and universe are embodied in the second batch of humane forces created by the Nuwa Empress of the Chaos Three Universes, the forces of the Dark Energy Three Universes, and the forces of the Four Stars in the Mingling Time and Space.

And the evil faction under the cloud and sky realm is mainly all the arrangements made by the dead son to hinder Nuwa Empress from developing the humane death power, which is reflected in the three realms of ghosts, demons and demons.

For example, the three major evil sects of the Chaos Universe, the first human mortal realm, the Demon Soul Universe, the Evil Spirit Valley, and the Astrology Degree, the Underworld and Inner and Outer Hells in the Earth Immortal Realm, the Seventy-Seven and Forty-Nine Hells in the Spirit Realm, etc...

The war between good and evil among the original immortals and gods was the first time that the forces of the dark universe tried to destroy the living universe. It was a rebellion that was unwilling to perish, but in the end they still failed!

But in the face of falling and disappearing, it is the pain of any living person, Xu Xiao, Qi Ai and Mr. Death are such sufferers.

They are unwilling! They refused to accept it! They are more eager to go back to the past.

They did not give up their desire to restore the Dark Universe!

After the failure of the Chaos War, the long and elaborate battle layout began soon.

Seal the Eight Demon Realms, secretly mutilate the original immortals who survived the ancient spirit war and the chaotic war, and design countless death methods to hinder the future of life and the development of humanity!

After Yuntian II Universe has been secretly eroded by their three dark forces, because they need time to continue to grow, and also need time to prepare for the cultivation of recovery lacquer energy, emptiness, and death evil energy, they have to endure a long period of development.

With the passage of time, the forces of the Three Dark Universes cultivated stably, Qi Ai created the Tower of Death, Xu Xiao refined the Void Bowl, and Young Master Death successfully cultivated the Blood Demon Magic Art.

Whether it is the Tower of Death, the Void Bowl, or the Son of Death's Blood Demon Divine Art, as long as the energy of darkness in one of them fills the entire universe, the universe will return to the three universes of darkness in the past without light, sound, and spirit. generational.

Because of this, they have tried more than once, activating the Death Tower, the Void Bowl or the Bloodfiend Excalibur.

The celestial phenomena such as the explosion in our universe are their masterpieces.

However, at that time, there were conflicts and differences between them, and each wanted to eliminate the other two and dominate the universe.

In this way, a long and intrigue has evolved between them, a dark war that consumes each other. In the end, everyone was seriously injured, and they disappeared in secret, and they were peaceful for a long, long time.

It was during this period that the second batch of human beings created by Empress Nuwa prospered, and thousands of universes were born under the two universes of sky and sky.

In particular, the chaotic universe is full of vitality. It has evolved into five human worlds of red, blue, green, yellow and purple. appalling!

What's more, the mysterious and unpredictable god of good fortune among the primitive fairy gods, Nuwa Empress, constantly enlightens the human way of the universe, which saves thousands of immortals from birth.

This entangled the forces of the dark three universes, which were greatly injured. Later, they each implemented secret tricks, and while they were undercover calculating each other, they also started to attack Wanwandizhou.

Especially the son of death, who divided his death demon soul into many devouring souls, constantly provoking heavenly wars in the heavenly realm.

In the end, all the souls of Death were killed in battle for an excuse, but in fact, they were distracted and distracted into the lower realms, sneaked into the world of the universe, and started his evil plan to destroy the universe.

There are thirteen divisions in his primordial spirit, nine soul divisions and one obsession in soul division, among which there are two division souls, Zheyue Baitong and Resentment Qin Heitong.

However, the good fortune is miraculous. After the death son himself was reincarnated in the human world with his evil spirit and hatred soul, Bai Tong and Hei Tong were reincarnated into a pair of warm sisters in the world.

The warm feelings in the world made the sisters' evil disappear, and their evil thoughts no longer existed. Although they possessed magical immortal abilities, they became upright spirits and cultivators.

What's more, the sisters also entered your Langyuan Xianmen by mistake.

When I watched the blood demon Tianjun and the celestial master Zhou Wu talk, I happened to hear the blood demon Tianjun hated their sisters to the bone, discussing their experiences and wanting to hunt them down.

You said, could the three Gorefiends come to your Langyuan Xianmen to chase and kill their sisters? "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, went around in a big circle, and finally told the origin of the white pupil and the black pupil.

When Mr. Yun listened carefully to the words of the God of War, Zhong Shen, he soon had some information about Baitong and Heitong in his mind. It seemed that his sister Liu Juan probably said the same thing, but there was nothing about the Far Heaven Realm.

"It's very possible! Third brother, pass on the order later, no matter what their sisters used to be, they are now under our Langyuan family, they are our people, and they must be strictly protected."

Jun Yun Supreme Zaixie nodded slightly, and ordered his fourth younger brother Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen who was beside him.

"Okay, third brother, don't worry, just now I have sent a sound transmission to Yaya, and asked her to go to Qixiang Gongxiang to talk about it. But..."

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was a little hesitant, hesitant to speak.

"Hehe, fourth brother, I know what you want to say, after all, Bai Tong and Hei Tong are the two strands of hatred of Lord Death, in other words, their sisters are the clones of the two Lord Death.

The fourth brother is wondering whether they are the undercover agents designed by Mr. Death in our Langyuan Xianmen, right? "

Jun Yun asked with a wicked smile again.

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