Nine Heavens

Chapter 2070 Support Dongtai

"That's right! After all, Ming'er and Qing'er are the hateful souls of Mr. Death. It is very likely that they were manipulated or manipulated by Mr. Death.

Even they were clear-hearted and wise, colluded with each other secretly, and came undercover for us, Langyuan Xianmen! "

After hearing what the third elder brother Yunjun said, Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen no longer hesitated, and said bluntly.

"What the fourth brother said is indeed true! Our Langyuan Xianmen has experienced infinite hardships, and the whole sect has soared against the sky. It is not easy to count. We should pay close attention to any possible hidden dangers or uneasiness.

How about this, this matter is left to the fourth brother and Xian Nan, who will investigate openly and unannounced, and must find out whether their sisters are really righteous spirits, or there are other circumstances.

If it is the best, if not, we will pull out the disaster in time, and it will be a blessing for us!

For this matter, I would like to thank Senior Time God of War, Zhong Xing, if it wasn't for Senior, we still don't know the origin of their sisters! "

Yun Jun Supreme then Xie Liu Qianlang thought for a moment, then nodded.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxiannan readily agreed.

"Haha... Mr. Yun, please don't be polite. Zhong Sheng is making a fuss, and Mr. Yun just doesn't care about it."

Time God of War Zhong Sheng laughed openly and said.

"Hehe, senior Time God of War is not an outsider. He is an old acquaintance with the former Tianjun and Xiannan of Tianjie Tiangong, he is also the teacher of the boy Liu Qian, and he is also the uncle of Yunjun. He is his own family in terms of emotion and reason. !

Langyuan Xianmen hastily broke into Yunzhou, just in need of ancient spirits and gods like Xiannan and senior to guide the maze, the junior is afraid that the senior will be stingy with Jin Yan and don't want to speak! "

Jun Yun said with a smile, no longer evil Liu Qianlang.

"Haha...Okay! Then I, the God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, can take care of the Langyuan Xianmen and come and go freely."

Time War God Zhong Xing laughed heartily.

"Ha ha……"

When everyone heard this, they all smiled comfortably.

"That's right! But this junior has something to say, although Qian'er worships senior as his teacher, he should actually call him his ancestor. Calling him master is really offensive!"

Jun Yun said, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang thought of the relationship between himself and his beloved son and the God of War of Time, Zhong Sheng, he felt very embarrassed.

"No! Zhong Zhi thinks it's unnecessary! You and me are you and me, and Qian'er and I are me and Qian'er, why bother with the excessive red tape of humanity!"

Time God of War Zhong Sheng shook his head, and dismissed Yun Jun's supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's opinion very indifferently.

"Hehe, then follow senior's mind, as long as senior doesn't care about it. By the way, I don't know if that child Qian'er is obedient?"

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, Yun Jun no longer insisted on hearing what the God of Time and War Zhong Sheng said, and then asked about Liu Qianlang's situation.

"Haha... You said Qian'er! Very disobedient, but after a few years, I went to the northwest gate of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace to make trouble twice. Fortunately, I took it back in time.

However, this god of war just likes him, he looks stubborn, very young in my ancient spirit era! Ha ha……"

Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, mentioned Liu Qian and laughed out loud.

"Qian'er really troubled the senior! He really entered the heaven and entered the palace as I feared! Fortunately, the senior stopped me, otherwise..."

No matter how evil Jun Yun is, Liu Qianlang was a little scared when he heard that Liu Qian broke into the blood demon's heavenly palace.

"Mr. Yun, you don't need to be polite. Just now, Zhong Sheng suddenly thought that the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is now enslaving demons, and the heavens and the myriad domains are everywhere being flattened by the three dark original forces of ghosts, demons, and demons, and then sent the three blood demons to the lower realm to cause trouble.

Since the three Gorefiends are aiming at Zheyue Baitong and Resentment Qin Heitong, they must be unwilling to leave with me suddenly, and they probably won't return to the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace. From your point of view, where will they go? "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Xing, suddenly changed his expression, and said with a strange expression.

"Not good! They must have gone to the demon land of Dongtai or the domain of the Sifang Galaxy. The fourth brother immediately sent an order to brother Huanfeng Shenlong to lead the ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons to the demon land of Dongtai to help the Four Emperors Alliance billions of clouds. Immortal!"

The sudden reminder from the god of war, Zhong Xing, suddenly shocked Jun Yun and Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's heart, his face was solemn, and he stood up suddenly and shouted.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen also suddenly realized the intention of the three Gorefiends, and in response, he got up and shot down the cloud platform, anxiously sending orders.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yun, it happens that I, Zhong Xing, am not in a hurry to go back to the Heaven Realm Jitian Palace! Just let me go to Dongtai Monster Land, and meet the three blood demons! Reward everyone, Zhong Xing will go now!"

Time God of War Zhong Sheng hated the three blood demons so much that he wished to kill them quickly, so when he got up, he called out the ten-square clock, and a vast cloud of light rose from under his feet, and he was about to leave.

"The War God of Time is a bit slower, it's better for the fairy boy to go with the God of War, and his strength is also stronger than yours, but I don't know what Jun Yun wants?"

At this moment, Tianjun Wuxiannan also got up and said.

"If the two of you go, it would be great, but it's really hard work, I don't want to thank the head of the house! How about a jar of immortal wine for the recruiter?"

Jun Yun, with white hair fluttering around and wearing silver clothes, said with emotion.

"Haha... good! Tianjun, Yunjun, please!"

The war god of time, Zhong Sheng, laughed boldly and waved his giant sleeve. In an instant, Yun Jun was supreme and under the cloud of wine led by Xie Liu, a jar of immortal wine came into his hands.

At the same time, the same is true for Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang and Tian Jun Wu Xiannan.

The three of them looked around each other heartily, then threw their heads up, but after a moment of drinking, they said goodbye to each other again.

"Lingling... Cong Cong..."

Tianjun Wuxiannan was galloping on the spirit bull, and began to play the Tianlai flute again.

"Wow haha……"

Time God of War left behind a lingering laugh.


"Is the fairy man a heavenly king? Is he really willing to let go of his supreme position in the Jitian Temple and become our little fairy for the sake of Feng'er?"

In the sky above Langyuan Yungong, when Yun Jun is Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang watched the time God of War Zhong Death and Tianjun Wu Xiannan gradually go away, Song Zhen, who went to Langyuan Shenlong Palace to pass the order to Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the king of Zhou Zhanxuan, He floated back to the cloud platform again.

Looking at the appearance of the third brother Xianhong Linlin, he seemed to be talking to himself.

"Whether he wants to or not is his freedom. Xiannan is a benevolent fairy, no matter what he does, he will be blessed for life.

We don't have to care about his choice, as long as we don't forget our original intention and always adhere to the direction of righteousness. It is not our goal to be born in the Eternal Sky, nor is it our aura to be brilliant.

We only hope that the whole family of Langyuan Xianmen will break through and move forward, eternal peace, and then we can be blessed for the whole universe! As for the other is not what we expected.

The fourth brother should keep in mind the words of the third brother, hehe, it doesn't have to be for the third brother, it also cares about the existence of Xiannan as the ancient Ling Tianjun. "

Yun Jun deeply understood the deeper meaning of his third brother's words, and smiled.

"The third brother is so lively, the fourth brother will naturally know what to do in the future. The third brother's words, the fourth brother will remember it in his heart. By the way, I just met the little dragon girl. She took care of me. I hope you and I will go to the Dragon Palace to visit her tomorrow. What about us?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows, admiring his third brother from the bottom of his heart, and asked.

"Hehe, of course we went. If we don't go, it will make our niece Long unhappy. It's just a pity that Huanfeng Shenlong led the 9981 Shenlong out of the palace at this time!"

Lord Yun is supreme, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, he heard Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen mentioning the Huanfeng Shenlong and the daughter of Princess Yinling, Xiaolongnv, and said happily.

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