Nine Heavens

Chapter 2078 The 2078th Song Zhen Crying Devil

"Tianjun, now that our Tianjun and Empress meet again, what is Tianjun's plan? Meng'er seems to accompany Tianjun back to the starry clouds in the extremely heavenly palace again, happy and carefree!"

"The sound of the flute flutters in the sky, and the sound of Meng'er's qin is melodious. Raise your hands to drink tea, raise your eyes to dance beautifully! Meng'er also longs to be that carefree again!"

The tearful Nanmeng and Beimengwu are still there, the piano has not stopped, and they are looking at the king with tears.

"The past, let it pass. This Tianjun was the life-saving Zhou, and the factors of Tianjun's battle spirit and immortal power have been passed on to the current Yunjun Supreme, and the evil Liu leads the waves, and the Sirius Zhou is far away. Fragrant Zhou Jun Liu Juan and his beloved wife Ling Yao Zhou Jun Feng'er!

It is no longer possible to ascend to the Tianweijun seat in the Jitian Palace! And even if you can, I don't have such a heart anymore! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan said apologetically.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Nanmeng's dancing movements suddenly became fierce, and between swinging his sleeves and raising his legs, the wind roared and the clouds turned, and he laughed coldly.

"Beauties have always loved heroes! It is so ridiculous that the majestic Heavenly Monarch would voluntarily give up his position as a god and commit himself to the sect of a little human being. Pity me, Nanmeng, who once fell in love with you so much!"

In Leng Xianzhong, Nan Meng sneered.

"If Tianjun still loves us, please ask Tianjun to kill some four-spirit boy and destroy Langyuan Xianmen!

Anyway, they have already done the most difficult thing against heaven for Tianjun, and now they bring Menger and sister back to Jitian Palace, as long as they give an order, the gods of war will immediately respond, and soon the remnants of the Dark Three Universes will be completely wiped out Powerful, and then our happy world again! "

Meng'er floated from the painting and landed in front of Tianjun Wuxiannan, raised her hand to hold Tianjunwuxiannan's hand, raised her head, pulsed, and begged in an infinitely pitiful and moving manner.

"No! How can I, for the sake of one episode, burn the Dao and let the situation of the universe, which is looking good in the future, fall into darkness and terror again!

Don't say it again, if you still miss the old love, I will love you even more in the future. We still have the wind, and it will be a lot of fun to be with you day and night in Langyuan Xianmen in the future. "

Tianjun Wuxian frowned, and flatly rejected the request of the two queens!

"Hmph! It's really a toast and you don't eat fine wine! If you don't deal with Langyuan Xianmen, what are you doing! Come on Baitong!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Tianjun said this, he felt the wind whistling around him, and Meng'er in front of him suddenly turned into a demon with black awns all over his body, his hands were cold, and his ten fingers shot out cold and sharp claws, stabbing at Tianjun Wuxiannan's heart in an instant. enter.

At the same time, Nanmeng also turned into a pale white demon, jumping down from Tianjun's head with his teeth and claws open.

"You are not Meng'er and Meng'er! You really are the souls of Lord Death, you don't have righteous spirits at all!"

At the critical moment, Tianjun suddenly woke up, his figure suddenly faded, and jumped out of the attack circle of two demons in the next second.

"I didn't expect that Meimo Refining Incense could not confuse you! But it doesn't matter, I finally know the real origin of the so-called Four Spirit Boys from you and the reason why the Eight Vaults of Omens collapsed one after another!

It turns out that the culprit of all this is actually you, the heavenly monarch who hides deeply, who secretly did so many evil things to entrap the great cause of the dark universe.

Today we will let you die without a burial place, ah ah ah! Woohoo! "

The two demons were empty in the first round, so they naturally refused to give up, and took advantage of the momentum to criss-cross and attack Tianjun Wuxiannan like a whirlwind!

"Hmph! It's just two soul shadows, and it's ridiculous to want the life of this Tianjun."

I saw the green Tianlai flute in Tianjun Wuxian's male hand, and a beautiful green circle was drawn between his fingers.

At the moment of evil, the graceful green circle shoots out a round of infinitely thin, emerald-colored light blades that contain terrifying power.

"call out--"


The emerald light blade suddenly turned upside down, forming a spherical rotating light blade weapon. In a moment, Jiu smashed the two demons who rushed again into smoke.

Then, following the screams of the two demons, Tianjun Wuxian suddenly returned to silence.

Tianjun Wu Xiannan looked around, as if nothing had happened, only the fairy painting on the top that seemed to have never changed.

Of the two fairies in the painting, one is dancing and the other is playing the piano.

Tianjun Wuxian stared at it coldly for a while, then suddenly waved the Tianlei flute, and there was a piercing sound outside his body, and the gray-white light layer covering his body was instantly shattered.

Then he saw another gray-white layer of light, which was a spherical sealing ball several feet high.

Countless pitch-black and pale evil flowers around it, exuding a strange fragrance of magic, fluttered and fluttered non-stop.

call out!

call out!

Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't say a word, he even waved the flute of heaven to remove the flowers and break the gang. In an instant, countless dark and pale evil flowers, and the gray and white evil ball disappeared!

Then Tianjun Wuxiannan was very angry and funny when he saw Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuan son Song Zhen holding two phantom corpses of demons and crying loudly.

"Oh! Brother Zhen, when did you become so kind, holding two monster remnants, and you are so sad, you feel like you are dying!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan joked.

At this moment, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen suddenly felt a burst of coolness in his nose, and the previous confused feeling in his mind disappeared. When he heard Tianjun Wuxiannan's words, he looked down and cried and laughed in an instant:

"Haha... Xian Nan! They are not Shuang'er and Xiang'er! Haha..."

"Don't throw them away, of course they are not the two sisters-in-law, we are all under the influence of Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano! We were poisoned by the succubus refining incense just now!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan couldn't help laughing when he saw Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi's face was full of tears, his nose was long and he was holding a monster corpse on his left and right sides.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Fuck you demon grandma! I, Jianzhan Zhoujun, really had a bright future today! I'm actually crying while hugging a demon! It's really bad luck!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen came back to his senses, suddenly kicked the phantom body of the demon corpse, and instantly swung his axe, splitting it into two puffs of smoke.


"It seems that we really didn't come in vain!"

Tianjun Wu Xiannan inspected his clean fairy robe left and right, looked up at the fairy flowers on the top of the pavilion with interest, and said meaningfully.

"Fairy man? What happened just now, I saw you looking at this painting, I just saw it, and I saw you crying..."

Although Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was awake, he was still a little confused. Looking around the pavilion, the inside of Yueqin Palace was like the world outside the palace. Everything was so beautiful that he didn't feel anything wrong.

"Not sure, maybe there are really more than the two of them here. After returning, Brother Zhen should keep a close watch on this place!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan had some thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't be sure, so he said so.

"Well! I should have done this a long time ago, let's go! Let's go to Lianxiang Yuntai to have a look, today I want to see their sisters clearly!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twisted his black and white eyebrows, nodded heavily, and said.

Then the two chatted for a few more words, and then one stepped on the spirit cow and the other raised the immortal sword, and shot out of Yueqin Palace together.

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