Nine Heavens

Chapter 2079 Tiangong Action

To the southeast of Qixiang Palace, looking from a distance, on a huge cloud platform, colorful dances fluttered and fairy shadows flew, making it very lively.

Tianjun Wuxiannan and Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen felt inexplicably nervous when they saw the scene ahead.

They didn't fly to the cloud platform immediately, but circled around the platform slowly, examining the clues around the platform extremely carefully.


"Fairy Buyun of Qixiang Palace has seen the two immortals! What are the two immortals doing? You guys are so interesting. You don't watch the incense refining competition on the cloud platform, but you keep circling around the cloud platform Son, could it be that the two immortals are envious of the errands of the sixteen Buyun sisters of our August envoy?"

There are two beautiful cloud fairies with fluttering fairy skirts in each of the eight places on the cloud platform. They are all sitting cross-legged, back to back, making talismans with their hands, and rotating slightly, urging Buyun's mind to ensure the stability of the cloud platform, so that The incense refining competition continued.

These sixteen women are none other than the eight pairs of twin sisters from the Hunsha Sect who were forcibly recruited by Jun Yun and Liu Qianlang in the past. They were later brought into Qixiang Palace by Zhengling.

These eight pairs of sisters, protecting the clouds at the southeast corner of the cloud platform, are the two sisters, Yingyue and Siyue, who are envoys of the Holy Moon, and they are used to wearing blue fairy dresses.

In the central part of the south side of the cloud platform are the crescent moon sage envoys Xinyue and Xianyue sisters, with light yellow fairy skirts floating around them.

On the east side of Yuntai are Haoyue's envoys Ningyue and Jingyue. These two sisters are relatively quiet, and they always love pure white fairy dresses.

In the southwest of Yuntai are the sisters Xiangyue and Fangyue, the envoys of Jinyue. These two sisters are wearing golden fairy skirts, shining with golden light.

On the west side of the cloud platform, the two sisters wearing silver sparkling fairy dresses are Mengyue and Huanyue, the envoys of Silver Moon.

The sisters guarding the cloud in the northwest corner of Yuntai are Shuangxue Sacred Envoy, Lingyue and Huiyue Sacred Envoy wearing blue neon dresses.

The sisters sitting in the middle of the cloud platform are the envoys of Wuyue, Meng and Wuyue, and they have lavender halos around them.

In the east of Yuntai are Shuiyue Shengshi, Rouyue and Tianyue Shengshi sisters. They are the youngest and most mischievous among the sixteen sisters, wearing a fiery red neon fairy dress.

At this moment, sisters Rouyue and Tianyue, Wang Wanglimu, saw Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxiannan slowly passing by their surroundings, they couldn't help laughing and asking.

For the Holy Envoy of August, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxiannan are no strangers, and it is a joy to hear the words.

After the two looked at each other, Tianjun Wuxian said with a casual smile:

"Not to mention, we are not interested in the incense refining competition, we are just wandering around. Now we have nothing to do, why don't we watch the clouds for you for a while, how about your sisters going to watch the incense refining competition?"

"Wow! The two immortals are so kind, it's a pity that we can't watch the entire incense refining competition. If the two immortals complete it, I will be grateful!

However, given the identities of the two immortals, Rou Yue and Tian Yue really dare not be presumptuous! "

Rouyue and Tianyue's faces bloomed with smiles, and they were happy for a while, then they looked at the two majestic Langyuan Gaozun with dangling fairy rings, their faces turned cold again, and they lowered their heads pitifully and said.

"Ha ha……"

"Look at you two naughty girls, stop pretending to be reserved, if you don't go, I'm afraid the competition will be over.

By the way, you sisters are doing Mr. Ben Zhou a favor, and by the way, use this magic sound and shadow stone to record my big guy's performance perfectly! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed loudly, and waved his sleeves to throw a dark blue magic sound shadow stone to the two sisters.

"Hee hee! Alright, don't worry, Lord Jianzhan Zhou, Tianyue and Rouyue will definitely fulfill their mission!"

The two sisters had a reason, immediately took the magic sound shadow stone, jumped up happily, and floated towards the cloud platform.

"Hehe, the sisters are completely upright. They are all lively and lovely. It is their destiny and our blessing!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan smiled, then played the flute with his mouth, stepped on the spirit cow, and suddenly floated to the position where Tianyue and Rouyue sisters were just now.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen looked around for a while, and also came to Tianjun Wuxiannan.

With their celestial powers and magical skills, the matter of protecting the cloud, with just a thought, the entire huge platform will be as stable as a sacred mountain.

The two of them didn't put their minds on it. When Tianjun Wuxiannan was playing the Tianlai flute, Song Zhen, the sword Zhanzhoujun Zhanxuanzi, secretly urged the star sword.

But after a moment of divination, the two of them discovered that there was a magical fragrance constantly enveloped around the platform of the Incense Refining Competition. Its source is the direction of Yueqin Palace.

"Tianjun, succubus refining incense!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, his breath twitched, and said in surprise.

"They are attacking all the fairy forces of Langyuan Xianmen!"

Wu Xiannan heard the words, nodded slightly, and thought of sound transmission.

"It's thanks to them that they figured it out, don't they think that we, the girls of the Langyuan Xianmen, are easy to bully?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen secretly laughed in his heart, and his thoughts echoed to Tianjun Wuxiannan.

"That's not true, the reason why they did this is to destroy the Qixiang Palace, and then gather all the fairy spirits of the women of the Langyuan Xianmen to practice the evil death kung fu!

This is the purpose of Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentment Qin's black pupil Ming'er.

On the other hand, this is a big move by Tiangong Tianjun, the blood demon of the heavens, to order them to severely hit Langyuan Xianmen!

The blood demon Tiangong Tianjun is demonstrating against our Langyuan Xianmen! "

Tianjun Wuxian's blue eyes waved, looking at the vast Qixiang Palace time and space outside, and his thoughts were transmitted to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, and said calmly.

"Hmph! They have a good idea! We immediately sent a voice transmission to Sister Juan, the nine sister-in-laws, the four sister-in-laws of Sirius, Shuang'er, Yexiang, Feng'er, Yaya and the others, and get ready to fight back!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen snorted coldly, still thinking about sound transmission, communicating with Tianjun Wuxiannan.

"Okay! But you don't need to be so ostentatious, just transmit the sound to Yaya, and tell Yaya everything we saw when we went to Yueqin Palace, and the fact that their sisters are definitely spies.

With Yaya's intellect, she would know how to do it. This is Transsion, getting better and better! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan nodded in agreement.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the words, immediately copied a copy of the useful information in the Soul Gate, slapped his forehead, and a group of light traces of white light fell on the star sword under his feet.

As the white light streaks rubbed against the Star Sword, a little bit of starburst immediately appeared in it, and then condensed into an imperceptible small spot of light.

The small spot of light circled around the two of them a few times, and the two of them inspected it again and again. They were sure that there was nothing wrong with it. With their thoughts moving together, they put an invisibility technique on the spot, and then the spot disappeared.

Then, the two stretched out their middle and second fingers, one after another a little behind them, leaving behind their phantom bodies, and after their real bodies disappeared, they quietly flew towards the sky above the cloud platform.

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