Nine Heavens

Chapter 2085 Advanced Demon Monarch

"What is the nine-beating eighteen-turning nine-color divine lotus incense, which can dispel the poison of the evil spirit refining incense in your flesh fairy body? How did she do it? Could it be that she is really the Nuwa empress we questioned! ?”

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch was obviously unwilling to accept such an answer.

As soon as the magic thought moved, the blood demon suddenly shot out his magic death black claws from the Heavenly Palace, dragging the ghosts of Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils in the resentful piano to the front of him.

Condescending, asking questions one after another.

"Don't be angry, Tianjun! Piao Wujing and Resentful Qin Jing don't know, the only thing that is certain is that Lian'er seems to be naughty and innocent, but in fact she is unpredictable!"

Piaowujing and Yanqinjing turned pale instantly, their legs became weak, they knelt and looked up at the blood demon Tianjun, and tried their best to explain.

"Hmph! Get out! Go back and continue looking for opportunities, no matter whether she is Empress Nuwa or not, kill her! Get rid of her! Get out—"

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch was still furious, and swung the sleeves of the Blood Demon Demon Robe, a blood rainbow surged out, and then the Piaowu Jing and the Resentful Qin Jing were swept out of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace by the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch!

"Piaowu Jing obeys the law!"

"The resentful piano spirit takes command!"

The Piaowu Jing and the Resentful Qin Jing who were swept away from the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace had long lost the mystery of being on the roof of the Yueqin Palace in the Qixiang Palace of Langyuan Xianmen. They rolled and crawled outside the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, screaming and fleeing.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, the remaining anger of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch was still there, and the blood demon's poisonous palm blasted continuously, venting for a while.


"Tianjun! In the current situation, our blood demon heavenly palace is in the heavenly realm, and the blood demon heavenly palace, ghosts, dao, demons and dark forces have sealed off the sky and locked the domain. We have all the advantages, so why should Tianjun be angry for a few small trials that didn't go well!

Now, Langyuan Xianmen is nothing more than an alliance with the Four Emperors of Yunzhou Bianzhou, and the forces of Yunzhou Sifang Galaxy! Then there are a few celestial figures who suddenly emerged from the ancient spirits.

But so what, as long as we hold on to the Heaven Seal and Lock, they will never have the chance to enter the Heaven Realm again!

Don't forget, Tianjun, they all have a fatal weakness, that is, they have all been reincarnated in the human world! Therefore, it is impossible for their ancient gods to be too powerful, and even some ancient spirit memories have not been unsealed!

For example, Lian'er, even if she is Empress Nuwa, obviously doesn't know it yet! There are many opportunities for us to clean them up!

Listen to the advice of the beautiful witch, even in the battle of life and death, Tianjun must learn to be free and easy. We are fighting for domination, first of all, we must learn to be free and unrestrained. . "

After the blood demon Tianjun's anger subsided a little, the nine-faced Zhou witch was so beautiful that he floated up to the blood demon Tianjun, poured wine for him, and said with a smile.

"Haha! Hehe... The beautiful witch is right! Stupid Liu Qianlang! Don't be complacent, what are you worried about now! I dominate the heavens, control the heavens in the middle, and I have undercover agents from the Heavenly Demon Palace!

In such a situation, as long as I am patient and play with you slowly, sooner or later I will find an opportunity to eliminate Langyuan, I will catch you, and then... haha... cluck..."

Hearing the words of the Nine-faced Zhou Wu, the Blood Demon Lord suddenly stopped roaring, stiffened his body and thought for a while, and then burst into a terrifying and cold yin-yang smile.

"Tianjun first sent the three blood demons to fail, and then made the sisters Zheyue Baitong and Yuanqin to poison but failed.

However, this is not without gain. "

Seeing that the Blood Demon Tianjun finally held up the wine glass, the nine-faced Zhou Wu was full of coquettishness and said with beautiful eyes.

"How to say?"

The blood demon Tianjun's anger finally dissipated, and he asked kindly.

"Now their thoughts must be on the Yungong Langyuan Xianmen, and their allies in the Quartet Galaxy..."

Nine-Mianzhou witch said half of it, deliberately leaving the exciting part for the blood demon Tianjun.

"That's right! Although they form an alliance, their forces are not in one place. If we start from the realm of the four directions of the universe, and then the Alliance of Four Emperors, as long as we eliminate these two forces of righteous spirits, our forces will soon be restored. It is full of Yunzhou, enclosing the Langyuan Yun Palace in the center of Yunzhou, forming an encirclement trend!"

The blood demon Tianjun was concentrating on contemplation, burst into joy, and on the dark red blood moon mask, the bloody eyes shone brightly, and he suddenly yelled.

"How to lay it out, please give me some advice from the beauties."

After the blood demon Tianjun yelled, he pressed the nine-faced universe witch next to his seat, and asked with a laugh.

"The layout is not too busy, why don't you let Mei Wu go there in person, let's kill a few important people, first save some face for Tianjun, and it's not too late to make a big move later!

This will also create opportunities for Zheyue Baitong Qinger and Yuanqin Black Tongming Minger inside the Langyuan Xianmen to make trouble.

We caused troubles for them at Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen, far and near, and we avoided wherever they paid attention, so that they would suffer without anyone noticing it! "

The nine-faced Zhou Wu turned sideways, looking up at the Blood Demon Lord, speaking charmingly, with killing intent in his eyes.

"Well, good! The beautiful witch will definitely gain a lot from her own trip! But I heard that in the domain of the four directions of the galaxy, the clouds and mists are not covered, and the center of the cloud and sky is not controlled. It belongs to the strange star world that leads to the mysterious two universes of life and death.

Mei Wu went alone, which really made me uneasy, why not Mei Wu personally choose some forces from the three ways of ghosts, demons and demons to accompany, it is worse than going alone! "

The Blood Demon Heavenly Lord nodded slightly, and then looked at the nine beautiful eyes of the Nine-faced Zhou Wu, who was a little bit reluctant, and said with concern.


"Beautiful witches don't have the habit of wearing tails, no matter whether they are gods or gods, they will always go there alone, Tianjun heard the good news about beautiful witches.

In fact, Mei Wu has been thinking about this plan for a long time, but she just said it at this time. Mei Wu believes that this trip is unavoidable in order to shock the blood demon Tiangong Shenwei.

But for the convenience of your contact with me, the beautiful witch left the magic sun behind. When Tianjun has something to do or wants to see the situation of the universe, he can follow the spell I taught you to observe and ask.

If it is an emergency and the beautiful witch must come back, the magic sun teleportation array can also be activated, and the beautiful witch will return to Tiangong Tianjun in an instant.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to activate the magic yang teleportation array, because every time the evil energy of the magic yang ancient spirit is activated by the magic yang transmission array, it will suffer a huge loss.

Inside it is the ancient spirit's dark zodiac energy, which can only be consumed and cannot be regenerated! "

Nine-faced Zhou Wu directly rejected the kindness of Blood Demon Tianjun, and explained something.

"Is the beautiful witch leaving now?"

The blood demon Tianjun saw her plan from the eyes of the nine-faced Zhou Wu, and asked.

"This is the best time. At this time, Langyuan Xianmen's thoughts must be on the three Gorefiends. They never thought that we would attack the Sifang Galaxy!"

Nine-faced Zhou Wu nodded slightly, spit out the dark demon sun from his mouth, and handed it to the blood demon Tianjun.

"The beautiful witch has worked so hard for the future hegemony of the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace. This Tianjun is really grateful, so I won't say too much, and I'll see you off with a glass of wine!"

The blood demon Tianjun put the dark magic sun into the body sea and put it away, poured the magic wine for the nine-faced Zhou witch himself, and handed it to her.


"Thank you, Tianjun, for seeing you off with the wine! The beautiful witch will go!"

Nine-faced Zhou Wu saw that the blood demon Tianjun poured wine for himself, took it and drank it down, leaving a string of sweet smiles, and then disappeared suddenly.

After a long time, a bloody gorefiend jumped out of the sea of ​​blood demon Tianjun's sleeves, knelt in front of the blood demon Tianjun, raised his head and asked:

"Master, what's the matter, but please order, bloody death is on standby!"

"Look at her for me, and at the same time secretly help her kill her target!"

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch spoke word by word, he did not look down at the blood at his feet when he spoke, but stared coldly at the outside of the palace.


The blood undead soul instantly turned into a blood rainbow and shot out of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

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