Nine Heavens

Chapter 2086 Qilin Immortal Palace

Yun Zhou, Lang Yuan Xianmen.

In a closed Yunzhou secret room, the three Gorefiends are being tried.

The interrogators were Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, Tian Jun Wu Xiannan and Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, but they were not in Yun Zhou's secret room.

Where are the three high immortals of Langyuan, the three blood demons don't know at all.

"You don't seem to be trusted by the Blood Demon Lord at all. You originally planned to come to my Langyuan Xianmen to assassinate Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin Black Tong Ming'er. The undercover agent of the door, however, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch asked you to come to die, how pitiful you are!"

This is the voice of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.

"Wow! You think we're going out, don't dream, it's useless to ask, we won't tell you anything!"

The three Gorefiends condensed into three evil-colored clouds of black, green, and yellow in the secret room, curled up in a hidden corner, and the ghost in the black evil cloud shouted.

"Hehe, Zhanxuanzi, the god of the sword, wants to know about the shitty things about your Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. You can do the math with the Star Sword. Do you need to ask you?

Today, Ben Zhou Jun is just having fun for a while, and wants to see what kind of monsters in Tiangong are like, and how to kill the spirit of evil spirits!

Just now, I did some deduction and calculation of the sword accounted for Zhou Junlue. It turns out that you are not from the same power of the dead son of the ancient spirit of the dark three universes, but the blood slaves who later sprouted and refined within the blood moon.

There are countless characters like you in Blood Demon Blood Moon, so the purpose of using you to die is to convince us that Zheyue Baitong Qinger and Resentment Qin Heitong Minger are not his people!

Among them, the most stupid and innocent ones are you three Gorefiends! It's ridiculous that you are dying and don't know what's going on with you, poor thing! Really not worth it! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen laughed as if talking to himself.

"Huh? What he said is true!"

The voice of the Haunting Lord said.

"Impossible! Don't listen to him sowing discord, Tianjun's trust in us is beyond doubt.

Although there are countless Gorefiends, there are only three of us who can be valued so highly by Tianjun.

Since the chaotic universe first entered the human world, we have done many great things for Tianjun. We know that Tianjun is not the kind of ungrateful person! "

Tuosang Shengzun said very affirmatively.

"Hehe, these three evil things are really interesting. Qing'er with the white pupil of Zheyue and Ming'er with the black pupil of the resentment Qin secretly went back to the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. They are still so loyal, rare, rare!"

Jun Yun said with a smile at this time, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is.

"Yeah, where did the word affection come from in the world of the dead universe, but the three of them are deeply influenced by humanity, even though they are evil creatures, they actually know about affection.

This is the reason why the Gorefiend Heavenly Lord chose one of them to be the ghost of the three colors, throwing stones to ask for directions! Blood Demon Tianjun only has his ambition and his own life and death in his eyes, and everything else is just a tool! "

Tianjun Wuxiannan also laughed.

"This secret room will explode on its own in about a day or two. By then, they will die naturally, so we don't need to kill them.

Let's all go back to our respective palaces and strengthen our defenses. Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yuqin Heitong Ming'er have sneaked back to the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. Many of our situations will be exposed. Don't be sloppy and change the Tianfeng of the Yunzhouyun Palace Guardian Palace again! "

At this time, Jun Yun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang, his voice gradually faded away and said,

"Alright, fourth brother is going back to Star Palace now!"

"The fairy man is also returning to the Wuxian Palace, farewell!"

After a while of saying goodbye, there was no more sound in this Yunzhou secret room.

"I didn't expect that our three blood demons would die like this. It's really his grandma's bad luck!"

In the secret room, within the khaki evil cloud, the Haunting Lord said depressingly.

"What they said may be right! Judging from their words, Zheyue Baitong and Yuqin Heitong are really the undercover agents of Blood Demon Tiangong in Langyuan Xianmen, and Tianjun sent us to kill them.

Aren't we going to die obviously! Either by Zheyue Baitong and Resentment Qin's black pupil, or by Langyuan Gaoxian!

This is Yun Tianzhou, it is no longer a humane mortal domain, our three blood demons have the ability to slaughter all the mortal domains, we are just rookies in Yun Tianzhou!

well! We are too conceited! In fact, aren't we here to die? "

The Haunting Lord stretched out a ferocious head in the khaki evil cloud, bared his white fangs, and sighed.

"This Yunzhou secret room is so strange, how could there be no response under any force attack! Everyone don't talk, and search carefully. No matter what, it is most meaningful for us to find a chance to escape!"

Tuosang Shengzun reminds Hyunhun Shengzun and Youming Shengzun.


The three Gorefiends are temporarily silent!

Speaking of Star Palace, Qilin Palace.

The blood unicorn was alone in his palace, and he hadn't gone out for many days. He turned into a human body, wearing a fiery red robe, drinking alone.

When the blood unicorn was drinking in his heart, he suddenly smelled two delicate fragrances. He looked up and saw two beauties wrapped in white neon dresses standing in front of him.

"Oh! It's Sister Qing'er and Sister Ming'er! Why did you come to my humble Yunfu! Two sisters, please sit down."

Xue Qilin simply covered the moon, Qing'er with white pupils, and Ming'er with black pupils resentful piano, secretly happy in their hearts, they hurriedly got up to salute.

"Hehe...why, Lord Linxian, don't you welcome the two sisters?

Since our sisters were called by you in the incense refining field that day, we can never forget you. We miss you every day, so we can't help but come here! "

Ming'er spoke sweetly, and Pingting came to the blood unicorn, leaned over and gently pressed the blood unicorn to sit down, her daughter's alluring breasts were beautiful and intentional.

Xue Qilin had been coveting this sister for a long time, how could he not be tempted, he was fascinated and speechless.

"Linjun sits comfortably, let our sisters have a good time eating and drinking with Linjun, and we will not pour wine for Linxian tomorrow."

Qing'er was shy in the blood unicorn's arms, her hair rubbed against the blood unicorn's face, calling softly.

"Why bother pouring wine, our sisters have long belonged to Mr. Lin, and it's also a matter of pecking each other. Come on! Mr. Lin, let Ming'er drink for you."

Ming'er was talking, raised her head and drank a sip of immortal wine in her mouth, floated to the back, bent over and lowered her head.

Fangkou was facing the big mouth of the blood unicorn and kissed the wine. How could the blood unicorn go through such a beautiful thing. There are beauties in the front and beauties in the back, and I am so happy.

"Ha ha……"

"What the two sisters said just now is serious, do you care about my blood unicorn?"

Xue Qilin saw that the other party threw himself into his arms like this, so he didn't need to be polite, he wrapped his arms around him, hugged the two beauties in his arms, and laughed and heard.

"Linjun, you have seen everything about Qing'erdu's daughter's house, don't you really love you?"

"Lin Jun, if you also love our sisters, why don't we get married, okay?"

Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano, with pink faces and peach blossoms, looked at the blood unicorn with infinite temptation, both left and right were stroking the faces of the blood unicorn, and said.

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