Nine Heavens

Chapter 2087 Goblin Conspiracy

"Oh haha! The blood unicorn is what you want, so how about we worship the sky and the earth now?"

Xue Qilin never even dreamed that happiness just came like this. He was thinking of asking for such a request in his heart, but he was worried that he couldn't say it. Unexpectedly, Ming'er would be so proactive, so he was overjoyed and laughed to propose.

"It's up to you, look, we haven't paid homage yet, you are so rude to the slave family!"

Qing'er lay on her back in the arms of the blood unicorn, her clothes disheveled, her face bowed in embarrassment.

Minger also hummed softly.


Originally it was the cool and cold Qilin Temple, but suddenly it was full of fragrance and a spring breeze blew.

For several days in a row, the blood unicorn dreamed of being accompanied by a beautiful woman, and every day was accompanied by a beautiful woman! Very unhappy.

Today, the blood unicorn is still smiling triumphantly among the flowers, while listening to the fairy song of resentment, while watching Qing'er fluttering and dancing, the cups of fine wine are sweet.

"Husband! For many days in a row, we only played and had fun in the Qilin Hall, which really lacked some fun. How about we go out and find a quiet place, just the three of us, husband and wife?"

Zheyue Baitong Qing'er who was dancing said.

"Well, haha..."

"Why did my lady say that, isn't it good to be in this Qilin Hall? It's quiet and there's nothing else. It's just the three of us, husband and wife, listening to music and tasting wine under the stars among the flowers. How could it be better than this!?"

Xue Qilin heard Zheyue Baitong Qing'er's words, squinted at her dancing posture, and laughed.


"Hmph! Husband is so selfish, he only cares about his own entertainment, but we sisters are free, you are free to listen to music and watch dance, but our sisters only care about making your husband happy, dancing and fluttering the piano tirelessly for many days, where is the fun?"

Ming'er, who had black pupils on the resentful piano, suddenly slapped the seven-stringed resentful qin with both palms, and there was a blunt bang on the resentful piano, with a pitiful and cold expression on his face.


The blood unicorn was in the midst of joy, when he suddenly heard what Ming'er said, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, and then thought about it!

Hastily said:

"Hehe, don't be angry, ladies, okay, I promise you for my husband, but speaking of it, is there any place more beautiful inside or outside my Qilin Palace than Qixiang Palace?"

"We can go to the imprisoned Yunshan Mountain. My sister Ming'er and I have wanted to play there for a long time. The whole Langyuan Xianmen belongs to the mysterious place that makes people ponder. It must be very mysterious and fun!"

Zheyue's white pupil Qing'er and Yanqin's black pupil Ming'er looked at each other, their eyes were full of longing, and they looked at the blood unicorn and said.

"Oh! No, no, no! If the two ladies wanted to go before, that's fine, but at this time, a secret room there closed the three demons of the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace!

Needless to say, the husband does not have the key to seal Yunshan, but if he does, how can the husband take the two wives to that unknown and dangerous place! "

When Xue Qilin heard this, he immediately shook his head, a hundred of them were unwilling.

"Sister, it's ridiculous that our sisters are so sincere that they took the initiative to throw themselves into their arms to marry the man they like, but we don't want our sisters to be blind and marry cowards.

Just two celestial demons scare him so much. In the future, there will be a life-and-death battle of strength, so how can we sisters have any hope of peace!

Let's just go back to our Yueqin Palace, as if we've never been to this sad and hateful place! "

Resentment Qin and black pupil Ming'er were talking, but she had tears in her eyes, she got up and pulled her sister Zheyue Baitong Qing'er to leave.

Seeing the blood unicorn, how could he be willing to part with it, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said:

"Two ladies calm down, okay, I promise you for my husband's sake. Why bother to be angry, it's for your own good. First, it's the forbidden area of ​​the Immortal Langyuan Gate, and second, it's really not an auspicious place, so my husband doesn't want to take you there. of.

Since you insist on going, I will try to take you there once as a husband. "



"Thank you, husband, let's go!"

When Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong Ming'er heard that the blood unicorn agreed, they turned their anger into joy, and in an instant they were all smiles, and they stepped forward to pull the blood unicorn.

"Hey! Madams, don't worry. You can't just go to the imprisoned cloud mountain. It's a forbidden place. You need a key to enter and exit the seal or a spell to pass through the seal.

It is impossible to become a husband through the magic spell, and only the six Supremes know it. But, the key to the seal of the imprisoned Yunshan, the husband has the opportunity to "borrow" from the master. "

Xue Qilin stood still and said in a contemplative manner.

"Then why don't you borrow it? If Qing'er doesn't go out to get some fresh air, she won't be able to stay in the Qilin Hall for a while!"

Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong Ming'er were secretly happy when they heard this, but they still showed a bit of helplessness and a bit of pain on their faces.

"Hey! Good! The two ladies are waiting in the Qilin Hall, come as you go."

The blood unicorn looked left and right at the beauty who had finally flown here, and frowned, gritted his teeth and had no choice but to agree, and then turned into a blood rainbow and shot out of the hall.

"Bah bah! Pity our sisters' fairy bodies, but in order to save the three gorefiends, they have committed themselves to such a filthy unicorn beast, what a pity for our fairy bodies!"

Not long after the blood unicorn left, Yan Qin's black pupil Ming'er vomited and cursed.

"Hmph! Not to mention your fairy body, it is your soul, and you must always be ready to sacrifice for the great cause of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch!

Listen carefully, the last time the evil plan to refine the incense poison failed, which angered the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch. If you still fail to rescue the three blood demons this time, not to mention your physical bodies, even our two elves will die up! "

Ming'er, the black pupil of Yanqin, was cursing loudly, when suddenly, two paper-like people appeared in front of her, and then became plump and turned into two fairies in white skirts.

These two fairies are exactly the people in the painting on the weird pavilion roof of Yueqin Palace.

"Yes! Piaowu Dancer and Resentment Qinqin are two blood demon cloud angels!"

Seeing the two fairies in white skirts, Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano, her face turned pale from fright, and Ming'er hurriedly saluted.

The fluttering dancing spirit and the resentful piano spirit are actually the death soul spirits of Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin's black pupil Ming'er, and the Zheyue Hate Soul and Resentment Qin Hate Soul of the dead son.

As for the Zheyue Baitong Qinger and the Resentful Qin Black Tongming Minger in front of them, they are just their physical puppets in the Zhengling Immortal Realm!

The reason why Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin Heitong Ming'er can move independently without Piaowu Jing and Resentful Qin Jing is naturally because their physical puppets have also obtained Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu in the growth of humanity. It is caused by the injection of the waves.

In other words, in most cases, Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin Black Tong Ming'er are controlled by Piao Wu Jing and Resentful Qin Jing, they are puppets at all.

When Piao Wu Jing and Yan Qin Jing heard Ming'er's words, they didn't pay any attention, just like putting on clothes, they suddenly entered the bodies of Qing'er, who covered the moon with white pupils, and Ming'er, the black pupil of Yuan Qin.

Then, the two elves saw the table full of delicious food and wine in the Qilin Hall, and immediately used their hands and feet to eat and drink.

Looking at Qing'er with white pupils Zheyue and Ming'er with black pupils resentful Qin, who were obviously elegant and beautiful just now, their appearances have not changed now, and their behavior is completely like a wolf.

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