Nine Heavens

Chapter 2088 Confinement in Yunshan

Star Palace, midnight.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen sat cross-legged in meditation with his eyes slightly closed.

The night was very quiet, and Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji circled him around him, circling suddenly, making a slight rustling sound!

Not far from Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, there is a dark blue white jade fairy table.

On the fairy table, there was a bright red flame shining. It was a piece of condensed fairy light about an inch in size and half the thickness of a finger. It was the key to seal Yunshan.

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen has been in this posture for a long time, and seems to have fallen asleep.

Suddenly, there was an extremely weak sound of air fluctuations, and there was a bright red light and shadow in front of the white jade table. After this light and shadow appeared, it stayed in front of the white jade table for a long time.

Two rainbows shot out from its head, and these two rainbows looked up and down at Jianzhan Zhou Junzhen.

"Master, you have a good rest. The big man borrows the fiery red condensing light to use it. He has no other intentions, just to make the beauty smile! After using it, quietly return it!"

The bright red light and shadow inspected the sword Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen for a long time, gently picked up the fiery red condensing fairy light, and then suddenly retracted it and disappeared.

Qilin Hall, half an hour later.

"Haha...Madam! Madam—look, what is in my hand? Haha..."

The blood unicorn scratched the clouds and cleared the fog for a while, and quickly shot into the gate of his own unicorn hall, then screamed.

However, when he suddenly entered the palace, he saw his two beautiful wives, Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano, wolfing down, eating and drinking, causing a mess everywhere. The tragic situation made me feel very uncomfortable.

"What are you?"

The blood unicorn was still holding up the bright red fiery red condensing light in his hand, and asked in surprise.


"Husband, you are back, we are imagining the way you eat, how about learning from you in the competition, who can imitate us?"

Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano both shot at the condensed fairy light in the hand of the blood unicorn, but they smiled coquettishly.

"Oh! You..."

As soon as Xue Qilin was amused, he didn't doubt anything anymore. He pointed at them and sighed suspiciously, then laughed again.

"The two ladies came to see it. This is the condensing light that enters and exits the forbidden cloud mountain. Let's go to the forbidden cloud mountain. Go back quickly. The master only promises to lend me this fiery red condensing fairy light for a while, and then I must return it. of."

Xue Qilin knew the rest habits of the master Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, usually after a day and a night of rest for an hour and a half, he would wake up on time to practice magic skills until the next day, so he said so.

"Hmm! Alright, we'll just listen to my husband!"

Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong Ming'er looked at each other, restored their previous shy appearance, and nodded in shyness.

"Well, the two ladies come with me!"

A blue cloud suddenly surged under the blood unicorn's feet, and then the three of them floated out of the qilin palace on the cloud.

Outside the Qilin Hall, in the vast space, apart from the dark stratus clouds in the sky, there are distant stars in all directions.

The blood unicorn held the fiery red condensing fairy light in its hand, and the wives on the left and right followed each other. The clouds and the sky flew, and shot straight to the northwest of the Star Palace.

Not long after, they appeared on the edge of an undulating pale black cloud mountain.

The blood unicorn exclaimed excitedly:

"Madam, this is the Confinement Cloud Mountain, follow closely, we will go in now!"


Qing'er with white pupils covering the moon and Ming'er with black pupils resenting the piano had charming faces, their eyes sparkled in the dark, and they nodded obediently.

Then, the blood unicorn controlled Qingyun, held high the fiery red condensing fairy light, and quickly came to the front of the imprisoned Yunshan mountain, shouting:

"The fiery red condensed immortal light is unsealed, and the confinement cloud seal opens the way!"

Then, the other hand gathered divine power, urging the fiery red condensing immortal light. The flaming red condensed immortal light suddenly became brighter, and shot towards the imprisoned Yunshan Road with bright brilliance.


Because of the impact of the radiant brilliance, two cloud mountains suddenly opened in the forbidden cloud mountain, and an extremely dark passage appeared in the middle.

Zheyue Baitong Qinger and Resentment Qin Heitong Minger saw each other, and they couldn't wait to shoot into it, but they were grabbed by the blood unicorn and reminded:

"Look, ladies, it's dark inside, and I don't feel comfortable at all. It's fine for me to look outside. Why go in, there must be no fun in there!"

"No! Tomorrow is just curiosity, whether it's fun or not, it's fun when you solve your curiosity! Let's go!"

Ming'er, the black pupil of the resentment piano, was a little hesitant when he saw the blood unicorn, and immediately urged him softly in a sweet voice.


"Ha ha……"

"Two elves, the confinement in Yunshan Mountain is only suitable for you, not for my big man and his two wives, so get out of here!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the blood unicorn, Qing'er with white pupil Zheyue and Ming'er with black pupil resentment Qin suddenly shot down two azure blue sword rainbows from high altitude behind them, blasting to the back hearts of Qing'er with white pupil Zheyue and Ming'er black pupil with resentment piano. superior.


Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Yanqin Heitong Ming'er were not prepared for this sudden attack at all, they both shrugged and let out a scream.

A fairy in a white fairy dress suddenly fell out of his body, and the two fairies stumbled into the confinement cloud mountain.

Then, the confinement cloud mountain suddenly closed again!

After the fairies in Zheyue Baitong Qing'er and Resentful Qin's black pupil Ming'er were blasted out of their bodies, they collapsed into the blood unicorn's arms.


Xue Qilin looked blankly, looked up and saw the master Jian Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi Song Zhen, Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang and Tianjun Wu Xiannan smiling at him.

"Hehe, now you can go back with your two wives in your arms, they will be true prodigal disciples from now on, and there will be no death-hate soul controlling them anymore!

After I go back, I will rectify their names. From now on, I will only call them Qing'er and Ming'er, instead of Zheyue and Yuanqin, you know? "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen said with a smile.

"Those two?"

Xue Qilin was a little embarrassed by the sudden change. Looking at the two wives in his arms, and then at the closed and imprisoned Yunshan, he was a little confused for a while, why his wives suddenly became four, one pair in his arms, and the other. A pair entered the confinement cloud mountain!

"Those two are the two strands of hateful souls of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace Lord Death, and they are just the physical bodies of the two wives who have controlled you for a long time, now you understand.

Hurry up, go back and quickly inject righteous spirits into them, and force out the few remaining evil spirits of death in their bodies! "

Lord Yun is supreme, then Xie Liu Qianlang explained for Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.

At this time, Xue Qilin contacted his own experience in the past few days before and after, and finally understood what was going on. He was also surprised that he was almost used, and he was also happy that he got two beautiful ladies for nothing.

Happy to agree, turned over and hugged the two ladies, and hurried to ride the cloud and flew towards Qilin Hall.

"Hehe, this imprisoned Yunshan was originally a silent place in the Hunyuan Mountain, the head of the master Yun, but after being moved to this Yunzhou, it actually made meritorious service for us.

First kill the three Gorefiends, and then imprison the two soul-hating spirits, Piaowu Jing and Resentful Qin Jing! "

Tianjun Wuxian said with a smile.

"We were able to successfully see through and imprison them, thanks to the fourth brother and the fairy man who were able to find out the details and strategize! Once they get rid of them, we are finally more at ease!"

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Yun Jun is very satisfied with the actions of imprisoning Piaowu Jing and Resentful Qin Jing, and sighed.

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