Nine Heavens

Chapter 2089 Heart Immortal Enlightenment



Piaowujing and Yuanqinjing were caught suddenly, and when they realized it, they rushed wildly inside the imprisoned Yunshan, trying to break the seal and escape!

"Do it!"

Naturally, the three Lang Yuan would not be afraid of letting them succeed, they nodded in tacit understanding with each other, and in the next second they were going to destroy the confinement cloud mountain that imprisoned Piao Wu Jing and Resentful Qin Jing.

Yun Jun Supreme then Xie Liu Qianlang let out a clear whistle and shouted.

"Although the evil demon hates chaos and clarity, there is no evil and no righteousness. To destroy this spirit, Zhou Heng, I am afraid that both good and evil will be illusory!

Haha... Xiaoxian Zhengling of Langyuan Xianmen, listen to me, let them go, let them go, maybe there are better choices besides killing and destroying! "

However, right at this moment, Yunjun Wushang and Xie Liu Qianlang suddenly heard a hundred thousand old voice within his Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm, so he hurriedly thought of sound transmission to remind himself.

"Thank you for the reminder, Senior Immortal. If you dare to ask Senior Immortal what to call him, the younger generation is dull, can you choose the third choice!?"

After Yunjun gave a clear whistle, he suddenly waved his hand to stop Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxiannan who were about to attack.

"I don't know who I am, so you don't need to ask. Of course, if you want to define what kind of existence I am, then let's call it Xinxian.

I also don't have an answer for the third option, I just find that killing and destroying is never the best option.

If the fluttering dancer and the resentful piano have a similar ending to the big blood unicorn like their human bodies, that would be great! "

The black jade skull on the chest of Xie Liu Qianlang was shining with a faint green, and the old voice said quietly.

"Dare to ask Xinxian, the strength of life and death, besides killing each other, is there a better direction?"

Under the somewhat puzzled gazes of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxiannan, Yun Jun is supreme no matter how evil, suddenly, with white hair flying wildly, silver clothes hunting, looking at the sky, silent.


Imprisoned in Yunshan, Piaowu Jing and Yanqin Jing are still attacking from the inside out, and their evil cursing voices are getting louder and louder.

"Fairy boy! Third brother?"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, with black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, asked the Tianjun Wuxian not far away.

"He wanted to let them go."

Tianjun Wuxian said lightly, then raised the Tianlai flute, and played the melodious and long fairy song "Nine Heavens Fate"

"Hey! Third brother, what kind of joke is this? We managed to see through them, and let them go instead of killing them. Isn't it just asking for trouble in the future!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen stared at the movements in the imprisoned Yunshan without stopping, and sighed.

Tianjun Wuxiannan didn't answer any more, his face was full of calm and calm. Concentrate on playing the flute, as if everything in this world is silent and motionless except for him.

This kind of sound of the flute of nature in silence is infinitely harmonious and beautiful in the ears. But if you taste it carefully, you will find that the sounds of the Tianlai flute have many different heights, and the subtle cooperation of positive and negative tones makes such a wonderful music sound.

Yunjun Supreme No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, he looked at the sky, asked himself, carefully savored the sound of Tianjun Wuxiannan's flute, and gradually had a better idea for the future in his mind and mind.

His original solemn face slowly relaxed, without bowing his head, but he ordered Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen without a doubt:

"Fourth brother let them go, let them escape back to the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!"

"Third Brother? Yes!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the words, and wanted to refute and ask Yunjun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang's reason for doing so.

But when he saw the third elder brother Yun Jun is supreme, he will be evil again.

With a very determined look, he took the words back to his lips and had no choice but to agree.

call out--

At this moment, Song Zhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen reluctantly raised the star sword and slashed a starlight towards the imprisoned cloud mountain in front of him, and then a fiery red thing flew out of the imprisoned cloud mountain immediately.

This flaming red is the condensed fairy light. Song Zhen held the bright red condensed fairy light in his hand to look at it for a while, and said something in his mouth. The Yunshan area where the Piaowujing and the resentful piano spirit are imprisoned, All of a sudden it popped open.

"Zhiyue Piaowu, complaining about the piano, Mr. Yun is in a good mood today, I don't want to kill you, why don't you go back to your Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!"

Imprisoned in the clouds and mist on the Yunshan Mountain, he soon saw Piaowujing and Yuanqinjing turned into two grotesque sprites, shaking and appearing there, Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen shouted angrily.

The two goblins obviously couldn't understand what Langyuan Sanxian did. After jumping out of the imprisoned Yunshan Mountain, they shrank their heads and looked around for a while, and then muttered to each other for a while, and then tentatively shot out of the sky.

"Hehe, if you can do this, I believe that what you lose is the devil, and what you will gain in the future must be the Dao Qingming.

Demons can never be destroyed forever, because your obsession to kill is itself a demon. When the thought of killing is there, ghosts and monsters are there. On the contrary, why bother to kill them? , go, congratulations Zhengling Boy's celestial consciousness has evolved a step further! "

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, he looked up at the sky, listening to the words of the heart fairy in the profound realm of the black jade skull on his chest, and the sound of the heavenly flute of his own Tianjun Wuxian, until the heart fairy stopped talking.

"Fourth brother, please make arrangements. From tomorrow, Lang Yuan's entire sect will start to practice the magical art of turning the righteous spirit. From now on, when we face any ghosts, monsters, and the forces of the dark three universes, we will only do righteous things and no longer kill! "

Jun Yun, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, finally spoke. He held his head high, still maintaining the posture of looking up at the sky, watching Piaowu and the spirit of resentful piano gradually disappearing, and ordered.



Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen first sighed, and then, like before, reluctantly but did not want to disobey the order of the third brother in charge, he agreed.

"Fourth brother, Xiannan, the moment I made a move just now, I suddenly realized.

If there is good in this world, there should be evil. We have been trying our best to eradicate evil, and this way of thinking may be wrong in the first place.

Because of our mistakes, we have walked very hard, but the evil we face is getting stronger and stronger.

Even let us not see the end of the bright future, the small darkness we eliminated, and then fell into a greater darkness without listening.

At the cost of losing our peace, joy, freedom, and happiness, we get a slower and longer journey to punish evil. Is this what we call and want in our hearts? "

Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang said lightly. Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen was listening quietly, Tianjun Wuxiannan was still playing the flute of nature.

Amid the melodious and harmonious sound of the flute, Song Zhen, the emperor of Jianzhan Zhou Zhanxuan, sighed thoughtfully:

"I really miss the two days when our Langyuan Xianmen was in Cangshan, the first world of chaos, and the four-color star palace.

At that time, we, whether adults or young immortals, as well as the entire disciples of the immortal sect, were happy and at ease.

But then... the fourth brother really hasn't really let go of his mood and enjoyed the beauty of life for a long time! "

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