Nine Heavens

Chapter 2090 The Alliance of Four Emperors is Destroyed

The cloudy night is vast, and the thoughts are beautiful.

However, can the idea that Jun Yun is supreme and no longer evil will stand the test?

Just when the three immortals of Langyuan gradually harbored this belief, something serious happened to the Dongtai Yaodi in the alliance of the four emperors of Yunzhou.

It happened on the night when the ninety-nine eighty-one dragons left, it was the night when the four Yunzhou emperors had a big banquet and the ninety-nine eighty-one dragons came to help, and it was also the night when the three immortals let go of the white pupil of Zheyue and the black pupil of resentment piano that night.

An evil and piercing smirk, and an old woman's voice broke the festivities of the four Yun Zhou Emperors and the 9981 Dragon Banquet:

"Hehe... giggle..."

"It turns out that the army of the so-called Four Emperors Alliance, with hundreds of millions of Yunxians, is so vulnerable, my Nine-faced Cosmic Witch's Divine Witch Dragon has eaten them all before its teeth are filled!

Now that I think about it, I feel a little uninterested, Shen Wulong, what do you think? "

"Aww—the essence of Zhengling, Immortal and God tastes delicious and sweet. It's a pity that most of them were cursed with zombies by their masters, so they couldn't move.

Otherwise, it would be nice to eat alive and kicking spirits. Well, the master of the Four Emperors and those bugs in the Dongtai Demon God Palace below must not cast the Zombie Curse again. My god, Wulong, hates eating stale food! "

"Okay! You are the only dark demon god that my nine-faced cosmic witch trusts. No matter what your request is, this cosmic witch will agree to it!

Just now it was because those Yunxians whom I cast the Immortal Zombie Curse on were too close to the Dongtai Demon Heavenly Palace, so don’t do that, lest the bugs and the Four Emperors Alliance below will disturb your pleasure!

Well now, just a few of them, you can do whatever you want! "


"Amitabha! Good! Good! Dark Cosmic Sorcerer, you are so cruel, you came here to do evil, and you didn't even say hello!"

In Dongtai Yaotian Palace, Dongtai Yaotian, Xiyao Yunmi, Beimo shaman, South Buddha Lun Tuo and ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons were shocked when they heard the words, and jumped out of the palace in the blink of an eye, and then flew away. The top of the shrine!

The four emperors of Yunzhou hurriedly released their spiritual consciousness to sweep the entire time and space of the Dongtai monster, and then they found that the hundreds of millions of Yunxian had no breath!

The four Yunzhou Emperors were so angry that they trembled all over their bodies, the Buddha in the South sang the Buddha's name repeatedly, the shaman in the North Desert rang the bells and drums all over his body, the demon sky in the East Thailand was filled with red sun, and the sky in the East was filled with clouds and mists, and the sea of ​​clouds was churning.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, under the order of the first dragon around the peak, they turned into dragon bodies at the same time, roaring into the sky.

"Woo ho ho..."

"Greeting to you, you idiots of the universe, for the opponent, to find a way to kill the opponent, if I greet you, you are prepared, then how can we achieve our wish!

correct! Shengzhou stinky monk, Shengzhou is now full of space in the realm of cultivation, you, a stinky monk, don't find a place to hide quietly, and you are also sent to death. What are you trying to do, ah? Giggle... da da..."

Zhou Wu stepped on the magic witch dragon, floating in the sky among the clouds and mist, bent his body, and wrinkled to see the hideous face that made people vomit.

His eyes were dark and gloomy, and his face was speechless, but he let out a tooth-smacking laugh.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons had no nonsense, roaring and surrounded the dark universe witch from all directions.

The Dongtai Yaotian above the Dongtai Demon God Palace, the West Demon Yunmi, the North Desert Shaman and the South Buddha Camel are naturally filled with righteous indignation, and they gallop into the encirclement of the 9981 dragons like lightning.

"Dark Cosmic Witch, you old ugly woman, let's see where you go this time. Today, Huanfeng Shenlong and my brothers will take your dark spirit's life!"

Huanfeng Shenlong was still in human body, holding the white horse and golden chariot with one hand, and shaking the divine halberd entwined with silver and rainbow with the other, he rushed to the front of the four emperors of Yunzhou with a roar, and shouted loudly.



"call out--"


"Bah bah..."

As the Huanfeng Shenlong, the Four Emperors, and the Bashi Shenlong approached, they immediately launched a frenzied attack on the Dark Cosmic Witch.

The attacking elephant dominates time and space, and its momentum is terrifying.

The Dark Cosmic Witch was swallowed up by the terrifying attacking elephant in an instant, and a moment later, the eighty divine dragon, baring its fangs and claws, bit it fiercely.

Such a smoky attack lasted for a long time.

"Oh! Sneeze...Master, I laughed so hard!

No wonder the master said that the spirits of the living universe, no matter whether they are immortals, gods, human beings, Buddhas or Taoists, are all fools and fools!

You see, it's obviously our illusion, it's funny that they attacked so hard. "

Just as the Four Emperors and the Ninety-Nine Eighty-one Dragons were attacking the Dark Cosmic Witch ferociously with incomparable hatred, suddenly there was a low-pitched laugh from the God Witch Dragon from their better sky.

Immediately, the Dark Zhou Wu attacked by the Four Emperors and the 9981 Shenlong and the Shen Wulong under his feet made a dull crack and shattered.

And the real Dark Cosmic Witch was standing on top of the God Witch Dragon with a proud face, looking at the excitement below.


Hearing the voice from above, the Four Emperors and Ninety-Nine Eighty-One Shenlong knew that they had been tricked, roared one after another, turned their heads and chased madly in the sky.

However, before they had time to move, the Dark Universe Sorcerer and Divine Sorcerer Dragon that exploded in the attack released a cloud of thick and filthy death poisonous smoke, which suddenly engulfed them.

Both the Four Emperors and the Nine Nine Eighty One Dragon were poisoned to such a degree by the evil death spirit of the Dark Cosmic Witch that they couldn't stop coughing!


"Shen Wulong, haven't you eaten enough, you should eat to your full next, those bugs are still full!"

Looking down at the tragic situation of the four emperors of Yunzhou and the ninety-nine and eighty-one dragons, the dark universe witch couldn't stop laughing.

"Huh! Dark beast! But the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals are still so rampant! Court death!"

At the critical moment, a golden rainbow suddenly shot out from Dongtai Yao's Dongfang whistling.

When this golden rainbow flew by, it suddenly smashed into the dark space witch with a ball of golden light. At the same time, a huge golden hand under the wheel of the golden rainbow scooped up the death evil spirits where the four emperors and ninety-nine eighty-one dragons were located. The smoke ball continued to slide towards the west of Dongtai Yao.


The dark universe witch did not expect that an inexplicable person would suddenly appear, and what was even more frightening was that with his terrifying strength, he did not sense the existence of the other party at all.

She was so shocked! Which righteous spirit and immortal god is the other party? Its strength is really terrifying!

Just when she was startled, she was hit by the terrifying golden rainbow. She and the god witch dragon let out a scream at the same time, and then fell towards the clouds.

Then, the Dongtai demon land of the Four Emperors Alliance, which once had hundreds of millions of clouds and immortals, suddenly no longer existed.

Everything appeared and disappeared so quickly.

However, in the time and space of Dongtai demon land, the vast Dongtai demon palace still exists. When hundreds of millions of sunrises rise in the east, Dongtai demon palace is still floating and dancing in the gorgeous mist.

Although lifeless, it is still beautiful.

This kind of beauty, without a master, is like a dream.

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