Nine Heavens

Chapter 2091 Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha

The Yunzhou Langyuan immortals, who had been fighting against the blood demon Tiangong in the celestial world, suddenly slowed down.

In response to the fairy order of the master Yunjun Wushang Zaixie Liu Qianlang, the whole sect is practicing the magical power of righteousness and single reversal. The fairy gate eliminates demons and kills demons, and the purpose of the Dao of Good Fate has also been changed to auspicious demons and righteous demons!

Because of this kind of thought dominance, Langyuan Xianmen has almost no murderous spirit, and auspicious clouds are floating all day long in the sky of Langyuan Yungong, and happy birds are flying around.

The disciples in the fairy gate went up and down, and between the palaces, it was very auspicious and happy.

Especially the young child disciples, from time to time, floating over the cloud palace, they either go to this palace to have fun, or go to the other palace to play. In addition to the magical power of reversing the righteous spirit, all the magical skills practiced are also immortal arts that do great good and benefit all spirits.

For example, the technique of retaining the face of youth, the technique of creating colorful clouds, the technique of creating auspicious birds, spirits and beasts, the technique of coagulating spirits and sprouting seeds...

On this day, Lian Er took a beautiful walk on the shore of a cloud lake created by herself using the nine-color lotus. She looked at the endless colors of lotus leaves in the sky, and the beautiful lotus lake, and breathed in the fresh fragrance of flowers while walking. Very comfortable look.

This lotus lake is her masterpiece of more than a month. She just unsealed it today and wanted to show it to the brothers and sisters of Langyuan Xianmen, big and small.

Everyone has already made an appointment to meet here on the morning of the first day of the third year of the Lotus Moon in the third year of the Yuan Dynasty.

Therefore, Lian'er came early, and walked slowly around the Lianhu Lake, thinking about the compliments from her sisters and brothers, and burst out laughing from time to time.

"Wow haha……"

"This place is so fresh, worms, is this what you call the Immortal Gate of Waves?"

"Back to Senior Barefoot Golden Buddha, this is our Wave Fate Immortal Gate!"


While Lian Er was having Fei Fei's sweet dream, she suddenly heard a thunderous laughter from high above her head.

When I looked up, I happened to see a huge golden foot falling from the sky, unbiased and unbiased, covering the lotus lake that I worked hard to build.

"My God! Miss Lian'er, where did the Dajin monk come from? How come his bare feet are so big, they almost trampled us too! Hurry up!

Huh? Where does the fragrance come from? It is more fragrant than the lotus in the lotus lake! "

Xiaobai, who had been squatting on Lianer's shoulder half asleep, was suddenly awakened by the sudden whirlwind of the wind above him. He turned his buttocks, looked up and saw the big golden monk stepping down like a giant mountain above him, and couldn't help shouting in shock.

When the disaster strikes, I will fly. Xiaobai kicks her legs and shoots out with a bang. As for the master, I believe she will solve the problem of life and death by herself.

"Hmph! I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off! Hey! Smelly monk—you're blind, haven't you seen my Lian'er's Shenlian Fairy Lake? You're still stepping on it!"

Lian'er was extremely angry, she jumped into the sky on the colorful silk, and soon landed on the nose of the huge golden monk, and her little finger pointed at the other's nose and cursed.

"Oh! I stepped on the wrong place again. I just flattened the new palace of the Northern Starfield Emperor in the Northern Starfield last time. Why did I step on the wrong place again!

It's all my fault that the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha is too kind, thinking that any place is safe, and never only looks at the front and the head, regardless of the safety of my fragrant feet, step on it casually!

Don't take this little thing too seriously, my Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha is very kind and I won't blame you. It's nothing to hurt your feet, it will be fine after a while! "

The self-proclaimed Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha heard Lian Er's curse, rolled his eyelids, and sighed.

"Oh, my mother, my father! You are even more reckless than Lian'er!"

When Lian Er heard the other party's words, she thought that the other party would apologize to her and blame herself, but she didn't want the other party to only care about her feet, so she couldn't help but blushed with anger, and shouted.

"Ani Tuofo, good! Good! The left and right foot protectors, don't hurry to see if my fragrant feet are polluted!"

However, the other party turned a deaf ear to Lian'er's yelling and sang the Buddha's name.

"Ah! Yes!"

As soon as the sound of the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha fell, two bright golden little monks flew out from his huge golden ears, and quickly flowed down his towering tree-like legs to his face. Quickly climb up to Xiangjiao's face.

"If you go back to the golden Buddha with fragrant feet, the things that the fragrant feet step on are divine and spiritual objects, and they have not polluted the fragrant feet of the golden Buddha. Don't worry, the golden Buddha is!"

"Oh! That's good, that's good! It scared me to death!"

Hearing the words, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha heaved a sigh of relief and sighed.


Now Lian'er couldn't bear it any longer, she urged the Nine-color Divine Lotus with her little hand, and instantly attacked the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha with nine-color magical skills.

"Hang! Kaka! Poof——"

"Little boy, what are you doing? You actually used the Nine Lotuses of Unremembering to amuse me. This old monk is a decent monk, so how could he be deceived by the Nine Lotuses of Unremembering!"

Lian'er's Nine-Color Divine Lotus is a magical weapon that dominates the world. The righteous spirit lotus that she attacks can destroy the netherworld and annihilate infinite evil.

However, when the attack hits the opponent's face at this moment, the opponent just keeps sneezing, and it does not pose any harm to anyone!

"Oh! Damn smelly monk, tell me, how can I, Lian'er, kill you! I'm so mad!"

Lian'er attacked one after another, posing no threat to the opponent at all, the opponent even blinked his eyes, was furious, scratched his head, and didn't know what to do.

"Ah! It's simple. The fragrance of the golden Buddha's feet is better than the face. If you want to cure me, it's not easy. The golden Buddha with fragrant feet is most afraid of ugly dark vines!

However, the stinky dark vine is a thing of the fairyland of righteous spirits. It used to be the ghost flower of the dark three universes of the ancient spirit, the lacquer energy universe, the imaginary universe and the death universe, and now it is probably gone! So the fragrant feet of the golden Buddha with fragrant feet are invincible, haha..."

The Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha didn't take Lian'er seriously at all, and laughed indifferently.

"Hmph! Monk smelly, just wait, you've shamed me today, let's see how I deal with you in the future!

Where did you come from, stinky monk? Why is my Uncle Huanfeng Shenlong with you, talking to you just now? "

Lian'er was afraid of losing face, so she hurriedly thought of sound transmission to tell the sisters and brothers who were rushing to stop coming, then kicked the golden Buddha's nose vigorously and hummed.

"Oh! Little boy, you'd better find a way to restore the memory of you and your Nine-Colored Divine Lotus, you can't deal with my Great Monk!

You mean the ninety-nine, eighty-one worms and four demons in my hand! Why are you and them still relatives?

This is all right, the grievance between you and me is evened out, even if I suffer a little, I won't mention the broken foot.

They were all rescued by me at the eastern edge of Yunzhou, if it wasn't for me, they would have been killed by a dark cosmic witch long ago! Didn't this, according to their cries, send them back to their home!

Since you know each other, I'll throw them to you. I still have something to do with the Xiangjiao Golden Buddha, so let's go first.

Remember, little ones, they still have the evil poison of death in their bodies, and they must get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise they will become stupid! "

At this point when the fragrant-footed golden Buddha spoke, the huge golden feet were pulled up suddenly, and the giant mountain-like body immediately swayed into the sky, and threw Lian'er and a cloud boat to the original position under his feet, and then sank into it with a big smile The sky is cloudy.

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