Nine Heavens

Chapter 2098 Cloud Palace Pursuit

"However, like the Golden Buddha with Fragrant Feet, God of War of Time and others, with their strength, how should we seal them outside the Yuntian Realm and cut off their communication with Yunzhou Langyuan Immortal Sect?

In the words of beautiful witches, if one day they really work together with Langyuan Xianmen, we will be really embarrassed! "

Blood Demon Tianjun also gradually felt the crisis from the words of the nine-faced Zhou Wu, and asked in thought.

"This is indeed a very annoying trend, and with our power, it is almost impossible to seal them out of the Gorefiend universe.

Therefore, I have a two-pronged approach. The Heavenly Lord controls the heavenly ghosts and dark forces to step up the attack on the Langyuan Xianmen, and I step up to the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens to look for the ancient spirits that may still exist in our dark three universes.

If they can work together, we will also cooperate with the evil spirits of the heavens. In short, everything in the future life will crawl under our feet.

In the future of the universe, there is no one else without me, and I am the only one! "

Nine-faced Zhou Wu's soft and beautiful face was enveloped by a layer of pitch-black mist, and he suddenly said in a cold and sinister tone.

"It's so good, the beautiful witch has just recovered from her injuries, and she will go to the palace with this Tianjun, and it won't be too late to go after she has enough rest.

This period of time also happens to help Ben Tianjun dispatch ghosts, monsters, and Sandaohe dark forces. When everything is ready, it is the time to attack Langyuan Xianmen.

Before, they were allowed to escape and ascend to heaven in the waves of the universe, such a thing can never happen again! "

After the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch and the Nine-faced Cosmic Witch reached an agreement, one stepped on the Gorefiend Sword, and the other stood on top of the Shenwu Dragon, and quickly shot at the Gorefiend Tiangong.

At the same time, the high-level executives of Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen gathered in Langyuan Yungong to discuss the destruction of the Four Emperors Alliance of Dongtai Demon Land.

"Third brother! The Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is so rampant that it has secretly plotted against it repeatedly. First, the three blood demons did evil, and then all of them were the white pupils of Zheyue and the black pupils of Yuanqin who conspired to kill the daughters of the whole family who were in the incense refining competition in Qixiang Palace. Fairy!

Now all the hundreds of millions of cloud immortals of the Four Emperors Alliance have been wiped out, only the four Yun Zhou Emperors and the Ninety-nine Eighty-one Dragons escaped by chance encountering the Golden Buddha with Fragrant Feet!

The Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is so rampant, it's intolerable to ignore the power of our Waves and Equal Banners.

Third brother, as long as you give an order, we will immediately smash the sky and break the seal, enter the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and kill that dead boy Ouyang Langlong! "

Yun Jun is supreme, and Xie Liu Qianlang's heart is in great pain. It was announced not long ago that from now on, the people of Langyuan Xianmen will only talk about benevolence and virtue.

However, how could the evil spirits be grateful for their true benevolence? They would kill or destroy, so how could they have a trace of benevolence.

Seeing his Allied Forces, the Four Emperors Alliance's hundreds of millions of Yunxian army, now only the four Yunzhou Emperors who are filled with righteous indignation are seated at His Highness, their faces are burning and their hearts are trembling!

"That's right! Brother Zhen's words are exactly what we, Lang Yuan, uphold the Dao of Good Fate! However, we should be kind to those who are virtuous, and kind to those who are kind!

There are no kind people in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, we are kind to them, but in the end we are the only ones suffering! It is really not advisable to exchange our benevolence for their rampant slaughter! "

Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuan came to hate any evil forces. At this time, facing the disaster of the Four Emperors Alliance, he made a speech generously and fully supported Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen.

"Anida Buddha! How wonderful! How wonderful!"

Your Highness, Nan Folun Tuo is deeply grateful for hearing the words of Zuojian Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianlang Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang, but he also saw that His Highness Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's face is a bit uneasy, After singing the Buddha's name, he said:

"The blood demon Zhou Wu destroys us and the Four Emperors Alliance. He is extremely hateful and shows his evil nature. Even if we kill him thousands of times, it is still difficult to relieve the hatred in our hearts.

However, the reason why our living universe is a living universe is that the vitality of life has sprouted, and the ability to read has changed from darkness and death to the thoughts of immortals and gods.

The essence of life is freshness. One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a demon, for those who perish in darkness, we slaughter and eliminate them most to relieve hatred!

But in this way, he is the ultimate devil, and if we kill him with tyrannical means, wouldn't we also do the ultimate devil!

Therefore, in the old monk's view, to punish stubborn demons, upright spirits can uphold spirits and evil spirits, it is my Buddha's mercy to enjoy the blessings of the universe! "

"Well! Senior Nan Buddha Lun Tuo bears the great hatred of destroying the alliance, but still has kind thoughts, which is really admirable!

Ben Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan has always been jealous of evil, and regards all evil spirits as things that must be killed. However, after seeing the head of the sect implement the strategy of Daren and Righteousness, the entire Langyuan Xianmen seems to have returned to the world of harmony and joy.

This had to make me reflect on my obsession with killing blindly. Evil demons are certainly hateful, but stubborn demon leaders are even more sinful!

However, all evil things are not equal, and among them are righteous spirits, immortals and gods who have been demonized by evil madmen.

For them, we can naturally see and kill them. However, as the senior Nan Buddha Lun Tuo said, we kill and kill fiercely. Although we call it the righteous way, we are actually doing evil things!

Therefore, Lord Ben Zhou thought for a long time, and thought that the head of the sect had nothing wrong with his thinking of doing great good and righteousness! We are not demons, and we should not do things like crazy demons.

Of course, rampant demons must be killed, demons that can be upright, need to be improved! "

For such an argument, if it was before, Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan would not even think about it, just say "kill!"

But now, after experiencing countless ups and downs, she finally understands what her ultimate goal is.

This ultimate goal has made her confused countless times, and she is clearly calling in her heart, even about to come out, but she just cannot define this ultimate goal.

Until recently, after she saw that under the advocacy of the younger brother Wushang Zaixie Liu Qianlang, Langyuan Xianmen has become more lively, interesting, and happy with the relationship between the elders and the children, Liu Juan, Qixiang Zhoujun, finally suddenly became enlightened. . Know what to do next.

It was based on these experiences and Suowei that Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan said these words.


Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Sirius Zhoujun Cheng Yuanfang were shocked when they heard the words, and also realized the deep feelings of Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan, a little moved, and looked apologetically at the high clouds No matter how evil the willow is, the king will lead the waves.

"That's right! Demons and monsters are vicious, vicious, and ferocious. They not only take pleasure in killing and destroying our righteous spirits, but also have great ambitions, wanting to destroy life and bring death to life!

Such a heinous evil, this sect leader is the same as you, how can I not feel sad! ? However, we adhere to the Dao of good fate, righteousness is the most important thing, and we can only kill when there is no hope!

The future of our universe is not to destroy all evil, but to transform all evil with righteous spirits. Slaughtering is easy, but the enmity caused by the slaughtering will accumulate deeper and deeper. In the end, although we call ourselves righteous spirits and gods, how is our essence different from those demons?

This world is always mutual restraint and mutual growth. There is absolutely no doubt that we protect all living beings in the universe to be full of vitality, but we cannot completely destroy the darkness. What we need to do is to eliminate evil and eliminate evil. It is the true meaning to let everything exist in harmony and complement each other! "

The words of Lord Yun, the head of Langyuan's sect, resounded in the Yun Palace, and all the nobles of Langyuan's immortal sect nodded slightly when they heard it, discussing in low voices.

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