Nine Heavens

Chapter 2099 Triple Immortal Soul

"Hehe, what the master said is like enlightenment! All things are good and evil, as the saying goes, there is no big or small, no life and no death! Therefore, the idea of ​​​​choosing to destroy is indeed asking for trouble.

The fairy man is very much in favor of the master correcting the evil, and even sealing the evil, so that it can coexist harmoniously with everything in the universe. However, as Nan Buddha Nan Zhouhuang and Sister Juan said, we don't need to be polite to the stubborn demon heads who are impossible to be upright, such as blood demons and witches! "

Wuxiannan kept a calm face, got up and saluted his highness, and said calmly.


Next, Lang Yuan Wan Gong and Xian Capital each expressed their views.

The general ideas are as follows:

First: For all ghosts, demons, and dark forces, they are so merciless that they must be exterminated.

Second: Slay stubborn madmen, try to upright ghosts, demons and dark forces.

Third: completely adopt the idea of ​​great kindness and righteous spirits, do not kill any evil forces, only teach the righteous spirits.

"Thank you, brothers and sisters, all the dignitaries of the palaces openly talked about our opinions on the annihilation of the Four Emperors Alliance. This head is free to think, and also believes that everything should be analyzed in detail.

For the extremely stubborn ghosts and dark forces, we can't expect them to abandon evil and return to immortality one day, so we can only kill them!

But for some other evil forces that can be considered righteous, it is the best ending for us to teach them to abandon demons and return to immortality.

Slaying will only deepen the hatred, and even if we do things with this thought, we may turn into a slaughter maniac ourselves! Therefore, let's compromise our thinking. For any opponent in the future, first judge the degree of stubbornness, and then resort to tactics! "

Lord Yun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang said this after listening to His Highness' various opinions.

"Well! From the point of view of the head, how can we avenge the great revenge of the Four Emperors Alliance in Dongtai Monster Land?"

Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor had never spoken before, but at this moment he got up and saluted, and asked Yun Jun if he was supreme and evil Liu Qianlang.

"It seems that we still need intensive action, whether it's a righteous spirit or a slaughter, with the Yuntian Palace on our heads, it's impossible to be happy!

Senior Dongtai should not be too polite, just sit down and talk. As for the revenge of Dongtai Monster Land, the head of this sect will never let it go casually!

The Fourth Brother Youlao and Xiannan divination to determine the layout of the heavenly ghosts and dark forces in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace. They killed us hundreds of millions of cloud immortals, and we also killed several times the ghosts, monsters and dark forces to frighten them. , to enhance the majesty of our wavers, and let them know our strength!

Once we have determined their power layout, we will deal with them in the same way! But before that, the forces of the Langyuan Palaces must strengthen their cultivation!

In today's blood demon Tiangong forces, in addition to the three familiar forces of ghosts and demons, the three dark forces of lacquer energy, virtual volume and death are weird and unpredictable. We must first strengthen ourselves first.

There is a happy event to tell everyone that with the help of the fairy man, the head of the sect has successfully refined the immortal soul of the third heavenly heaven. At this moment, the master can give it to everyone present.

In the future, our soul power and primordial spirit have completely surpassed the level of the blood demons and heavenly palace monsters in the Yuntian Realm. As long as we continue to strengthen our cultivation, we will face the invincible hands of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace in the whole clan of Langyuan! "

This conversation is coming to an end, Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang finally said.

"Haha! The three-level heaven-breaking heavenly immortal soul! This is really great. Tens of thousands of years ago, when the third brother implanted the first-level heavenly cloud and heavenly soul for us, our immortal power has already stepped into an unprecedented realm.

Now that the fairy soul breaks through again, then we will have the strength... Hehe! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen immediately took the order, and then praised the triple heavenly breaking of the immortal soul.

"Thank you Master Yun!"

His Highness waved to all the immortals. Hearing the words, there were thunderous cheers. After a long time, everyone was beaming with joy. They all stood up and gave thanks.

"Fellow daoists, you don't need to be polite! Improving the strength of our Langyuan immortals is something that the head of the sect will never slack off.

The head of the sect realized at a young age that only being strong can protect oneself, educate others, destroy powerful enemies, and even the side of the wind and cloud!

The head of the sect is currently deeply researching the soul-refining formula of the nine tripods and inner tripods, and found that the immortal soul of the eternal universe has ninety-nine and eighty-one heavenly realms. Now the master has only succeeded in cultivating the third-level heavenly realm-breaking heavenly soul. We need to improve the level is still large.

After everyone possesses the immortal soul of the third level, don't be complacent, but still concentrate on cultivation. In order to prevent the Four Emperors Alliance from happening again, we can only continue to grow stronger! "

Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang got up slowly, and during the speech, he raised his palm in front of his body and wiped it, and suddenly there was a cloud of azure blue light in his palm.

"Keep in mind the teachings of the master!"

His Highness, Lang Yuan Gao Xian, responded in unison. Seeing that the head of the sect had begun to apply the soul, they all calmed down, opened the soul gate, opened the soul channel in their eyes, and prepared to receive the soul.

Jun Yun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang's palm is full of azure light, surging continuously in his palm, like bubbling spring water.

"Fellow daoists, get ready, the master's soul distribution will begin!"

Yunjun Wushang reminded Xie Liu Qianlang again, and looked at the whole Highness at the same time, and when he saw Tianjun Wuxian, he nodded slightly and passed by.

Then he pushed his palm up, and the azure blue light on his palm immediately split into countless azure blue phantoms and floated towards His Highness.

The appearance of these phantoms happened to be that of His Highness, everyone except Tianjun Wuxiannan.

These phantoms looked around for a while, and after finding themselves, they floated closer, and then kept watching and analyzing around their own entities.

"Hehe, don't read any more, you will be soul generals in the immortal soul gate below from now on! Go in!"

Jun Yun's white hair lifted slightly, the sky brocade silk robe surged, and one palm swiped again, and those phantoms immediately turned into a stream of light and shot into the eyes of every immortal.

"Fellow daoists, sit cross-legged and meditate immediately, exercise your soul power three times, and naturally your soul and spirit will be united!"

The soul application was completed, and the process was surprisingly smooth, Jun Yun was very satisfied, and reminded His Highness with a smile.

The people of His Highness naturally obeyed, and one after another silently crossed their knees, danced to His Highness, and began to practice their soul power.

"Hey! The head is the head! The fairy man's advantage of breaking the world from the third world is gone! Congratulations to the head, Langyuan Xianmen has taken another step up from the front door!"

Tianjun Wuxian held the flute and raised his hand to salute, and said amusedly.

"Oh! Hehe, how can the advantages of the fairy man change? Everything that a generation of ancient spirits and heavenly monarchs have experienced cannot be replicated forever!

Although they possessed the immortal souls of the three heavenly breaking realms at the moment, it was absolutely impossible for them to reach the level of immortal men in strength and experience in a short period of time. "

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Yunjun laughed.

"If the fairy man's guess is correct, the head of the sect is now a quadruple heavenly soul!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Hehe, yes, you can't hide anything from the fairy man. But you just succeeded in cultivation, so you don't dare to give alms to the whole family!"

Jun Yun was no longer evil, and nodded slightly.

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