Nine Heavens

Chapter 2102

"Ha ha……"

"When the fairy asks such a question, it seems that he is treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! The head of the sect can retreat with peace of mind, and the sound of the fairy's flute will see the head avatar off!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan laughed loudly after hearing Yunjun's supreme and evil Liu Qianlang's words, and then started the melodious sound of the flute.

Above the sky, there was also a burst of laughter, and then I saw two white-haired people, one entered the cultivation realm cross-legged, and the other was riding a multicolored shuttle, leading nine people who were walking on the divine tripod. The young man in white robe roared to a higher heaven.

But this scene, just in the blink of an eye, the entire area of ​​Jun Yun's Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang's cultivation domain was filled with clouds and mist, which instantly closed up, and then he couldn't see anything.

Tian Lai Flute, Jiu Tian Yang, Waves and Fairy Dreams, Breaking the Boundary and Purifying the Sky, are just opening...

It is said that Yunjun is supreme, no matter how evil willows lead the waves, with white hair flying in the rainbow, and sky brocade silk robes dangling, riding on the shuttle, the shuttle light enveloped the nine sons of the Nascent Soul who are blooming in fairy appearance, piercing through the clouds and fog, and soon arrived at the first level. Tianyuntian is the "land of heaven".

"Father, the head of the sect! For several years, our nine brothers have never understood why the father asked us to devote ourselves to cultivating the magical skill of breaking the sky. Now we understand!"

Liu Chao, the boss of Jiuying, stood firmly on the chaotic cauldron with all kinds of colors, whizzing and galloping beside Yunjun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang.

Like the other eight brothers, he activated Mi Tian Lie's magic skill and tried his best to find Yun Tianfeng.

During the search, Liu Chao suddenly became clear-eyed and sighed.

"Hehe, what did Chao'er understand?"

Jun Yun asked with a smile, the first avatar of Xie Liu Qianlang.

"Understood that the reason why the sect master asked us to practice the Heaven Breaking Divine Art is to find the Heavenly Seal now!"

Liu Chao quickly replied.

"Hehe, where does my father come from with such a magical foresight ability? The reason why my father did that back then was because I was afraid that if my father suddenly lost his life, the future of Langyuan Xianmen would be cut off, so I devoted myself to cultivating you as my father. miraculous.

Your gods, the patron saints of soul refining and nine tripods, naturally have divine powers that your brothers Yun, Tianling and other younger sisters do not possess. In case your father falls, you are the greatest hope of Langyuan Xianmen.

Langyuan Xianmen's fate is ill-fated, and as a father, he has to think ahead in everything! "

Jun Yun is the first avatar of Xie Liu Qianlang, with flying white hair, and infinitely deep eyes, looking lovingly at the nine-bit baby beside him, speaking with a surge of emotion.


The nine Nascent Souls, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, heard the words, their eyes were all moist, and they looked deeply at the father of the Nascent Soul Origin Body.

Jun Yun was the first clone of Xie Liu Qianlang, and the tide was surging in the center of his chest. After listening to the words of the father of the source body, the nine soul infants were even more grateful for the flood.

It can be said that the nine Nascent Souls of Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang have always lived in infinite gratitude to Yun Jun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang.

The first gratitude is that Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang gave them a chance to exist.

The second is to be grateful that Yunjun is supreme and evil Liu Qianlang did not finally merge into a void like any other human immortal, making Yuanying finally lose its existence.

The third gratitude, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Yun Jun never regards himself as a different kind, and always loves himself with the love of his son and daughter.

The fourth gratitude is for what I heard this time, the respected husband of the head of the sect, actually pinned the future of the Langyuan Xianmen on himself.

Such trust, how could the nine Nascent Souls not be moved, so the sea of ​​eyes became wet, and the nine tall and straight men all shed tears.

"Hehe, Daddy! Your first clone should also have a fairy name, otherwise you are exactly the same as the main body, and if the main body and the clone are together in the future, the fairy name will be the same, even the child will not be able to tell the difference!"

Liu Chao smiled with tears in his eyes.

"That's right! That's right! Haha... How about letting Daddy call you Dashan Tianjun?"

The Ninth Nascent Infant Liu Guang, wiping away his tears, proposed.

"Hey! Ninth Brother, you're only good at ice poison palms, and I have to come to the old Siwa Huang Ding Liu Huang to get the fairy name.

This time, Daddy took us to the fourth heaven to gain a foothold in Jingtian. Your fourth brother thinks that Daddy's fairy name is better called Jingtiansheng, and the avatar is called Jingtian avatar! "

"Hmm! The fourth brother's statement is indeed reasonable, what do you think of the ninth brother?"

Liu Chao agreed very much, but as the eldest brother of Jiuying, he naturally had to pay attention to each brother's face and mood, so he asked Liu Guang with a smile.

"Cut! So what if it makes sense, then you have to ask Dad if he likes it first?"

When Liu Guang heard it, this fairy name was indeed better than his own, and it was more appropriate, but he was the most dissatisfied in his heart, and looked at the first avatar of Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang.

"Hehe, the minds of all the children are given by the father, and they are defenseless if they don't have a fairy name. All the children will recognize how the father changes.

However, I want to tell you one thing, once the father's clone and the main body meet, they will immediately merge into one and only one. There will not be two or more fathers in the future as you said! "

Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang's first avatar heard that several Nascent Souls set up immortal names for him, so he naturally knew that they did it out of gratitude to him, so he was naturally happy.

However, he didn't want any Nascent Soul to be unhappy, so he didn't make a choice.

"Oh, I, Liu Guang, read very few fairy scrolls, so I'll take it to the head of the fourth brother, Daddy! I also think that the fairy scrolls made by the fourth brother are good. From now on, Guang'er will call daddy Jing Tiantian holy daddy!

However, if we go back to the time of Yun Zhou, Jing Tiantian Sheng's father and Yun Jun's head father are combined, how will Guang'er applaud? "

Although Liu Guang didn't like to read books, he had already seen his way from the expression of Jun Yun's Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang's first avatar, knowing that the master's father actually liked Fourth Brother's fairy name, so he said.

"Ha ha……"

As soon as his words fell, the other eight Nascent Souls laughed loudly.

"What are you laughing at, am I wrong?"

Liu Guang rubbed his head, feeling dazed for a while.

"Hehe, fourth brother! Fourth brother! We have worked so hard to break the sky, how can we go back one day! We can only keep going to the sky, and we will never go back.

In the future, we will be reunited with Daddy Yunjun, the head of Yunzhou Yunjun, all our brothers and sisters, and fellow immortals. It is they who have ascended here collectively, not us going back! "

Liu Chao explained with a smile.

"Oh! Father Jing Tiantian, is what brother Zhuan said true?"

From Liu Guang's point of view, this time Jing Tian Tian Sheng led all his brothers to Gao Sheng Po Tian, ​​it was just an act of investigation, after a while, he would return to Yun Zhou Yun Palace soon!

"Haha... that's right! Guang'er, what your brother Zhuan said is right! Weifu brought you here to break the sky, just like what your brother Zhuan said."

Jun Yun is supreme and then Xie Liu Qianlang's first avatar, Jing Tiansheng, laughed loudly.

"Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy, look!"

While the ten fathers and sons were happily communicating, the third eldest, the patron saint of Honghuang Ding, Liu Hong suddenly pointed to a dark cloud above his head and shouted.

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