Nine Heavens

Chapter 2103 Heaven Sealing Demon Lock

"This is just one of the seven rifts in the sky. We need to find out where the celestial blockade chains are located in each of the celestial rifts, and follow the seven celestial blockade chains to find the sky blockade at the center of them, and then go in!"

Jing Tian Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qian Lang stared at the black clouds in the sky, waved his sleeve and wiped it, a section of fairy crystal god chain with thick and evil light bursting out instantly appeared.

This celestial chain is extremely thick and stretches endlessly to the left and right. Its starting point and end point cannot be seen, and the blood rainbow on it is entangled like a dragon.

It looked very shocking.

However, Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang just shook his head slightly, without being too surprised.

"Daddy Jingtian, since we have discovered a crack in the sky and destroyed it, we just need to rush into the first layer of cloud sky, and then we will be done with the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace by the way.

Why is it so troublesome to find all the other six celestial fissures, besides, can't you find the sky blockade along this chain of celestial fissures? "

Liu Guangwen couldn't understand Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang and Liu Qianlang's words.

"Hehe, it's time for Guang'er to read more books, I told you brothers about the Heavenly Sealing Gate Immortal Scroll I wrote, it seems that you haven't read it yet!

Today's Tianfeng is no longer the former Tianfeng. It may be better to call it Mofeng. The former Heavenly Blockade and Seven Heavenly Blockade Chains, as well as the Guardian Artifacts, Divine Lords, and Heavenly Beasts have long been slaughtered in the Holy War of the Ancient Spirits!

After that, the sky is not sealed, the earth is unstable, and it has been countless eons. It can be said that it is ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens. If you have enough strength, you can shuttle around indiscriminately!

The so-called Heaven Seal that we see now is estimated to only exist in Yichong Yuntian, and it is the existence just set up by the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!

You see, at this moment, the Sky Crack Lock, with blood demons and poisonous rainbows surging on it, there is still a trace of righteous spirits and immortals.

Many ancient fairy scrolls about Tianfeng have mentioned that once the former Tianfeng Tiancrack collapsed due to monsters and reappeared due to monsters, the former energy of righteous spirits would be doubled and transformed into demon energy.

Moreover, if you don't break the sky lock, the sky crack chain will swallow all the attacking powers of good and evil, no matter how you attack, it will be unbreakable.

You must find the seven weak points of the connection with the sky, and attack together, so that you can wait for the opportunity to enter the sky! "

"Oh! Can't even Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy's time-traveling shuttle?"

Liu Chao looked up at the strange Heavenly Sealing Demon Chain in the sky, and sighed.

"No! As soon as we move, any slight touch, we will immediately be surrounded and swallowed by the other six chains of sealing the sky.

In the vast and dense darkness of primordial demon spirits and mana, it is difficult for us to escape even if we do not die.

Finding the seven weak nodes of the blockade chain, moving at the same time, and crossing into Yuntian at the fastest speed is the only way for us to enter the first layer of Yuntian. "

Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, with white hair fluttering around, said calmly.

"However, Wu'er heard that there is a Time God of War in the sky, and there is also a golden Buddha who was in our wave not long ago, how could they go in and out of the ninety-nine eighty-one heaven freely!

Could it be that they can enter the sky without going through the chain of sealing the demons in the sky? "

Liu Wu, the eighth child among the nine infants, the patron saint of the Golden Crow Ding, frowned in confusion.

"Hehe, if you don't have any scruples, you all have the soul power of the Boundary Breaker now, and with the help of the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining, you can of course break into other places by force.

However, we are different from the God of War of Time, Zhong Sheng, and the Golden Buddha you mentioned.

When we entered the sky, we didn't want to disturb the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. The joints of the Heaven-Sealing Chain are the weakest points, so we can enter without making a sound.

Now is not the time to startle them! "

Jing Tian Tian Sheng Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang laughed.

"Oh! Why didn't you say it earlier, Father Jing Tiantian, we were still worried that our strength was not enough!

Well then, please ask Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy, how should we find the remaining six Heaven-Sealing Demon Chains? "

Liu Wu let out a long breath.

"Hehe, the blockade chain is so long today, it's just a section in front of us, how can we tell which end is the direction of Feng Tiansuo!

This matter can only be left to Dad, you just sit in the shuttle and watch the fun! "

When Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang was talking to the nine Yuanying, his immortal consciousness spread over the entire Yunzhou sky, and he already had some calculations in his heart.

"In this way, Jing Tiantian's father is tired!"

With a wave of Liu Chao's hand, he called all the brothers to take away the divine cauldron, jumped into the shuttle of Jing Tian Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qian Lang, and saluted.

"Hehe, sit tight, children."

Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang smiled slightly, and there was a surge of silver waves and rainbows under him, and suddenly disappeared in place.

It needs to be explained here that Jun Yun's supreme and evil Liu Qianlang's body clone method not only separates the body and separates the soul, but even the related artifacts will be copied accordingly.

For example, at this moment, Jingtiansheng's avatar, in addition to having the same traversing shuttle as Yunjun Wushang and Xie Liu Qianlang, even has its lifeblood Moyu Skull and overlapping fairy swords, that is, the evolved Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword. , not to mention others.

However, no matter what it is, it is the differentiation that comes with the avatar formed by Yunjun Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlanglang at this moment. Only Yunjun is supreme and everything in Xie Liu Qianlang is the subject.

Including the avatar of Jing Tian Sheng Supreme Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, all the main body and the sub-body are psychic beyond time and space.

That is to say, everything that Jing Tiansheng's avatar does at this moment is clear at any time in the Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang of Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen.

Tianxing doesn't know when, nor how long it will be. When Jing Tiansheng is controlling the shuttle and the nine-bit infant "appearing" again, they are already standing in front of the seven chains and seals. The sky locks up.

However, they all exist invisibly, including the Shuttle of Time Traveling, which is also under the cover of Jing Tian Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qian Lang's infinitely powerful breath-suppressing Dafa.

Standing in the sky, any gods whose strength is lower than theirs will not be able to see their existence.

There are ten of them in total, Jing Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qian Lang, the eldest Liu Chao, the second eldest Liu Hong is floating on the Fengtian Demon Lock with three legs.

The other seven Nascent Souls floated on their own divine cauldrons above the connection between the seven huge heavenly chains and the heaven-sealing magic chain.

Feng Tiansuo is like a majestic magic mountain, covered in pitch black and thick smoke, it looks like a terrifying huge black hole on the surface.

The sky-sealing chains of seven paths and seven evil colors are like seven terrifying dragons, tossing and turning in the torrent of blood.

"Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy, thanks to us not forcibly breaking in, Ouyang Langlong, son of the blood demon Tianjun, has already guarded against us sneaking into the heaven.

The seven heaven-sealing chains, the blood demon blood light spreading continuously, have already controlled the entire Yiyun Tiantian domain, if we don't come here, we have no chance! "

Liu Chao activated his eyes and raised his eyesight to an unprecedented level. He looked down at the black and thick smoke in the sky and sealed the magic lock, and frowned.

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