Nine Heavens

Chapter 2104 Seven Sky Cracks

"The whole heaven is a blood demon formation, and this is the center of the blood demon formation!

If we forcibly shuttle into Yuntian from any other position in the Yuntian Realm, there will be a very violent demonic appearance here in an instant, and then the blood demon Tianjun will know.

Then, in addition to the whistling of the Seven Heavens Blockade Chain, there are also countless ghosts, monsters and dark forces besieging.

At that moment, no matter how powerful the righteous gods are, it is difficult to get rid of the ending of falling! "

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Jing Tiantian is also examining the majestic Tianfeng Mosuo, and took Liu Hong's words.

"The Blood Demon Lord is so vicious! What shall we do next, Daddy?"

Through the powerful psychic eyes, the nine Nascent Souls gradually saw the existence of most of the heavenly seal and seven chains of heavenly seals, and then their eyes fell on the connection between the nearby locks and chains.

It was discovered that even at the connection point between the lock and the chain, the evil magic energy was so powerful that it was terrifying! Everyone was secretly surprised!

Jing Tian Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang, the ninth Yuanying Liu Guang, was horrified, and his mind sent a sound transmission to Jing Tian Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Liu Qianlang.

"We have to believe in ourselves, we will succeed!

The Mitian Crack Divine Art is divided into seven levels, from low to high, they are the broken sky, the tortoise, the scale, the snail, the grain, the fight and the sky. Each level corresponds to a sky crack.

All you need to do is to silently urge each of you to practice the heaven-cracking magical skills after the two essences of breath-holding Dafa and mind obsession and the art of spiritual concealment are practiced.

Remember, don't be impatient, use it layer by layer, and every time you develop the lower layer of the heavenly cracking chain, and then perform the next layer of heavenly splitting magic.

When the seven magic chains of talent are raised at the same time, the seven nodes will suddenly reveal the sky crack of the seal below. The time is very short, only a blink of an eye. We must quickly turn into a divine light to penetrate, otherwise we have to start all over again! "


The seven Jing Tian Sheng Wu Shang Zai Xie Liu Qian Lang Nascent Soul floating above the Seven Heavens Sealing Devil Chains responded one after another, and then started to move.

And Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang Zai Xie Liu Qianlang and Liu Chao and Liu Hong who were also on the Tianfeng Mosuo also began to operate.

However, their goal is not to elevate the sky blockade chain, but on the contrary, the purpose is to firmly suppress the sky blockade chain and minimize fluctuations!

The seemingly simple task of the three of them is the key to whether the ten of them can enter Yichong Yuntian as quickly as possible.

Jing Tiantian Shengshang no longer Xie Liu Qianlang and Liu Chaos, although Liu Hong's movements started later, but the rhythm of increasing skill is very fast, it is obvious that the pitch-black and majestic Tianfeng Mosuo has shortened a lot .

But for a long time, the chains of the Seven Heavens Sealing Demons did not move at all.

After about several hours in the world.


The chains of the seven heavenly sealing demons suddenly made slight tremors one after another, and then they were lifted by a small range that could not be sensed by ordinary fairy eyes.



"Du Tian Lie, Gui Tian Lie, Lin Tian Lie, Luo Tian Lie, Wen Tian Lie, Doutian Tian Lie, the six heavenly chains guarding the heavenly kings, what are you doing? !?"

Just as the seven soul infants were making progress in urging their efforts, they suddenly saw seven hideous and terrifying alien-shaped ghosts jumping out of the chains of the seven heavenly demons.

Among them, a huge blood-red monster on the top of the seven sky-sealed demon-sealed chains shouted at the monsters of various colors on the sky-sealed demon-sealed chains below.

"Hui Mi Tianxie Guardian Heavenly King! We didn't do anything, and we were just about to ask you what you were doing.

It's really evil. In the past, this place was similar to the universe of death. Why are the chains of the seven heavens and demons constantly moving today? "

After the blood-red guardian demon shouted and asked, there were several answers from below that were worse than howling wolves.

"Her grandma, is it true that as that charmer said, there will be changes in the sky seal chain in the near future!"

The blood-red sky-cracking guardian demon, with ghost pupils condensed in one place, stood on the sky-shattering chain, and cursed after thinking for a moment.

"Damn! That nine-faced whore's words, the guardian king of the sky also believes it. Every time I see her obsequiously crawling in Tianjun's arms, I feel disgusted!"

Standing above the chains of the scales and sky cracks is a ghostly green monster with disheveled hair. It opened its bloody mouth bigger than its head, and vomited wildly!

"The guardian of Lin Tianxie is a demon, don't yell at the nine-faced bitch, you are just jealous of the heavenly king! What a beautiful stunner the nine-faced witch is!

If you let Ben Dou Tianle, the patron saint, kiss Fangze, oh! Immediately, it's all worth it! "

The guardian king of Doutianlie, who is located on the pitch-black sky-sealing demon chain, has a yellowish body color, a thick body, a beard and hair flying all over the sky, but he is doing coy gestures of a woman and talking coquettishly.


"Shut your stinking mouths, and quickly find out the reason for the change of the chains of the Heavenly Seal Demon. If there is a Yunxian from the lower realm of Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen who suddenly breaks into the Blood Demon Heaven Realm, then we will be over!"

The Guardian Heavenly King Mi Tianle suddenly stopped drinking when he heard the six Guardian Heavenly Kings of Heavenly Sealing Demon Chains sarcastically shouting at each other.


The shouts of the six Guardian Heavenly Kings of the Heavenly Sealing Demonic Chain stopped abruptly, and then they all turned into inexplicable animal states, entangled with their respective guarding Heavenly Sealing Demonic Chains, and began to check.

"Seven children, don't worry about them, move slowly, just keep going."

The seven Nascent Souls, who are located in the sky above the Seven Heavenly Sealing Demon Chains, Jing Tiansheng Supreme and Evil Willows, saw the sudden appearance of the seven Heavenly Sealing Demon Chain Guardian Heavenly Kings, and they were all in a cold sweat. Slow down.

At this time, Jing Tiantian Sheng Wushang was no longer evil, and reminded them in a steady voice.


With Jingtian Tiansheng's care, the mood of the seven Nascent Souls gradually stabilized, and they continued to move, but with an unimaginable level of caution.

"Hey? It's her grandma's. This is too weird. Could it be that the magic sealing chain has also become a spirit today? No one touched it, what is it doing by itself!"

The Heavenly Sealing Demon Chain of Duantianxie is the guardian of the Heavenly King. The Heavenly Sealing Demonic Chain of the Duantianxie seal that it inspected has been raised the most.

It found a problem, but couldn't find the reason, and couldn't help but sigh and curse.

"Could it be that the nine-faced whore used some kind of spell to play with us again, and then made fun of us in front of Tianjun!?"

Gui Tianlei's guardian king, under the seal and chain of Gui Tianlei, poked out the devil's head and shouted.

"Then how could such a beautiful woman, even her heart is beautiful, how could she do anything unbeautiful! You are a dirty guardian monster, you can say anything!

Your words are just like your people, smelly and ugly! I think that the goddess in my heart should be informed of this matter as soon as possible, but she said that if anyone of us finds out that the chains of the Heavenly Seal Demon have changed, they must notify her immediately!

uh-huh! The way she spoke was so beautiful, and she even gave me a look.

That glance moved me so much, it was engraved in my heart, and I will cherish it forever! "

Doutianlie Guardian Heavenly King jumped onto the Doutianchetian demon-sealing chain, with dozens of chaotic claws all over his body stroking himself, moaning and chirping.

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