Nine Heavens

Chapter 2107 Magic Army Layout

In Yunzhou Langyuan Tiangong, many Langyuan Gaoxian gathered again.

"According to the report from the fairy envoy, the fourth brother and the fairy man have already confirmed the layout of the Three Dao of Ghosts, Demons, Blood Demons, Heavenly Palace, and Dark Three Universes.

Therefore, Mr. Ben Yun immediately ordered a meeting to further discuss the issue of killing demons against the sky! Please let the fourth brother and Xiannan talk about the situation in detail! "

Yun Jun is supreme, no longer evil willows lead the waves, sit firmly on the head of the palace

With a condensed and resolute expression, seeing His Highness Xiang Langyuan and Gaoxian arriving one after another, he nodded slightly, and said to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen and Tianjun Wuxian.

"Let me tell you first, the fairy man and I are bounded by the sky above the waves and clouds, I am in charge of the star sword occupying the western half of the universe, and the fairy man is in charge of the flute questioning the eastern half of the universe.

We each drew the forces of the blood demon Tiangong army that were deduced by divination into a map of the magic army universe.

Please take a look, third brother and all the palace gods, this is the map of Zhoubu army in the west of the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace that I calculated and deduced! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen pulled his hands left and right, and the star sword entwined with stars appeared in his hands.

Then, he pointed at Diankong, and Diankong immediately showed half a huge funnel-shaped image of immortal light.

On the surface of the fairy light map, there are countless dark ghosts and ghosts, and dark fel monsters are constantly flying around. It looks chaotic, but upon closer inspection it is extremely orderly.

"The power of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is really amazing!"

Cheng Shifeng, His Highness' spirit demon Lord Zhou, exclaimed when he saw it.

Immediately there was a burst of discussion from His Highness.

"This is only half of it, my half is here!"

Tianjun Wuxian played his flute freely, and swiped around the fairy light map of Song Zhen, the sword Zhan Zhou Jun Zhan Xuanzi. After a puff of smoke, the fairy light map suddenly turned into a complete huge funnel.


There are more than ten thousand people in the palace of Langyuan and Gaoxian, all of whom exclaimed in unison.

Even Jun Yun, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, was slightly moved.

"Third brother and fellow immortals, please take a look at the complete military layout of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, which is divided into four layers of forces.

The ghost forces are located at the bottom of the magic army's layout, and their number is immeasurable.

However, it is extended in a seven-out manner, and the center of the extension is not the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. As for where it is, it remains to be studied.

However, in order to avenge the army of the Four Emperors Alliance, we choose any one of the seven ghost troops to hit them hard!

The second layer of power is the countless demon powers of human origin, and it is also a seven-out trend. The angle of power is intertwined with the ghost way, blood demon, and heavenly monarch, and they complement each other's weak links.

The third layer is the demonic forces of human origin, the number is also huge and infinite, and they are still distributed in a seven-out trend.

The forces at the top of the funnel that are close to the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace are pure magic powers from the Three Universes of Darkness. They protect the Heavenly Palace of Blood Demons on the upper side, and the ghosts and demons from human nature on the lower side.

The entire army of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is full of blood, light and blood energy, filled with dark evil energy, and the infinitely strong existence is all over the bottom of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. The tightness of the army deployment and the majesty of the number are really shocking! "

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen introduced to Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang himself His Royal Highness Langyuan Gaoxian introduced the fairy light funnel army map that rotated slightly in the palace.

Following the introduction of Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen, the people of His Highness looked upward from the bottom of the funnel layer by layer, and saw the phantoms surging violently one by one. Feel a little incredible.

"Hmm! Did Xian Nan find anything else?"

After listening to Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen's introduction, Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang nodded slightly, but there was not much surprise on his face.

"It's not a discovery, after all, I am the emperor of the Jitian Palace in the Jihad era of the ancient spirits, and I already knew that the heavens are broken.

The ghosts, monsters, and evil forces from the three dark universes that brother Zhen just mentioned are all distributed around Yuntiantian's domain.

The seven outs are exactly where the seven outs of the sky are. However, all the heavenly seals and cracks are destroyed today, and the heavenly seals are unknown, but Yun Tiantian's domain is already the location of the blood demon seal at this moment!

The former Heaven Seal and Heaven Seal Demon Chains were destroyed by them, and today's Heaven Seal Domain is completely a product of their Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!

The source of the Gorefiend light that shrouded the entire Gorefiend Heavenly Palace army is precisely the center where the seven Heavenly Crack Seals and Heavenly Blockades finally gathered.

In addition, the fairy guessed that apart from the one heavenly domain being controlled by them, I think that with the cleverness of Ouyang Langlong, the death son of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, he would definitely try to control the other heavenly domains, it's just a matter of time! "

Wu Xiannan concealed the matter of his first level Tian Yuntian killing the seven heavenly seals and chains to protect the heavenly king, and replied like this.

"As Xian Nan and Brother Zhen said, it can be deduced that the First Level Tiantian Blockade must be related to Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord.

Everyone knows that Mr. Death's magic art of becoming famous with humanity is exactly the magic art of blood demon. He is the ultimate source of the Gorefiend light that enveloped the Gorefiend Heavenly Army.

Maybe there is some kind of mystery contained in the Heavenly Sealing Demon Lock, for example, it is the cultivation source of Ouyang Langlong, the son of death, or it may be where his death magic egg is located! "

Although Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan is not familiar with the way of divination, she has a sense of yin and yang sensing that other high-ranking immortals can't match.

Her sense of induction is so strong that it can extend and tile the entire parallel universe, as well as the extremely deep area of ​​the upper universe.

During this period of time, she crossed her knees to realize quietly, put her consciousness aside to explore, and discovered that there is a center of all death and evil energy in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, but she has not been able to determine its location in the Blood Demon Universe.

Now seeing the funnel-shaped layout of the Blood Demon Heavenly Army, and combined with what Tianjun Wuxiannan said, my heart suddenly brightened. I looked around the hall and looked around at Langyuan Gaoxian, and then looked at Yunjun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang who was closest to me. , said.


Tianjun Wuxiannan heard what Qixiang Zhoujun Liujuan said, he couldn't help secretly admiring, and sighed slightly.

"Sister Juan's analysis is very reasonable! The death devil's egg is the source of all the ancient spirit and magic energy of Mr. Death. It is powerful and infinite, and it is extremely possible to be the sky-sealing lock of the blood demon universe!

If this is the case, it means that we have found the key to conquering the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace!

Now that our mutual strength has reached the point where we can create fairy armies and magic soldiers at any time, no matter how large-scale slaughter each other is, it will be difficult to win the ultimate victory!

We send an army to kill the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and the seven evil ghosts. The evil army can only avenge the change of the Four Emperors Alliance army, but if we want to completely wipe out the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace and control the snake to control the seven inches, we have to find the root of the opponent's existence. think abut.

What the fourth brother, Xian Nan and sister Juan said just now provided a clear idea for the head of the sect who has been thinking about how to attack the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!

I just don't know if the fairy man can figure out the exact location of the Heavenly Sealing Demon locked in the Blood Demon Universe? "

In fact, at this very moment, Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang already knew the location of the Gorefiend Eternal Heaven Sealing Demon Lock because of the first avatar, Jing Tiansheng.

But some details are not clear to me, so I simply pretended not to know and asked.

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