Nine Heavens

Chapter 2108

"For the time being, Xiannan doesn't know yet, but Xiannan and Brother Zhen will be sure in a short time!"

Tianjun Wuxiannan was silent for a moment, thinking in his heart, he clearly saw the avatar of Jing Tiansheng and the nine Yuanying who had entered the blood demon universe with the magical power of splitting the sky, but why did he ask such a question?

Tianjun Wuxiannan carefully recalled his journey to the Gorefiend Eternal Sky domain, and made sure that he had no fellow Taoists. After knowing it, he smiled.

"That's great! I'll leave this matter to Xiannan and the fourth brother, and you can discuss the specific measures.

In the past few days, after careful consideration, this head decided to step up the pace of attacking the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace!

All immortals, you have also seen that the power of the demon army in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is increasing day by day. If this continues, our righteous spirit forces will obviously not have the upper hand!

In order to raise the power of the gods of the immortal gate, form a domineering trend! The head of the sect has sent a letter from the spirit seal, notifying the Sifang Xingheyu and the other five places that the nine majors have traveled through the Shenzhou to gather in the waves and the universe.

The head of the sect wants Yun Zhou to seal the immortal, locate the immortal god, first attack the blood demon Tiangong and the seven ghosts, and then hold high the banner of Langyuan Qitian, smash the sky and seal the sky crack, and occupy the ninety-nine and eighty first The first layer of heaven, the first layer of heaven, Yuntian Universe, is also the Blood Demon Universe! "

"Ha ha……"

"Third Brother! We should have done this a long time ago. Now that the three forces of Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, Paint Energy, Void and Death are united into one, the target of our attack is very clear. If we don't get rid of it as soon as possible, when will it be!"

Jianzhan Zhoujun Zhanxuanzi Song Zhen heard the words of the third brother in charge, compared with the previous argument, it was a 180-degree turn, his black and white eyebrows twisted wildly, and praised excitedly.

"Hehe, it's not as easy as the fourth brother said, I'm afraid it's the day when we step into the sky, and it's also the matter of their ascension to the upper heaven, the situation we face will not be very easy.

Moreover, the head of this sect has more and more a feeling that the goal of killing us by the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is not just to make us disappear in the universe, but the Death Lord of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace seems to be chasing something supernatural!

And this miraculous thing has a great relationship with our Langyuan Xianmen. Somewhere, we are being drawn by a mysterious force or thought, and we are also approaching something.

This weird feeling lingered in my mind from time to time, but I never thought it through clearly. Today's mention is also for all the immortal friends to ponder over the leisure time, maybe someone suddenly figured it out, and then our steps against the sky will be more steady and countable! "

Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang seldom uttered the unthinkable questions in his mind like this, but this time he did so, and then glanced at His Highness with his eyes, especially staying for a moment longer on Tianjun Wuxiannan.

"How long will it take to get to the Sifang Star River Domain and the other five major crossing Shenzhous?"

Mr. Qixiang Zhou interrupted the topic and asked Mr. Yun if he is supreme and evil.

"Yaya has already gone to meet him, and he will be here in less than seven days. And these seven days will be the time for us to attack the blood demon heavenly palace and seven out of ghost forces for a surprise attack!

Intimidate the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, and at the same time, serve as a welcome ceremony to welcome the spiritual strength of the Sifang Star River Territory and the Shuttle of All Roads Crossing Zhengling, and even avenge the alliance of the Four Emperors!

In this operation, we will launch an attack on the seven ghost forces of the Blood Demon Tiangong at the same time. You don't need to be polite, just slaughter!

At the last gathering, the four Yunzhou emperors asked to be the pioneers, and the head of the sect agreed. However, there are still three evil forces out of the seven ghosts, so the three-color fire baby, the special envoy of the red fairy and the three gods of Linhe are sent to help.

The power of the Langyuan Immortal Army led by you all comes from the Thirteen Nether Death Warrior Gu of the fourth brother Jianzhan Zhoujun. Of course, with the abilities of the immortal gods, you can also turn things into soldiers at any time, and the majestic attack is just right!

In the sky, Sister Juan and Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon Zhoujun, are the marshals of Tianzhan, who personally lead their own treasure blue crescent moon and the soul-controlling tree vine to supervise the formation, and support them every year!

As for the issue of the Gorefiend Eternal Heavenly Seal, Mr. Yun personally urged the superimposed Eternal Lord Divine Art to temporarily destroy the Bloodfiend Heavenly Seal for you first.

The army of seven waves, just need to make a surprise attack when I briefly destroy the Gorefiend Sky Rift. But for how long the sneak attack will last, I will wait for the two Marshals of Heavenly War at any time!

I don't know if there is any dissent from Langyuan Gaozun present, if there are others, continue to speak freely, if not, immediately return to the palace to prepare for the battle, at noon today, the attacking army will immediately step into Zhou Shengtian.

In addition to preparing two armies for the rest of the Langyuan forces, one army is ready to help the sky at any time, and the other army is divided into nine routes, going to the Quartet and Eight, to travel far away to the Quartet Galaxy Domain forces, and the Shuttle forces that travel through all directions! "

In this meeting, the main purpose of Lord Yun's supremacy and evil Liu Qianlang is to complete the deployment and control of Lord Yun who sent troops to attack the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. The task has already been issued, and I don't want to discuss too much about other issues, so I stopped the topic, said.

His Highness Lang Yuan heard the words and was silent for a moment, then said almost in unison:

"I am speechless! Please follow the edict of the sect master!"

"Okay! Since that's the case, make quick preparations, let's take the lead for now!"

Yun Jun is supreme, no matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, he simply arranges the task, and in the next second, he is already flying wildly with white hair, wearing a sky brocade silk robe, hunting with silver waves, spinning overlapping fairy swords on his head, and stepping on a multicolored traversing shuttle Floating up in the cloud palace sky only up.

"Haha! I saw the third brother's all-powerful appearance back then! Let's go, Xiannan, let's arrange for two armies to go."

After watching the third brother in charge gradually disappear in the clouds and mist of the sky, Song Zhen, the son of Jianzhan Zhou, Zhanxuan's five-color eyes flashed, and he laughed with a burst of approval, and called Tianjun, Wu Xiannan, and left.

The rest of the Langyuan Xianmen Yunxian only said goodbye to each other and left without gossip.


It is said that the first avatar of Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang, Jing Tiansheng, leads Jiuying, closely concealing his body, and is speeding through the entire Gorefiend universe with extreme caution.

Their goal is Jingtian Realm, but Jingtian Sheng thought that it would be a pity not to explore and analyze it after passing through Yichong Yuntian, so there is their current scene.

"Sacred Father Jing Tiantian, my child thought that the cloud above our clouds would be so beautiful! Why is it full of filthy blood mist, poisonous miasma, evil clouds, and ferocious ghosts and monsters everywhere? , keep jumping up and down, just looking at it is depressing and uncomfortable!

What's there to see here, let's go to Jitian Palace quickly, didn't you say that you would drop by and visit Senior Brother and Time God of War, Senior Zhong Death? "

Although the nine Nascent Souls were prepared in their hearts, the current Heavenly Palace has been occupied by the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, so they are definitely not as righteous as Yun Zhou.

However, they didn't expect that the so-called First Layer would be so filthy and full of darkness and death, and they all felt very disappointed, Liu Guang said.

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