Nine Heavens

Chapter 2109 Extreme Heavenly Palace

"The universe should have been beautiful everywhere, but that was the original universe.

Today's universe, from ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens to this realm of clouds and universes, has been destroyed by dark demons, how can it still have the original style!

The reason why the universe of the universe and the universe of the earth are upright and immortal is the result of the unremitting efforts of countless Taoist friends of our Langyuan Xianmen, killing the dark and the dark, and painstakingly shaking the defense.

Dear children, don't be disappointed, let alone be disgusted. Although I have never seen how beautiful Yuntian once was, I believe it must be very mysterious!

Now the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens are all polluted to varying degrees by the forces of the dark three universes, making their true colors blinded. I think this is the greatest pain for Empress Nuwa, and we will only appear in the future!

All the regrets we see, we must turn them into new hopes, and let the once beautiful 9981 Chongtian restore its original beautiful existence!

This is what our Langyuan Xianmen must do, and we are on this road.

Dear children, when you were young, you and your Uncle Song, as well as many fellow disciples who were the number one human in the chaotic universe, have always dreamed of going all the way to immortality and ascending to the nine heavens.

At that time, the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens in our minds were simply the existence of the supreme fairyland, thinking that everything was like the legendary Qiongyao fairyland, infinitely beautiful!

Little did they know that the heavens were already like this at that time, and even though the human world at that time was controlled by the forces of the Three Universes of Darkness, especially the Prince of Death, Qi Neng, it turned out to be a rare human paradise in comparison.

At that time, there were death, disease, war, pain, evil thoughts, ghosts, ghosts, etc. under the control of death evil spirits in the human world, but after all, there were still magical peaks, mountains, rivers, mysterious waterfalls and seas in the human world..."

Hearing the words of Aizi Liu Guang, Jing Tiantian was also quite impressed.

"Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy, Guang'er understands, Guang'er will know what to do in the future, Daddy tell me, what else do we need to know?"

Liu Guang couldn't help asking with a look of shame on his face after hearing what Jing Tiantian's father said.

"Hehe, Daddy intends to pass on the layout of the evil army in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace to the main body of Daddy Yunzhou. We have already completed the task.

And the main body of the father sent a message saying that your Uncle Song and Xiannan have also figured out the deployment status of the evil army of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace. "

Seeing the embarrassing look on the face of the nine-bit baby, Jing Tiantian said with a smile.

"Oh! That's great, why don't we join Yun Zhou's family, work together from inside to outside, destroy the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, exterminate these vicious demons and demons, and return Yun Tian to the beauty it once was!"

"Yes! Father Jing Tiantian, what a great opportunity this is!"


The nine Nascent Souls spoke up one after another.

"No! The Blood Demon Heavenly Palace is not as easy to deal with as you say, and the move of Xianmen is just to shake the mountain and shake the tiger, and it is not the time for the final decisive battle.

What we have to do is to go to Jingtian to refine the soul with peace of mind. When the 9981-fold Tiantian soul can be successfully refined, that is when we attack the sky in one fell swoop!

The successful refining of the ninety-nine eighty-one heavenly souls is the biggest trump card for our victory in the battle for supremacy in the universe.

Hehe, let's go, we don't need us here, we're going to Jitian Palace right now, don't you guys want to visit brother Qian'er? "

Jing Tiantian's white hair flew wildly, looking down at the area of ​​the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace where the blood was gushing in sight, wishing to destroy it by attacking both inside and outside as Jiuying said!

However, he didn't. After a surge of emotion, he calmed down and smiled.

"That's fine, then just listen to Tian Tian Sheng's father, let's go to see Brother Qian'er, we've only seen him in Luo Erniang's Shadow Shadow Stone, we haven't seen him in person yet!

Look at the younger brother from the magic sound shadow stone! Very resolute and handsome, very similar to Jing Tian Tian Sheng's father! "

Liu Chao looked around at the brothers who were flying on tripods, nodded to Jing Tiantian, and answered.

So a group of people, still using the invisibility technique, quietly entered the Gorefiend Universe and left quietly.

However, Liu Guang, the eldest of the nine infants, used the cold ice poison jade palm and the evil spirit obliterating technique to kill countless ghosts, demons and evil creatures all the way through the blood demon universe.

Wherever he flew, the ghosts, monsters and hideous creatures arranged in the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace around him almost disappeared inexplicably, and they disappeared without a sound.

"Hehe, light is enough. They are endless, and they can't finish killing them. Let's just kill a few to relieve their anger. Don't let them sense our presence!"

Jing Tiantian discovered Liu Guang's behavior behind him, but because Liu Guang acted mysteriously, he didn't say much.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, the second heavenly pole, the heavenly palace.

In the huge Tiangong, there is only one cloud palace on the rooftop, where a few figures flashed in the mist, because the distance was too far to distinguish them clearly.

"Master, the Heavenly Palace on the second level is really good, with a strong fairy spirit and beautiful scenery. This should be the fairyland that the heaven should have!"

Jing Tiansheng led Jiuying through the fog, and after a long period of speeding through, finally shot from the dilapidated Jitian Seal into the Jitian Realm, all the way directly to the Jitian Palace.

Jitian Palace didn't set up any palace seals at all, so Jing Tiantian's father and son, ten people, didn't make any effort, just talked and laughed, and rushed towards the figure seen in the palace from a distance.

"That's right, it's a miracle that such an ancient and extremely heavenly palace is still intact to this day!"

Like the nine Nascent Soul Aikos, Jingtian Sheng also came to Jitian Palace for the first time, and he was very curious about everything, so he naturally took a few more glances as he was flying around.

Infected by the vast and magnificent scale of the Jitian Temple and the ancient and strong ancient spirit, I am very amazed.

"Ha ha……"

"Finally waiting for the head of the Langyuan Immortal Sect, even though it's a clone, with a flash of the soul, seeing you is like seeing the head of the Langyuan Immortal Sect!

Hurry up and get closer, those towers, corridors, bridges, floating mountains and lakes, what is there to see in Liyuan Pachi, the former extreme sky is everywhere.

However, after the ancient spirit life and death battle, there are only a few of these palaces left! "

While Jing Tiansheng and the nine Nascent Souls were talking and laughing, a hearty laugh came from the cloud-shrouded cloud platform tens of thousands of miles away.

"Ha ha……"

"Jing Tian's avatar came uninvited, disturbing Qing Ning, senior of the War God of Time!"

Hearing the words, Jing Tiantian accelerated his speed instantly, controlled the shuttle, and came to the Yuntai in the blink of an eye, then received the shuttle, and the nine-bit baby child, and landed on the Yuntai.

Jing Tiantian saw that above the cloud platform, there was a table of red sun, beautiful jade and fairy jade, with fairy fruits and vegetables on the table, and delicious delicacies. In addition to the god of time and war, there was also a golden monk who was more than ten feet tall.

Because of the radiance of the Hongyang jade table, the two of them were full of red and happy eyes, and they were talking and laughing about the wine.

"Where! Where! This God of War has invited the head of the Langyuan Immortal Sect a long time ago. When he has time, he will definitely come to Jitian Palace to have a drink and talk to his heart's content.

Today, the head of Langyuan Immortal Sect came very quietly, and it happened that the Golden Buddha with Heavenly Fragrance Feet was also there, and we happened to get drunk before going to sleep! Ha ha……"

Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, walked casually without getting up, raised his head and drank fine wine, and greeted Jing Tiansheng and Jiuying to the table with a big smile.

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