Nine Heavens

Chapter 2110 Three Immortals Against Wine

"Haha, what a blessing! This junior has seen the golden Buddha with fragrant feet! Children, come, I have seen the two revered ancestors!"

Jing Tiantian, with white hair flowing and white fairy robes, bowed to the time war god Zhong Zhan and Jin Guang monk successively, and greeted Jiuying to meet the two.

"Junior Chaos Divine Cauldron Guardian God Liu Chao has seen two immortal ancestors!"

"Junior Hongmeng Cauldron Guardian God Liu Hong has seen two immortal ancestors!"


"Yeah! Wow, what a formidable young man, Mr. Lang Yuanyun Zhou Yun, you are so amazing, you have trained nine Nascent Souls to become such heroic and mighty Nuwa artifact guardians, what a blessing and good vision!

However, the golden Buddha with fragrant feet was very surprised. Langyuan Yun Zhou Yunjun, why did he call out the old monk's fairy instructions when they met for the first time? "

The Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha grinned his big golden mouth, and his mouth was full of golden waves. He looked at the nine heroic descendants of the Nascent Soul of Jing Tiantian, and laughed while holding a fairy wine pot.

Jingtian Shengxin stepped into his seat, looked at Jiuying standing behind him with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, thirty-six paths in the heavens, incense and Taoism, and countless legends about Buddhism and Taoism, but the only one who can combine the two ways of incense and Buddha is the golden Buddha with fragrant feet in the extreme heaven, isn't it?

The younger generation has limited fairy calendar, but likes to read the fairy scrolls of all heavens, so he has been familiar with the Xiangjiao Golden Buddha for a long time, so he recognized it at a glance.

Besides, not long ago, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha also rescued me from Langyuan Xianmen Ninety-Nine Eighty-one Dragons and the four Yunzhou Emperors, and sent them back to Xianmen for a visit to Langyuan Yunzhou!

At that time, the younger generation sensed the arrival of the elder immortal ancestor, and wanted to respectfully invite him into the palace to show his respect.

It's a pity that the senior immortal ancestor was unrestrained and unrestrained, leaving fellow Taoist Langyuan behind, and going to the sky again, the younger generation can only regret it. "

"Oh haha……"

"I see, I didn't expect that my Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha would have someone who cares about me in the future, I'm really gratified!

However, Mr. Lang Yuanyun don't have so many seniors and juniors, it sounds awkward, come on! We drink and talk, don't need a lot of common etiquette. "

Hearing the words, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha raised his head and laughed loudly, and the golden string of Buddhist beads on his chest jumped straight.

"Hehe, good! Since that's the case, this junior is going to be presumptuous, come on! Junior first borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and first pay homage to the God of War and Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha on an altar! Please!"

If it is a fairy art, maybe Jing Tiantian will fall behind the two ancient spirit saints, but Jing Tiantian doesn't care about the immortal wine.

Wave your hand to get a jar of fairy wine in your palm, throw your head up and pour it, wandering and flying, and the aura dances, so unrestrained.

"Oh! Good drinker! So refreshing! God of War, drink! Haha..."

Seeing Jing Tiansheng's heroic actions, Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha and Time War God Zhong Sheng also picked up a jar of fairy wine and laughed, and then drank vigorously.

"Hey! Brother Zhuan, no way, this senior Golden Buddha is not a fake monk, is it because the rules of the heaven and the human world are different, why is he abstaining from drinking alcohol, and his feet?"

Liu Guang, the Ninth Nascent Infant of Jing Tian Tian Sheng, smelled the fragrance of immortal wine, and was so greedy.

It's fine to see Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy and Time God of War, Zhong Death, drinking wine waves every now and then.

But seeing the Golden Buddha with Fragrant Feet was not only that, he also stepped on the Hongyang jade wine table with a big foot. What's more, the fresh fruits and vegetables they ate were around his big foot.

Seeing this, Liu Guang couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded. He snickered for a while, and transmitted his thoughts to Liu Chaos.

"Hey! The ninth brother is so rare and strange. The body of the golden Buddha with fragrant feet is the wood of ancient spirits and gods, and his feet are full of strong fragrance. It can be called agarwood infinite.

As long as his big feet are placed anywhere, they are all coveted. I once saw a record in a book of God:

The Thirty-Six Dao Immortal Realms of the Ancient Lingjitian also hold a foot-scenting conference every other epoch.

Did you know that at the Scent of Foot Scent Conference, the highest honor is to lean over and smell the fragrance of the feet of the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha. "

"My God! Brother Chaos, there are such absurd things in the universe of the ancient spirit life!?"

How could Liu Guang believe it? Standing far away at the end, looking at the back of Liu Chao who was now beside Jing Tiantian Sheng's father, asked in surprise.

"Oh haha! Little guy, don't you believe it? Of course the meeting of smelling the fragrance of feet is real.

In the past, when the universe was stable, even if my world-breaking golden Buddha with fragrant feet was among all the thirty-six realms of the ninety-nine, eighty-one, and eighty-one heavens, it was very civilized.

How many gods and gods in the upper level are proud to make friends with the old monk, and feel lucky to smell the fragrance of the old monk! Those who have no chance to get acquainted with the old monk are all regretful! "

During the conversation between Liu Chao and Liu Guang, when the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha suddenly put down the huge wine jar, the golden light looked at the nine-bit baby behind Jingtian and said with a smile.

"This this?"

Liu Chao and Liu Guang blushed when they heard the words. They didn't expect that the other party would be grateful for the common sense technique. As long as the other party's soul and mind are running, every word of their mind transmission will be known by the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha.

The two couldn't help being extremely embarrassed, and opened their mouths to whisper.

"Ha ha……"

"Let the Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha laugh, the children have limited knowledge, please Haihan!"

Jing Tiantian is also proficient in the art of general knowledge, but Jing Tiantian didn't care at all about the discussions of the nine beloved sons, and said with a smile.

"Haha... They say theirs, we are happy with ours, I like to hear them say about me, how many epochs have passed, and finally someone commented on the golden fragrant feet of my Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha, haha..."

The Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha didn't care even more, after a burst of laughter, he no longer cared about what the nine Yuanying said, and then the three immortals drank the wine to the fullest, enjoying themselves.

During this period, the nine Yuanying brothers suddenly saw two figures floating on another cloud platform more than ten thousand miles away, waving to themselves, so the nine Yuanying brothers left behind a small cloud to seal their words. After telling Jing Tiantian Sheng's father, they left hand in hand.

"Are you Qianer's younger brother?"

"Who are you?"

Not long after, the nine Nascent Souls each stepped on a spiritual light from the Nine Cauldrons of their own soul refining, and flew to the two figures.

The nine Nascent Souls took a closer look and found that the two were a man and a woman, both handsome and beautiful.

The handsome guy is the same as himself, wearing a pure white fairy robe, and his face is almost the same as that of Jing Tiantian's father. What's more, he is holding the shining gold pagoda in his palm!

Liu Chao looked the two of them up and down, and immediately recognized who the handsome guy was, but he couldn't recognize the shimmering beautiful girl beside Liu Chian.


"Meet the nine elder brothers! He is your younger brother Qian'er, and you are the nine Yuanying brothers that Brother Qian'er often talks about!

My name is Xiao Yu'er, I'm brother Qian'er's junior sister, and also his future wife! "

Just as Liu Chao asked, before Liu Qian could speak, the pretty girl beside Liu Qian took a step forward, smiling sweetly, and said with a crisp voice.


When the nine Nascent Souls heard the words, they couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"Little brother Qian'er has met all the elder brothers, don't listen to Xiao Yu'er's nonsense, she just likes chatter!"

When Liu Qian heard Xiao Yu'er's words and saw the affection of the nine Yuan Ying brothers, she blushed suddenly and explained in embarrassment.

"Hmph! Brother Qian'er, you are not allowed to play tricks, Xiao Yu'er has already made an oath, that whoever smiles first to Xiao Yu'er, Xiao Yu'er will marry him.

Brother Qian'er was the first to smile at Xiao Yu'er, so you are not allowed to renege on your debt, otherwise, I will never talk to you again! "

When Xiao Yu'er heard Liu Qian's explanation, she immediately became unhappy and shook Liu Qian's arm to act like a baby.

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