Nine Heavens

Chapter 2111 Yuntai gift treasure

"Ha ha……"

"That's right, sister Xiaoyu'er is right, brother Qian'er, this is your fault, what he said is too reasonable!"

The nine Nascent Souls laughed, especially Liu Guang, who thought this little fish was so interesting, rolled his eyes and said deliberately.

"Have you heard that, all brothers think so!"

When Xiao Yu'er heard that someone helped her, she smiled sweetly, then turned her head and frowned to blame Liu Qian.

In Liu Qian's heart, because of her younger sister, Xiao Luo, she also felt sorry for Xiao Yu'er, besides, Xiao Yu'er is really cute and intelligent, and couldn't bear to make her unhappy, so she grabbed her hand and said with a smile:

"Alright, what Xiao Yu'er said is right, Brother Qian'er will listen to you for everything!"

"Hee hee! Really?"

When Xiao Yu'er heard it, Liu Qian was expressing his opinion in public, he liked him, his happiness turned, and he lay on his back in Liu Qian's arms, giggling sweetly.

"Oh! There are unruly daughters everywhere, and the heavens are no exception!"

Seeing Xiao Yu'er's appearance, the nine Yuanying immediately thought of the four Tianling sisters when they were young, especially Lian'er who was unreasonable later, Liu Hong sighed.

"Huh? Brother Qian'er, what does this brother mean?"

Xiao Yu'er was dressed in a bright red fairy dress, her hair was pulled up in a high bun, and on her delicate face, she had twinkling eyes, pondering Liu Hong's words, and raised her head to ask Liu Qian.

"Hehe, of course the brothers praised you, why don't you hurry up and show off your housekeeping skills, cook delicious food, and entertain you brothers."

Hearing this, Liu Qian couldn't help laughing.

"OK, all right."

Xiao Yu'er obediently obeyed, and then went to the nine Yuanying Wanfu.

"Brothers, this is the humble Yunlan where Xiao Yu'er and I take a break from practicing kung fu temporarily. Please sit down for a while, have a few cups of fairy wine and honey, and please don't laugh at me, brothers."

After Xiao Yu'er left, Liu Qian hurriedly asked Jiuying to sit around a giant table of sacred wood on the cloud platform. Elderly, there are eleven elementary schools nearby, all of which are happy and harmonious.

On Liu Qian's side, after eating and drinking for a while, Liu Qian asked:

"Qian'er has been away from my younger sister Xiao Luo for several years. I don't know how Xiao Luo has always been doing well in Langyuan Xianmen. Are parents safe?"

"Hey! Qian'er, don't worry about it. Sister Xiao Luo is now the treasure of the whole wave, especially Luo Erniang. She is holding the magic sound and shadow stone all day long to think about her son, and holding her hand to praise her little girl. sister.

How happy is the little girl, Luo Er's mother and father are both very good, everyone is looking forward to your return to the Waves and Immortals as soon as possible.

bawl! Over there is Jing Tian Tian Sheng Daddy, the first avatar of Daddy, we are going to Jing Tian Tian Realm, this is a drop in here, specially to see you come! "

Liu Guang raised his eyebrows and smiled, spoke quickly, and answered in a few words.

"That's good, that's good, as long as Xiao Luo is happy."

Liu Qian looked at Xiao Yu'er beside her, with a comforting expression on her face, as if she missed her sister very much.

"Brother Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er knows that you miss your sister, but Brother Qian'er is not alone, and Xiao Yu'er is with you!

After we have practiced the Ten Fang Zhong Divine Art and killed the villainous son of death in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, we will go to find Xiao Luo right away! "

Seeing Liu Qian's disappointed eyes, Xiao Yu'er comforted Liu Qian very sensiblely.

"Well, hehe, these little fishes, I actually have nothing to worry about Xiao Luo, she is the best with mother, I am happy!"

When Liu Qian heard Xiao Yu'er's words, she was very grateful, and then continued to chat, laugh and drink with Jiuying, and looked at the white-haired man who was thousands of miles away many times.

"Thank you, Daddy, I heard that the situation in Langyuan Xianmen is very complicated, so I came to visit Qian'er in such a situation!"

Liu Qian stared stealthily at him, whispering to himself, and at the same time deeply envied these brothers in front of him, who could always surround his father and accompany him day and night.

"Ha ha……"

"You all come here, I am happy for the teacher today, I will give you two a day off, no need to practice, meet your father, and then accompany the nine Yuanying brothers to play to your heart's content!"

When Liu Qian stared at the Yuntai where Jing Tiantian Sheng's father was again, Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, had already seen it in his eyes, and greeted him with a loud smile.

"Hee hee! Alright, brother Qian'er, did you hear that, Master asked us to go see Daddy!"

Xiao Yu'er couldn't help thinking about how happy Xiao Yu'er was when he yelled Zhong Sheng, the God of War of Time, and couldn't stop laughing.

Behind, the nine Nascent Souls were talking and laughing, deliberately slowing down and following.

Not long after, Liu Qian and Xiao Yu'er both landed on the cloud platform where the three immortals were.

"Xiao Yu'er and brother Qian'er have met Master, Xiangjiao Daxian and Daddy! Hehe..."

Before Liu Qian could open his mouth, Xiao Yu'er had already greeted him crisply.

"Hehe, this lovely girl?"

Jing Tiansheng had never seen Xiao Yuer before, seeing her beautiful and mischievous appearance, and hearing her call himself Daddy, he couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Oh! Aren't you brother Qian'er's father? I am his wife, so naturally you are also my father!"

Xiao Yu'er saw that Jing Tiansheng didn't understand his identity, and explained further.


Jing Tiansheng felt confused for a while, and looked at Zhong Shi, the god of war.

After hearing this, Zhong Sheng, the god of war of time, laughed, and explained Xiao Yu'er's origin and her love for Liu Qian.

"Haha... so, Qian'er is really lucky, now my younger sister is not by my side, but I have a beautiful girl with me, and two high immortals to guide me, Jing Tian is really happy for Qian'er!

Xiaoyuer, father, thank you for loving Qianer so much. When we met for the first time, father will give you a rainbow plate. It can be used as a fairy dish for you and Qianer to hold immortals and vegetables at ordinary times. It can be used for talking and laughing, and it can be magical in wartime Artifact, I wonder if you like it? "

Seeing Xiao Yuer's appearance, Jing Tiantian liked this naughty girl from the bottom of his heart, and was very happy to let her be his daughter-in-law, so he asked with a smile.

At the same time, with a flip of the wrist, a glazed plate with a diameter of more than a foot and a rainbow of clouds appeared in the palm of his hand.

The glazed disc is shaped like a lotus leaf, very beautiful.


When Xiao Yu'er heard it, the other party called himself his father, obviously he promised him that he would like Brother Qian'er, and even gave him a gift. There is no such thing as an unhappy gift, and he was so happy that he smiled all over his face. He immediately greeted him with blessings and floated forward , kneel down.

"Thank you Daddy!"

Then sweetly looked at Jing Tiantian Sheng, Time God of War Zhong Death and Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha.

"The auspicious day of Shengzhou is here again. I come here to enjoy the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha. If I don't want to encounter another happy event in Shengzhou, then I will also give you a small fish like a little fish. I wish you all well."


The Golden Buddha with Fragrant Feet was speaking, and his huge golden palm covered the glass tray that Xiao Yuer was already holding with both hands, and immediately dropped a shining golden seed.

Then, the Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha laughed and said:

"These are the seeds of two ancient Ruyi golden lotuses, which are planted in your hearts respectively. When the Ruyi golden lotus blooms, you will be eternally sweet and sweet. The lotus root will produce lotus knots, and you will live forever!"

"Thank you Xiangjiao Daxian!"

Xiao Yu'er thanked again with a sweet smile, and then turned to his master, the God of War, Zhong Shi, which means it's your turn.

"Oh ha ha! Look, this girl is going to be addicted to rituals. Didn't the teacher give you a day off just now, don't go play, or else after today is over, you will have to practice again!"

Time God of War Zhong Xing laughed loudly.

"Oh! Yes!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu'er suddenly floated up, his eyes lit up, and he pulled up Liu Qian, who was blushing, and was about to leave.

Liu Qian stared deeply at his father, Jing Tiansheng, for a long time, the father and son did not speak, but their eyes met, everything was kept silent.

Seeing his father nodding his head slightly, and seeing the master and the golden Buddha with fragrant feet, Liu led Xiao Yu'er and the nine Yuanying brothers who arrived later and left again.

For Xiao Yu'er, Liu Qian also likes it from the bottom of his heart, so when his father and the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha gave gifts just now, Liu Qian was also very happy in his heart.

Before, it was because he didn't get the approval of his master, father and other elders, so he just listened to Xiao Yu'er's words, and he didn't have much to say in response.

It's different now, since daddy has recognized Xiao Yu'er, Liu Chian is no longer shy, and takes Xiao Yu'er to play with his nine elder brothers, gradually becoming more natural...

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