Nine Heavens

Chapter 2112 Two Immortals Jingkong

"Jing Tian Sheng, it is indeed a wise move for you to go to Jing Tian to refine your soul this time.

However, I would like to remind you that the celestial master of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, the Nine-Faced Zhou Wu, has also penetrated into the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens. . "

After Liu Qian and the eleven young immortals left, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha returned to the topic of the three immortals and reminded Jing Tiansheng.

"Their actions are really fast! Thank you, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha, for reminding me, may I ask, among the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens, how many evil spirits from the ancient spirit era are there? Does the force exist?"

Jing Tiantian fell to the altar to salute, nodding his head in thanks.

"It's really hard to say, after the holy battle of the ancient spirit, regardless of life or death, most of the immortals and demons have perished.

As for the few who have survived to this day, or who were resurrected later. They are all mysterious existences, even me and the War God of Time have no way of knowing exactly where they exist and how to find them. "

The Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha clasped his hands together, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

"From the perspective of the seniors, the ancient spirit universe can be described as infinitely long. Why do they not show up, whether they are immortal gods of the living universe or evil spirits of the dead universe?"

Jing Tiantian originally thought that the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha, as an ancient spirit, would know something he wanted to know, but he was disappointed and asked a little bit unwillingly.

"This, I have thought about it many times. In my opinion, some of them must be the same as the old man. Because of exhaustion in the holy battle of the ancient spirit, they turned into mountains, seas, waterfalls and islands. They fought to the death. Now, because of the changes in life and universe, the spirits are moving. resurrected again.

These are some of them. As for the others, especially the forces of life and death that have not fallen in the ancient spirit jihad, they still exist but cannot be hidden. The most likely reason is that they are all waiting for an opportunity!

That is, Shengzhou restores the vibrant and fresh order of the ancient spirit era, or the undead universe is ready to go, waiting to gather all the evil forces in the living universe again, and wants to restore everything in the ancient spirit undead universe.

These two dark forces are infinitely powerful and hidden from each other, but they are carrying out a terrifying battle of wits and courage. When the time comes, they will suddenly appear!

I have a feeling in my heart that they are about to appear soon, but I don't know whether Shengzhou has the upper hand, or the forces of the Dark Three Universes are more evil and terrifying! "

The Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha paused for a while, took a few mouthfuls of fairy spirits, then looked up to the sky with huge golden eyes, and said.

"What the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha said, I, Zhong Zhan, also have this kind of feeling! I, Zhong Zhan, is an ancient god of war in the sky. For nearly ten thousand years, there is always a kind of ancient spirit jihad in my soul That kind of excitement, as if a new sky war is coming at any time!

As God of War, I believe in this feeling of excitement. This feeling, in the age of the ancient spirits, whenever various heavenly battles came, I would feel a surge in my heart.

This feeling has been unfamiliar to this God of War for countless years, including when Xu Xiao imprisoned me in the frozen sea and suffered countless torments, but I have never experienced it before, but in the past tens of thousands of years, this feeling suddenly reappeared. "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Sheng, was surrounded by bright red unicorns, and his eyes were blue and piercing. He was quite emotional, and said while touching his chest.

"After hearing the words of the two immortals, Jingtian already knew it. Time is precious, so Jingtian will go to Jingtian with the nine children. Jingtian hopes that when he sees the two seniors again, he will have a brighter future. Dawn!"

Jing Tiantian heard the words of the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha and the God of War Zhong Zhong, and suddenly felt that the time was very tight. He got up and saluted, thinking that the nine Nascent Souls were about to leave.

"The great cause of life is important, Jingtiansheng just go, Jingtiansheng don't worry about Qianer and Xiaoyuer, the two of us will definitely train them to become the powerful generals of your Langyuan Xianmen!

Qian'er, Xiao Yu'er, say goodbye to your father and brothers! "

Time God of War Zhong Sheng and Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha understood Jing Tiansheng's situation in their hearts, and they turned over the wine and talked happily, and they stopped being lingering. They watched Jing Tiansheng and the nine Yuanying ascended to the sky, and looked at Liu Qian and Xiaoyu who were staring at the sky behind them. son said.


There are thousands of words in Liu Qian's heart, he wants to ask his father himself, how is mother, is sister Xiao Luo happy, does mother miss herself...

However, before I can ask these questions, my father's avatar is about to embark on a journey, Liu Qian understands his father's difficulties in his heart, and believes that his father also has a lot of things he wants to say to him, but he can't come and leave in a hurry.

When Liu Qian stared at Jing Tiansheng, Jing Tiantian also looked back many times, almost all of his eyes were covering Liu Qian and Xiao Yu'er.

However, as they looked at each other, the distance continued to grow farther and farther away. In a blink of an eye, Jing Tiantian's father and nine brothers were already in the sky in tens of thousands of lights.

Liu Qian's throat choked for a while, and thousands of words turned into a cry of embarrassment.


With tears in his eyes, Xiao Yu'er also choked up with Liu Qian's cry, and cried out.

Her crying was not because of her reluctance to Jing Tiansheng, but because of the deep pain in Liu Qian's heart.

"Hehe, two children! Learn from your two mentors and respect your two masters. We father and son are helpless at this moment, but there is a bright tomorrow waiting for us!

You are all smart kids, I believe you will understand, let's go for now.

Xiao Yuer, Daddy likes to hear your happy laughter, can you watch us leave with a happy smile, Daddy hopes to see you happy! "

Jing Tiantian's heart was surging, his nose was sore, but he forced himself to laugh and shouted.

"Yes Daddy, woo woo... cluck..."

Xiao Yu'er heard the words, sweetly agreed, first cried a few times, then forced a smile on his face.

"Hehe...the Fragrant Feet Golden Buddha, the God of Time and War, take care!"

Jing Tiantian saw his son and future daughter-in-law Xiao Yuer forced a smile, which was a bit funny, and he was loving and reluctant, so he looked at it again and again.

Then, after saying goodbye to the God of War, Zhong Xing, and the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha, he turned around and stepped on the boat without looking back.

"The head of Langyuan is truly a blessing in life! Let me ask the ancient spirits so far, among all the gods in life, there is a ninety-nine eighty-one heavenly god, there has been a heavenly soul leapfrogged, and there is no clone of the heavens! Not a single one!

However, such a thing happened to the human beings created by Empress Nuwa! What an incredible thing, yet it just happened! The God of War of Time, Zhong Shi, is ashamed!

What makes this God of War even more admirable is that everything he has done and the pain he has endured are not for himself, he has been fighting for his entire life! All creatures including us are fighting for the survival of the universe! "

The God of War of Time, Zhong Sheng, as the God of War of the ancient spirit Ji Tian Temple, looked at Jing Tian Sheng who was gradually disappearing in the sky, clasped his wrists and saluted, and spoke generously.

"Anida Buddha! How wonderful! How wonderful!"

As the ancestor of all Buddha sources in the thirty-six realms of the broken world, the Fragrant Foot Golden Buddha has never spoken the Buddha's name to anyone, but at this moment, he clasped his golden hands and sang the Buddha's name.

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