Nine Heavens

Chapter 2113

Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

"Report! It's not good! Tianjun, the seven ghosts around the Tianfeng domain of the heavenly realm were suddenly attacked by the celestial gates of the lower realm at the same time. Now the entire frontier universe is in chaos, and all ghosts, ghosts, and commanders are asking for help!

The attack of Langyuan Xianmen is like lightning, unstoppable, please give an order immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! "

Just when Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, and the tens of thousands of demons in the blood demon heavenly palace were studying the issue of expanding the power of the blood demon heavenly palace, they suddenly heard a clamor outside the palace.

"Hmm! What!?"

Recently, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has been in a state of complacency. One is that the Nine-Faced Universe Witch exterminated the Alliance of the Four Emperors of Yunzhou and regained face for himself.

The second is that the blood demon heavenly palace is completed, and after the nine-faced cosmic witch and the nine-nine-eighty-one heavenly demons are completed, all the heavens will move together to completely end the life-and-death battle since the age of the ancient spirits.

And in these countless years of competition, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, absolutely believes that he is the ultimate winner at this moment.

One of the reasons why he has such confidence is that he rearranged the Heavenly Seal of the Gorefiend Universe, and set the Death Demon Egg he spawned as the Heavenly Seal Demon Lock!

The death devil egg contains infinitely frightening ancient spirit primordial dark magic energy. This kind of dark magic energy is so powerful that no righteous spirit can destroy it.

Whether it's Yunjun Supreme and evil Willow leading the waves, Time God of War Zhong Death, or Tianjun Wu Xiannan!

And this terrifying dark magic energy, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has already used the Blood Demon Divine Art to distribute it evenly in any corner of the entire Blood Demon universe through the seven heavenly sealing demon chains.

That is to say, the entire Yunzhou Heaven Realm is under the seal of the blood demon blood light and the dark magic energy of the death devil egg everywhere, and there is no weak area, and no one from the lower realm Langyuan Xianmen can break the seal no matter what. !

With such confidence, the Blood Demon Heavenly Lord has almost ignored the Immortal Realm Yun Zhou Lang Yuan Xianmen, and his mind is mainly on studying how to deal with the hidden ancient spirits and gods in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens. superior.

At this moment, he and the demons of the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace are studying such problems. Because, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch has received messages from the Nine-faced Cosmic Witch one after another, and she has gathered some ancient spirits and dark three-cosmic demons.

In such a near-perfect situation in the blood demon universe, the blood demon Tianjun suddenly heard that the seven ghost forces protected by the seven heavenly seals were suddenly attacked, and it was the action of the lower world wave and the fairy gate. How could he believe it? The blood was surging, and on the blood moon mask, the eyes flashed rainbows, which I haven't recalled for a long time.

"Seven ghosts are in a hurry! Ask for help!"

Because the blood demon Tianjun was in a daze, the ghost outside the palace was anxious and urged again!

"Impossible! How is this possible! That idiot Liu Qianlang has the ability to destroy my blood demon heavenly seal, even break through the seal and kill my demon army!"

Asking about the call for help from outside the palace, the Blood Demon Lord still didn't believe it. He swiped the Blood Demon Sword up and down, left and right on his body, and suddenly split the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace into two piercing cracks.

Passing through the sky crack, the blood demon Tianjun's icy eyes flew, and soon he saw the scene in the northwest of the seven ghosts.

I saw that for some reason, the blood demon heavenly seal had not been broken, but Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou led countless ghost dead warrior Gu, who was wantonly killing his own ghost heavenly army.

Then he chopped the sword in the other six regions of the ghost path, all of which were the same, except for the forces of Dongtai Yaotian, Xiyao Yunmi and Beimo Shaman who led the ghost dead warrior Gu Zhetian to kill him madly, there were also ancient The three-color Huowa, the Spirit Vulcan God, and others also slaughtered frantically inside the seal.

Seeing such a scene, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, was startled for a while, and instantly understood the reason.

"Overlapping Zhoujun Divine Art! Liu Qianlang, you have successfully cultivated the supernatural superimposed universe Dafa that is legendary in the era of the ancient spirit universe!

How is this possible? How many domineering demon gods existed in the age of the ancient spirit universe, and they didn't even find the Overlapping Zhou Lord, yet a humane idiot like you can successfully cultivate!

quick! Hurry up - the army of the blood demon Tiangong immediately marched to the various domains, ready to fight to the death with Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen! "

The blood demon Tianjun saw the army of Langyuan Xianmen from the lower realm coming from around the blood demon universe, like a non-stop tide, towards the central blood demon Tiangong, thinking that Langyuan Xianmen was attacking from all sides, and shouted in horror .


Mandian Blood Demon Heavenly Palace monsters dare not be negligent, they all responded, and then they all disappeared in thick smoke on the almost bombed-out Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

The next moment, the infinitely huge funnel-shaped military layout of the entire Gorefiend universe was already filled with ghosts, monsters, and all kinds of monsters from the forces of darkness in the three universes.

Because the Tianjun layout had already been formed, within a few hours, they were already roaring towards the Qichuguidao tribe area on the border around them.

However, after all, there is a long distance between the central Gorefiend Heavenly Palace and the Gorefiend Bianzhou. On the way to rescue the army from the nearby palace, the Gorefiend Tianjun from the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace outside him continued to watch the seven ghosts come out. was slaughtered.

Seeing that the forces of the Qichu Ghost Dao were almost wiped out, they kept urging in bursts of roars.

"Ha ha……"

"The four Emperor Yunzhou, compared to our previous losses, has the battle to eliminate the Blood Demon Tiangong been relieved?"

Just when the son of the blood demon Tianjun was so angry that he was half dead, under the blood demon universe suddenly appeared the huge fairy body of Yunjun supreme and evil willows leading the waves as towering as a mountain.

I saw him stepping on a huge traversing shuttle, with white hair flying wildly like the sea, silver waves around him, eyes like sun, holding overlapping fairy swords, looking up at the sky and laughing.

"Amitabha, good! Good!"

"My Buddha is merciful, the previous revenge has been avenged, so there should be peace of mind when hundreds of millions of cloud immortals are buried with countless ghosts and spirits! I am tired of killing today, can we continue in the future?"

The incorporeal body of Nanfolun Tuo Nanzhou Huang within the Heavenly Palace of the blood demon outside his body suddenly stopped the movement of swirling the emerald green Buddhist beads, and chanted the Buddha's name, saying.

"Well, that's good. If you want to destroy such a weak Gorefiend Heavenly Palace, you can do it at any time. Today, we have spread the word among our doors that a feast has already been set up for celebration.

That's all for today. Senior Lao Nanfo ordered the slaughter of the blood demon Tiangong Qichulangyuan Xianjun to immediately withdraw their troops and return to the camp. Let's be happy for the time being!

Jun Yun was supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang looked happy, happily agreed, and then ordered the troops to withdraw.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

Just listen to the laughter around the Bianzhou of the Gorefiend Universe, one after another, just when a large number of demon troops from the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace flooded into Bianzhou, the forces of Yunzhou Waveyuan Xianmen suddenly all disappeared, leaving behind All I had was the echo of mocking laughter.

"Liu Qianlang! You idiot, you have the guts, don't run away!"

In the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, saw that under the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, Lord Yun was supreme and evil Liu Qianlang with white hair fluttering around. With an order, he flew in front of him, and countless fairy shadows fluttered in front of him. In the end, the troops withdrew, and couldn't help becoming even more furious, screaming and cursing.

"Hehe, come and attack my Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen if you have the ability, we are waiting for you."

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang was, Jun Yun didn't turn his head back, and replied with the slightest bit of disdain, and continued on.

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