Nine Heavens

Chapter 2115 Nuwa Flying to the Sky

"Lian'er! Are you still my mother's Lian'er?"

Among the countless people who are destined for the fairy gate, Emperor Shuangtian, surrounded by Shui'er, Miaoyan, Yun Qianmeng and other sisters, floated to the side of her husband Yunjun Supreme Zaixie Liu Qianlang, shaking his head with tears in his eyes, watching looked at her husband, then sent her eyes to the sky, looking at her once little Lian'er, and asked with a sob.

"Mother! Empress Nuwa will always be the humane daughter of mother and father.

Now that you have all stepped into the Immortal Dao of Life, you are Lian Er's immortal father and mother.

For several epochs, Nuwa was reincarnated with her father, and her immortal body was reborn, and she was cared for by her parents and Lang Yuan's family. Such a kindness surpassed that of immortals and gods.

Whether it's Lian'er or Nuwa, they will never forget their parents and everyone.

However, the order of the immortals and gods in the nine directions of the universe, the nine nines and the eighty-one layers, is chaotic, the demons are rampant, and the forces of darkness and demons are disturbing the world. I need my daughter to return to the heavens to do something, so I have to say goodbye to my parents and all relatives of Langyuan Xianmen for the time being. friends! "

Empress Nuwa's face was full of smiles, but her eyes were full of tears. Her figure continued to soar up with the nine-color lotus, and she answered the questions of Human Dao Niang with an infinitely tender voice.

"Respectfully send Empress Nuwa back to heaven in her immortal body!"

No matter how evil the willows are, Lord Yun leads the waves, staring at Empress Nuwa, recalling in his mind the scene of Tianlinghe gifting the soul, and everything about the reunion between himself and Lianer later, and it is difficult to hold back tears.

Choking up and shouting loudly, he was about to kneel down and give a big gift to the Nuwa Empress.

"Don't be like this. Immortals and gods are originally good and virtuous, and they are gifted to thousands of worlds and thousands of Taos for love. They are each other in peace of mind, and there is no need for such a great gift of humanity to kneel down.

Besides, in terms of human nature, Lian'er is a daughter, and parents are elders, so there is no reason for parents to kneel down to their daughters. No matter how romantic the family is, Lian'er is not the youngest, she is almost the same, so how can all the elders kneel down to the younger generation!

From now on, any gods and gods will stand upright when they see the gods, and gestures are fine. As far as I, Nuwa, relatives of Langyuan Xianmen are not good at salutes, just talk casually.

Although Lian'er had to leave the fairy gate, Lian'er will never forget that she is a member of the fairy gate. If everyone treats Lian'er with respect and respect, it seems too unfamiliar, and hope that parents and all relatives and friends will fulfill Lian'er's extravagant wish. "

Lian'er gradually drifted away, looking down at her father Liu Qianlang and mother Shuangtian the Great, who she had sent off from the Langyuan Xianmen, she shed tears, her eyes were so pitiful.

"Sister Lian'er, no! Empress Nuwa, if we miss you, where can we find you to visit you?"

"Are you coming back?"

"Sister Lian'er, Liusha is reluctant to let you go!"


Tianling, Xiaoying, Danrou, Liusha, Die'er, Lan Dieer and Xiaoluo, flying high, waved to Empress Nuwa, all choked up and whispered.

"Sisters, we will meet soon, and everyone will meet soon. Lian'er regains the memories of the heavens, and Lian'er becomes Nuwa, but one thing remains the same whether it is Lian'er or Nuwa.

That is the avenue of life and good destiny that we all pursue together. When we realize the order of harmony and immortality in the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens, that is the time for us to enjoy the ninety-nine eighty-one heavens.

At that time, everyone could do whatever they wanted to see. Such a day is no longer far away. We have made it to where we are today, when the gods enter the human realm, and then ascend to the heavens to kill demons, and we have already succeeded more than half.

We have worked hard on this road, but we finally started to get what we expected.

Nuwa, there were two reasons for creating humanity back then. One was that she couldn’t bear to see the evil spirits poisoned by the heavens of nine directions and ninety-nine eighty-one heavens in the living universe, and the other was that she didn’t want to see the heavens of ninety-nine eighty-one heavens flourishing in Yaotian. , unexpectedly Xiao Suo is indifferent and ruthless!

These two reasons, among them humane love, our Langyuan Xianmen have already obtained good results, elders and children have kindness, brotherhood, and Taoist friends work together, and the whole sect ascends together.

And the second reason is that we are on the road to welcome the fruit of good fate, so let’s put aside our lingering complexes, be patient for a while, and continue to work hard, okay? "

"Well, Sister Lian'er is right. Sisters respectfully send their sisters off. If you are lonely for nine days, think of us, parents, uncles, aunts and the whole family!"

Tianling and other sisters nodded deeply after hearing what Empress Nuwa said, and they all raised their wrists in salute and said with tears.

Lian'er has been drifting farther and farther away, and finally her eyes fell on her father Liu Qianlang and mother Shuangtian Emperor, and said in a trembling voice:

"Nuwa received the gift of immortality from her parents and enjoyed the joy of humanity. She was full of happiness. Nuwa had nothing to repay, but she gave a seed of the nine-color lotus, which contained all the memories of Nuwa's human joy. .

After the empress is taken down, she should conceive a lotus fetus again and be born as a lotus girl. She can be called Lian'er again, and she will accompany Nuwa forever to fulfill her filial piety. "

After finishing speaking, Empress Nuwa glanced at the Nine-Colored Divine Rainbow in her palm, and a corner of the Nine-Colored Divine Rainbow suddenly disappeared.

The remaining part first turned into a fairy butterfly, flying around the fairy body of Empress Nuwa for three weeks, and then turned into a shining bird with dazzling nine colors, squatting on Empress Nuwa's shoulder, staring at Empress Nuwa for a long time.

Then the nine-color flashing bird suddenly turned its head, looked down at Jun Yun, Xie Liu Qianlang and Emperor Shuangtian, and flew down suddenly, with a crisp and sweet voice, just like the voice of Lian'er in the past, and shouted:

"Daddy! Mom—"

Not long after, the nine-colored rainbow bird jumped and landed on the palm of Emperor Shuangtian, and couldn't help shouting in shock.

"Hey! My Lian'er!"

Emperor Shuangtian listened to this tear-jerking cry for a long time, and he also agreed one by one.

After a thousand calls and ten thousand responses, the little bird of the Nine Colors Divine Rainbow shrank quietly and turned into a lotus seed of the Nine Colors Divine Lotus, lying quietly in the palm of Emperor Shuangtian.


"Hee hee! Mom——"

The sweet and crisp cry still echoed over the entire Langyuan Xianmen Yungong.

"Mother, eat it, your Lian'er will be born soon, this Lian'er will no longer be as mischievous as Nuwa and stay away from you all day, making you worry all the time!"

Nuwa Empress was surrounded by rosy clouds, flocks of birds flocked together, the celestial light and rainbow flashed, and had already begun to sink into the sky, Wen Sheng said to the human fairy goddess Shuangtian Great.

"Hey! Mother listens to you."

Emperor Shuangtian's heart was swept away, he was also happy and reluctant, he shook his head and nodded with tears in his eyes, looked at the nine-color lotus seeds in his palm, and then gently put them into his mouth.

"Hee hee! Mother's stomach is so warm, hee hee..."

Just as the lotus seeds of the Nine Colors God entered his stomach, Emperor Shuangtian felt his lower abdomen bulge suddenly, and then he heard the voice of the old lotus screaming.


Emperor Shuangtian was pleasantly surprised, and looked sideways at her husband Liu Qianlang beside him.

"I still haven't thanked Empress Nuwa!"

No matter how evil Liu Qianlang is, Yunjun is still grateful, and he kept all the words in his heart, and then looked at his beloved wife, Emperor Shuangtian, and smiled.

"Okay, good! Thank you, Empress Nuwa, for giving me the son!"

Emperor Shuangtian finally expressed his feelings after a lot of lingering, looked at Zeng Nu in the sky, and said with relief.

"Respectfully send Empress Nuwa ascend to heaven!"

"Congratulations to Empress Nuwa!"


Yunjun Supreme and Xie Liu Qianlang shouted again, and the entire Langyuan Xianmen responded in unison.

"Humanity and love have infinite tears, and the heart of love is eternal. There are many regrets in life, all because of ignorance of the true meaning of love!"

"Father, mother, everyone take care, Lian'er has left everyone for now!"

When the figure of Empress Nuwa finally disappeared into the clouds and mist of the sky, her face was already full of tears, but she still kept her face sitting upright and full of smiles.

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