Nine Heavens

Chapter 2116 The Demon Monarch Questions

Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, was furious and furious for many days because the forces of the seven ghosts were wiped out by the Langyuan Xianmen raid.

However, after calming down, the blood demon Tianjun allocated half of the forces in the dark universe, and immediately re-strengthened the defense of the Seven Out Ghost Dao area.

At this moment, the blood demon Tianjun sat high on the Tianjun Demon Seat, looking sideways at the seven hideous His Royal Highnesses, who were guarding the Heavenly King with seven chains of heavenly seals and demons covered in black smoke for a long, long time.

On the blood moon mask of the Blood Demon Lord, two blood-red rainbows shot out, cold and sinister, scanning left and right to the seven heaven-sealed demon chains to protect the heavenly king.

"Tell me! Ten days ago, how did those ghost dead warriors from Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen easily enter the Heaven Seal? What were you doing at that time?"

After glancing back and forth for an unknown number of times, the Blood Demon Tianjun asked coldly.

"Reporting to Tianjun, there was nothing wrong with the Seven Heavens Sealing Demon Chain at that time, and we have been firmly guarding the Seven Heavens Sealing Chain.

Our seven heavenly guardian kings can guarantee with their lives. From the beginning to the end of the heavenly battle, the seven heavenly seals and demon chains are no different, and the seven heavenly cracks have never been leaked by the sky!

However, when we saw outside the Tianfeng Territory, countless ghost death Gu appeared suddenly! Then I saw them fighting with Zhou's army on the side of Qichu Ghost Dao Tiangong.

Our seven heavenly kings who protect the chains of the heavenly demon chains have the intention to go out of the heavenly domain to help, but without the order of the heavenly king, we dare not act without authorization. Therefore, after the start of the Heavenly War, the Seven Heavenly Sealing Demon Chains will be guarded even more closely!

If there is any mistake in Tianfeng during the battle, Tianjun can send eight supervisors from all directions to investigate in detail. If there is the slightest mistake, the guardian king and six brothers are willing to accept the crime and die! "

His Highness's seven heaven-sealed demon chain guardian kings all had calm expressions, facing the cold eyes of the blood demon heavenly monarch, showing no fear.

Hearing the question from the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch, Mi Tianlei Guardian Heavenly King took a step forward and said bluntly.

"Hmph! On the way you guys came, the sixteen ghosts and ghosts are already going to the center of the seven heavenly demon chains.

If nothing happens, I won't blame you. However, if you neglect your duties and cause Yun Zhou Lang Yuan to rebel against the Immortal Sect and suddenly break into the Tian Feng and make trouble, I will immediately kill you stupidly! "

Son of Death, the Blood Demon Lord, has been thinking in his heart that even if Liu Qianlang, the hateful leader of Langyuan, has the ability to overlap Zhoujun's supernatural power, other members of Langyuan Xianmen can't.

How did the four Yun Zhou Emperors, the three-color fire baby, the three gods of the ancient spirit, and those ghost dead warrior Gu suddenly appear in the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace?

Looking at the entire Gorefiend Universe, if we talk about the weak points of the Heaven Seal, there are only seven cracks in the sky.

Therefore, after deliberation and deliberation, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch finally decided that it must be the Seven Heavens Sealing Demon Chain Guardian Heavenly King who had neglected his duties and allowed the lower realm Yunzhou Langyuan Xianmen to take advantage of the loophole.

So, with an order, the Guardian Heavenly King of the Seven Heavens Sealing Demon Chains was summoned into the palace to question him in court.

"Tianjun Shengming, I will wait for the heavenly block chain to protect the heavenly king and wait for the heavenly king to decide, without any objection!"

The seven Guardian Heavenly Kings of Heaven Sealing Demon Chains glanced at each other left and right, and nodded slightly to each other.


The Blood Demon Heavenly Lord, Lord Death, snorted coldly, and did not speak to the seven Heavenly Sealing Demon Chain Guardian Heavenly Kings.

With cold eyes, he glanced at His Highness's left and right demon ministers, and then looked at a thin and earthy demon god sitting in the left seat of the hall and asked:

"Xianquan Demon God, immediately observe the sixteen ghosts and ghosts to see if they have returned!"


Hearing the words, the Xuliang Demon God, on the khaki face, the khaki eyes murmured and turned wildly. When he raised his right hand, a khaki magic bowl suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and he responded.

Seeing him muttering for a while, he looked at the earth-yellow measuring bowl in his palm for a while, and replied:

"The eight ghosts and monsters from all directions have returned to the palace and will enter the palace soon. Please ask Tianjun to inquire about the situation in person."


The blood demon Tianjun replied coldly. When he spoke, his blood red eyes were full of sullen anger, and he looked at the seven heavenly sealing demon chains guarding the heavenly king.

"The Eastern scouting demon god, Qi Mei, sees Tianjun!"

"Western detective demon sprites see Tianjun!"


Not long after Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the blood demon king, stopped speaking, His Highness suddenly burst out sixteen thick and evil smokes of various colors, and then eight monsters with two heads and multiple arms rose up in the smoke.

The eight double-headed monsters shouted one after another with thunderous voices.

"Hmm! My Lord suddenly dispatched eight of you scout demon gods from all directions to go to the Heavenly Sealing Realm to investigate. Have you ever found any changes in the seven Heavenly Sealing Demon Chains?"

Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord, cut to the chase and asked about the result directly.

"Reporting to Tianjun, we, the detective demon gods, naturally know that Tianjun suspects that the Heavenly War ten days ago may be related to the seven heavenly fissures guarded by the seven heavenly sealing demon chains, so we sent us to investigate.

However, I checked several times with Xiangxiang, but I didn't find any traces of skylight leakage. That is to say, before and after the battle ten days ago, the chains of the seven heavenly sealing demons were always intact, without any change. "

Among the eight detective monsters, the Eastern Demon Detective Demon God located in the middle had two heads and two mouths, looking at each other with four eyes, and replied.

"Hiss? How could this happen? Could it be that Liu Qianlang, that idiot, has reached the point where he has completely controlled the universe with his magical skills! It shouldn't be, how is it possible!"

Hearing the unanimous answers from the eight ghosts and monsters from all directions, the Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch concentrated on his thoughts and said to himself.

"Thank you for the discerning eyes of the investigative demon gods. Our seven brothers are really worried that something happened to the Seven Heavens Sealing Demon Chain, and let those hateful Yunzhou rebellious immortals take the opportunity to steal into our Blood Demon Universe, pretending to be wrong!"

The four heavenly kings who guarded the chains of the heavenly seal and demon chains immediately showed expressions of gratitude when they heard the words of the eight scouting demon gods from all directions, and thanked them in the hall.

"No need! We, the eight ghosts and monsters in all directions, are just loyal to their duties, and tell the truth! You firmly guard the seven heavenly fissures and ensure that there is no flaw in the heavenly domain. We should thank you on behalf of the heavenly king!"

Dongfang Detective Demon God, sneered, and said ungratefully.

"This, that?"

Mi Tianlie's Guardian Heavenly King was kind enough to thank him, but he didn't want the other party to be so cold, so he couldn't help but stare dryly, squeaked, and couldn't say anything more.

"You all retreat, go back to each domain, strengthen your guard, and make no mistakes!"

Facts are better than guesses. Although the son of the blood demon Tianjun Shi Shi has doubts, he can no longer protect the heavenly king for the seven heaven-sealed demon chains, so he has no choice but to say.


The eight ghosts and monsters from all directions agreed first, turned into thick smoke, and then went first.

Then, the seven Guardian Heavenly Kings of Heaven Sealing Demon Chains all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looked around at each other intentionally or unintentionally, and quickly turned into divine light, and left the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace.

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