Nine Heavens

Chapter 2117 Good words


"It's not good, Tianjun! There is a god's eye ascending to the sky above Yunzhou Langyuan, and the god's fairy flower melted into the sky and went straight to the Jitian Palace!"

The Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch had just dispatched the eight scout demon gods and the seven Heavenly Sealed Demon Chain Guardian Heavenly Kings, before he could concentrate on contemplating, he suddenly heard the terrified screams of the messengers outside the palace.

Immediately, the Gorefiend Heavenly Monarch, the ghosts and monsters in the palace, and the tens of thousands of evil spirits and monsters from the Three Universes of Darkness saw that the entire dark and gloomy Gorefiend Heavenly Palace was suddenly transformed into a layer of gorgeous gods.

The dark and bloody palace walls suddenly became crystal clear, and everything outside the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace could be seen from inside the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace.

"Xiansheng breaks the universe!"

The group of demons in the entire Gorefiend Heavenly Palace saw the sky above the Gorefiend Heavenly Palace, and ran up a goddess sitting on the death of the Nine-color God Lotus, including the Blood Demon Tianjun, stood up in amazement, extremely moved, and screamed out Voice.

In the general world, people who are transformed into immortals will be attacked by the demon sky when they ascend. According to the strength of the person who ascends, they can be roughly divided into four types of ascension: Heavenly Tribulation, Repeated Heavenly Tribulation, Breaking Heavenly Tribulation, and Breaking Eternal Ascension.

The so-called extermination of the heavenly tribulation refers to the fact that the immortals in the Ascending Immortal Realm are not strong enough, and as soon as they ascended, they were wiped out by the heavenly demonic wind, thunder and lightning.

Repeated Heavenly Tribulation means that the person who crosses the Devil Tribulation is powerful, and although he fails to ascend through the Tribulation after many times, he becomes stronger the more he survives, and he will definitely survive it in the end.

The person who breaks the catastrophe refers to the person who has ascended through the catastrophe. His power is so powerful that he can overcome all the catastrophes in the upper realm.

In the process of transcending tribulation and ascension, the most frightening person is the person who breaks the universe. Such a person who ascends from the lower realm, sees all the heavens in the upper realm as nothingness, and the infinitely powerful Ascension God's aura is enough to break the sky and melt the seal. , turning thousands of calamities into nothingness, freely ascending into the sky, freely passing through the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens and the thirty-six heavens of each heaven.

This form of ascension celestial phenomena that transcends the catastrophe and ascends is called the "immortal ascending to break through the universe" astronomical phenomenon in the dark demon world, and it is a sign of great ominousness in the dark demon universe.

By the way, there is no such thing as a heavenly catastrophe at the beginning of the universe, when there was no pollution from the evil spirits of the dark three universes, and the low immortals, small gods or human beings from the lower realms ascended.

The reason why the catastrophe happened was that after the evil spirits of the dark three universes polluted the righteous spirits of the universe, the thoughts of impure righteous spirits existed in the immortal gods of the universe, and then the heavens suppressed the lower realms. The matter of ascension creates a catastrophe.

At the beginning of the universe, in the pure and benevolent universe of nine directions and ninety-nine eighty-one heavens, the gods and gods of the upper heavens tried their best to encourage the gods and gods of the lower realm to ascend to the heavens. , or help people from the lower realms ascend with a little bit of humanity.

As for later, the increasingly cruel suppression of the Heavenly Tribulation in the upper realm was the result of the evil forces of the dark three universes becoming stronger and stronger in the universe.

Their purpose of doing this is not to let too many good and powerful forces appear in the universe, so as not to threaten their ever-growing foundation in the universe.

So they tried their best to confuse the righteous gods in place, or personally sat on the position of the righteous gods and set up many heavens, which would be a catastrophe.

Not only that, they also vigorously create and support the three forces of ghosts, demons and demons that contain certain dark and evil energy, scourge the lower realms, and make the lower realms living, common people, and all spirits under their control and slavery at all times.

This situation did not begin to break until the appearance of the Human Dao Wave Fate Immortal Gate created by Empress Nuwa.

The book follows the preface.

The Blood Demon Heavenly Monarch looked up for a long time at the steady rise above the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace, the gorgeous sea of ​​clouds, the Goddess surrounded by countless auspicious clouds and auspicious birds, and gradually knew who the other party was.

"She really is Empress Nuwa!"

The Blood Demon Lord was talking to himself, with various ominous premonitions floating in his heart.

Although the other party has returned to the heavenly appearance, how could Ouyang Langlong, the dead son of the Blood Demon Lord, not recognize him? Therefore, the phantom images of the six most terrifying gods in the universe left by his ancestors, among them, she is the first Empress Nuwa.

She is too scary!

It's not because of how powerful her immortal skills are, nor is it because of how overbearing she is in creating divine skills. What makes her so powerful is that no amount of demonic power can destroy her great virtues, the righteous rainbow sky that devours everything.

She never casts any fairy magic, but wherever she goes, there is no evil spirit that does not die immediately. No matter where she appears, it is infinitely warm, beautiful, full of light and hope.

However, these are all terrifying signs that the evil forces of the Dark Three Universes least want to see.

The appearance of the cosmic phenomenon of "immortal ascends and breaks the universe" and Empress Nuwa's return to the heavenly realm caused unprecedented panic in the blood demon Tianjun's heart.

Empress Nuwa sits cross-legged in a dignified celestial posture, with her left hand pinching the celestial formula on her left knee, and her right hand holding a nine-color rainbow in front of her chest.

The nine-color rainbow, red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold and silver, dances in nine colors, against her calm and smiling face, mysterious and majestic.

Countless demons inside and outside the Blood Demon Heavenly Palace looked up at Empress Nuwa, and Empress Nuwa naturally saw them too.

"Heavenly Lord Blood Demon, don't struggle any longer. The three universes of lacquer energy, emptiness, and death and darkness ignore the dawn of the evolution of the universe, and stick to the cold and lifeless past.

Not only did it ruin the opportunity for countless primordial demon gods in the dark three universes to evolve into the primordial gods of the universe, cover up the resistance, and kill the immortal gods of the universe, but also brought endless disasters to the universe!

All of this should be over with you, don't let the evil spirit continue to occupy your essence core, let go of the evil obsession, turn around, and you and your blood demon forces will wash away the evil spirits and become a fairy god of eternal happiness !

Don't want a fairyland world with infinite light, why reject the great and vigorous evolution of the universe and curl up in the dirty dark world!

You are the head of the evil god emperor of the dark three universes, as long as you abandon the darkness and turn to the light, all the remaining evil forces of the ancient spirits in the ninety-nine and eighty-one heavens will naturally gradually eliminate the evil spirits.

Nuwa gained the grace of humanity, the waves of fate, and then returned to the sky as a fairy body, recasting the ninety-nine and eighty-one heaven-reaching rainbow mountain, and releasing the spirit of the nine-colored lotus and rainbow. On the day Nuwa succeeds, the entire universe It is also the time when all evil spirits are devoured.

At that time, even if you don't repent, you will die naturally.

That kind of demise is different from knowing that you have repented and your future is bright. If you know that you have repented, you will also have the opportunity to become decent gods and enjoy the admiration of later generations.

But if you die stubbornly to the end, you will completely lose your spiritual life, and turn into infinite bald mountains and poor rocks in the universe, and become ugly existences that are disgusted by immortals, gods and humans.

In the end, the status in Shengzhou will always be positive and negative, beautiful opposite, noble opposite...

Nuwa Feitian passed by here, consoling by the way, I hope the blood demon Tianjun will think about it, one thought will become a demon, one thought will transform into a fairy, one thought will be death, and one thought will live forever! "

Empress Nuwa looked calm, smiled calmly, said these words, and continued to soar to the sky.

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